
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 4

Life as a CEO isn't easy but its a cross which I have to bear. I've been expecting my new secretary but I'm tired of looking at files all day so I turned my chair to face the huge window, looking at the city and lost in thought. I heard a knock on the door and said "Come in". As I turned back, I saw the same girl from the mall trying to think of what she might be doing I'm my office but a sense of realization hit me. She's my secretary, I didn't read her file and I felt so silly for not doing so. I covered it up and acted like I didn't know her, the look on her face is hilarious because she's looking so shocked, confused, she looks like she got hit by a bus.

" Come in and have your sit"

"Good morning sir" The bold wordy woman at the mall was gone. All I can see is a gentle souled lady. So nice to see how she can come down from her high place. She's the only one that has ever had the audacity to insult me

"Morning. Your name?"

" um..m-my n-name...my name is Athalia S-suarez" she said gulping visibly.

"Your job is to answer calls, taking messages, maintaining diaries and arranging appointments, typing, preparing and collating reports. Is that clear? No slacking or you get fired immediately and please strictly NO office relationship" I don't know why I said the thing about relationship but it came out of my mouth before I realised.

"No problem sir I'll do my job efficiently" she said with a lot of confidence.

" Good. You can leave now " As she stood up getting to the door I said "And please tame your mouth before you get into trouble" She stood there shocked and looked at me with apologetic eyes. She walked out immediately and I shook my head.

I continued my work until 1:30pm when I heard a knock on my door.

"come in"I said without lifting my head to see who it is

"Good day sir, You have a meeting with XXV in thirty minutes. These are the meeting content. The meeting room is ready". she said handing me the papers for the meeting. She walked out of my office.

I started thinking of her nicely developed curves. The way she catwalks, her straight long beautiful legs. Immediately I shook my head to get the thought out of my head, I want nothing to do with women

Thirty minutes later I went into the meeting room. Seeing the officials of XXV and their over all boss. I'll have to give it to Athalia, she did well in the arrangement of both water and refreshment. As I entered the room, they all stood up in acknowledgement, as I sat down, they did same. Immediately, Athalia entered and all eyes were on her as she walked around the table, then I noticed the perverted gaze of the CEO of XXV, undressing her with his eyes. I didn't even realize I was driving holes in his head with my eyes at that moment, I don't know what came over me

" Please refrain from giving my secretary provocative looks" I said to him in a cold voice.

"What can I do when you have a sexy ass chick beside you"

" I can see you lack business ethics so this meeting is over. Leave my building " I don't know what this girl did to me but ever since I saw her I've been having these weird feelings which I can't explain.

"Oh I'm sorry sir. Shall we start the meeting?"

" It better not extend to provocative words or actions ". We started discussing. and of course I had to make adjustments to the contract to benefit both our businesses especially mine, I don't like losses besides he needs me more than I need him.

I noticed how she was very attentive and took down reports. She looks beautiful, shaking my head again to get the thought of her out of my head. We finalized the deal and eventually stood to leave. It wasn't even up to a second that I noticed that man talking to Athalia. I gave him an intense glare and ordered Athalia to meet me in my office.

She knocked and waited till I answered. As she came in I gave her a stern look saying "I don't want to see that again in my office. You must never have any conversation to anyone apart from business with anyone. Understood, Miss Suarez?

" I'm sorry, did I hear wrong? Did you just say I should only talk about business? I have the right to live my life how I want which includes Who and how I talk with anyone"

"Don't test my patience, I'm only allowing you talk like this because you're new to the here. The next time you try this with me you won't like what will happen. Now hand me the report for the meeting". She looked like she swallowed a toad whilst giving me the me the report. As she turned to walk out the door, I said " Did I ask you to leave? "


Sorry the chapter is short I'll compensate for it in the next chapter. I will not be able to update till Tuesday. I have a big day ahead

Thank you for understanding. XOXO 💖💖💖