
My Immortal Soul Is Yours

what is the Worth of immortality when you're the only one who has it

Demenssion_8888 · แฟนตาซี
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7 Chs

The Brand New Separation

Hello once again I'm sorry for the late introduction I was kinda busy with a herd of man-killing Baffalos, don't ask why. My name is Hakkoz and am not new to you, unless you haven't heard my story, if you haven't stop reading right 🤭 now and go look for the first one. Okay long story short...a goddess gave me her power and I used it to banish another evil god... all that power kinda killed me because I used it all up, but I was saved by becoming immortal, how you ask?, I got the evil god whom I burnished's power through a song and here I am, totally not confusing 😁.

I'm late for another ceremony, again ...even though I'm the bridge between man and Spirit am still treated like a Nineteen years old I might look young, but it's not my fault I don't edge physically.

The second I arrived, the sight was unpleasing. The ceremony was over and everything and everyone was gone, I walked to my hat and I noticed that the dour way was painted with different colours.

l pulled out my battle axe, before storming in...to only be jumped by my beautiful wife Pethaihah who was dressed in a Royal Rob the king was supposed to be wearing and the King's necklace.

"Love guess what...am the new King!, isn't it awesome",she said with a big smile on her face. She rushed to hugged me and I was still starstruck at the news.

"Wow, I can't believe it am speechless that's....your the king?... wait so what is Zaire then ?","His... well the general of the most powerful army in all of Africa, it was too much for him to handle, so king Levulu crowned me king am just so happy....they let a foreigner be there king or queen" Pethaihah said, I look into her eyes and I could see the joy shine like a star, I placed my palm onto her check, before she kissed my wrist.

My sweet little daughter Daliah rushed into the room and straight to my arms. "Daddy your back, how was your adventure, tell me all about it... please! Daddy please!", she said in her sweet little voice. My family was perfect and I didn't know if it could get any better.

The next morning was full of energy and ambition, Daliah rushed to the jungle, even though she wasn't supposed to be there, she was just like her father extremely hard headed. She dashed through the jungle and found her self on the banks of the river Nile. Daliah rushed along the banks, laughing like the little adventurer she was...while she ran, something twinkling in the sand caught her attention.

She picked it up and it was a transparent rock the size of a tennis ball, it shimmered and shinned with rainbow colors once exposed to sunlight. Soon after there was a loud noise that came from a cave not too far from where she was.

Her adventurous spirit pushed her to venture forward, she wondered the cave until she found her self in the presence of a large white body, it was about the size of a fully grown elephant. It breathed heavily as though it was sleeping. Amaized by the creator Daliah tried to get closer, suddenly it senced her presence and it unfolded it's two large wings, a long tail and a long neck attached to a lizard like head.

It's bright orange monstrous eyes look directly into her soul, it spraid out a cloud of smoke from it's nostrils. The cave was slowly filling up with smoke, she covered her mouth and nose, before she pulled out the rock. All of a sudden the dragon looked at the rock and then snatched it from her palm with it's tough, before flying her out of the cave... Daliah dropped to the ground and bumped here head.

She got up to the site of the dragon, but instead of trying to eat her it looked like it was smiling.

I got up and saw Pethaihah standing by the window, I held her by the shoulders, before rapping my arm around her neck " what are you thinking about my dear", I said .... then there was a loud noise that echoed through the land.

We ran out of the hat to the center of the village and wall of the cave was being digested by a long, huge machine that was equipt with twelve large metallic drills.

Zaire then ordered the troops to "protect the XIKI with your lives, TAMBALA !". The warriors rushed with there shields and spears, but then large gates at the bottom of the vehicle opened sending out giant lizards with large metallic saddles on there backs that had large machine guns. The beasts dag in and out of the land, the warriors didn't stand a chance.

I had to do something.

I held my axe tight with both of my arms and I called upon the spirit of Leena. Then a sloth of pink fae appeared flouting in mid air " Yoooooohhh...Haaakkoz..is that ..yoooou...am sooo..lazy right nowww... what do you... neeeed","Leena I need you to do something for me. Open a gate way to Limbo I need all the help I can get","arre.... yoooou...sure abo..ut that I mean..... I can't open portals, only Baddzo can ",she said as she laid in mid as though on a harmik.

All of a sudden portals started to open up and Brownian my ostrich sized eagle rushed out of the portal that opened above us, other spiritual animals rushed out to join the fight. I hoped onto his back and span my axe, that produced high volts of lightning, with which I used to take out one giant lizard. Even with these numbers were still out numbered, the machine then began to distroie the land and a voice echoed from it saying" find the spark of life leave no ground unearthed!".

It looked like the village was going to be reduced to rubble, then there was an even louder noise that came from the opposite direction of the cave.

The site of it sent a chill down my spine, it was Daliah on the neck of a giant white dragon. It shot out balls of fire at the lizards, quickly distroed the vehicle by firing multiple blasts at it and it killed the lizards with ease, simply because it had the ability to fly.

They retreated and XIKI rejoiced, but they didn't trust the dragon and neither did l.

"A dragon really Pethaihah, she's scared the enter village, she's a five year old girl she's not supposed to be ridding fire breathing lizards","wait, let me get one thing straight, it's not ok for your daughter to be with a giant white dragon, but it was ok for you to become immortal at the same age, for goodness sake you ride on a giant eagle. Don't you think she's, I don't know getting it from somewhere?", Pethaihah said as she rapped her arms around my neck and made an agreeable point"Just talk to her, but not like a hero, like a father","Why are you like this love ..... fine I'll be a father... you win","Ohh I already knew that 😊?",she said, before kissing me.

Daliah was sited quietly by the door with her arms crossed. "Daliah, Daliah, Daliah.... what am I going to do with you?... first and foremost you've found a giant mystical flying lizard and you've also scared the enter village into the woods... but you saved everyone by being your self and that's why am so proud of you","thanks Daddy I thought you'd never let me keep him"," wait I didn't saw you should.....",I nearly crushed her joy, before she looked at me with the glaze of a thousand Stars.

"Fine you can keep it","okay, but his name is Gallu","wait....so your giving a dragon a dog's name.... that is so random", I said before the giant reptile licked my head.

Later that evening, Pethaihah and I had a little talk "I wonder what the spark of life is and why the wands would go through all that....","Hey... how did you manage to open so many portals I thought you weren't able to do that anymore","well Tessa and I had to go back to the drawing board, plus he hates my guts..... wait wats up, you look blue","ahh it's nothing it's just, for the first time in ten years I kinda miss my parents... Hakkoz promise me something.....","what is it..", "promise me you will never take Daliah to Moses... please", Pethaihah said before she looked deep in my eyes and kissed me.