

"You know you can't keep rejecting her forever,right" says the guy with the blond hair.

"Yes I know that but I can't just put my music career at stake.I've waited for 6 damn years to become this big and I won't let a girl who claims to be my mate to come and ruin it for me" says the male lead whiles throwing a glare at the blond guy.

"B-But she's your soulmate bro, you can't keep rejecting her forever. Your life matters ,you know if you don't accept her your wolf will go insane,right. You can even die as a result. So stop whining and just accept her already"

"I cannot just do that,

what will we tell our company and most importantly our fans, you know army's won't like this"

"Okay let's just tell the rest of the members, then the company and we finally tell our fans ok"says the blond guy while hugging the male lead and patting his back.

"Everything will be alright we will get through this ok".


"Brianna, I don't think he will accept me as his mate and am kinda scared about it" says the female lead with brown hair that is long enough to get to her waist.

"Calm down Kylie don't overthink I think he will ,he just needs time to accept the fact that you are his mate. Just-Just calm down ok" says Brianna.

Ummm...hello guys this is my first story on this app . I hope you’ll like it and continue to support this book. Please give it lots of love. Thank you.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Park_Ashleycreators' thoughts