
My Identity is Getting More and More Preverted

"Incredible Mr. Chen Yu, you were elected as the leader of the human race last night. Is there anything you would like to say to the world?" Chen Yu, bewildered, woke up and realized he wasn't even dressed yet. He replied, "I have no idea. I just woke up..."

EvilisMyNature · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

Chapter 8: But Things Seem to Have Taken a Turn for the Worse...

Chen Yu sensed a sudden oppression from behind, causing him to feel uneasy.

Instinctively, he turned around and saw the expressions of the police officers and journalists in the hall. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong and immediately started running, saying, "Thank you... Thank you, everyone. I'm leaving!"


"Don't go!"

"Don't run!"

"Don't move! You're surrounded!"

In an instant, hundreds of police officers in the hall erupted into action, like wolves, like a collapsing mountain, like a tsunami! They perfectly demonstrated the physical qualities expected of professionals, rushing towards Chen Yu and directly tackling him to the ground.

Chen Yu: "What the f*ck."

Before he could finish cursing, Chen Yu was buried under the stack of police officers.

"Maintain the perimeter!"

"Is the suspect under control?"

"Make way, give some space..."

"I'm armed, everyone step back. I'll take control."

"Don't put pressure on him! The suspect is in bad shape."

Collapsed on the ground, Chen Yu, surrounded by burly bodies, groaned in pain. "Don't... don't... Ahh..."

"Don't... move!" A strong and robust police officer, who was pinning Chen Yu down, struggled to take out handcuffs to restrain him. "Behave... be cooperative."

"I... I can't breathe anymore..."

The officer: "I... feel the same. Cough."

"Clear the way! Make way, everyone!"

The Deputy Bureau Chief, with a big belly, rushed over, pushing aside the pile of bodies. Then, skillfully, he took the handcuffs from a police officer and restrained Chen Yu.

Having served in an administrative role for many years, his handcuffing skills were still sharp...

"It hurts! It hurts...," Chen Yu was lifted up by the Deputy Bureau Chief, swaying on the spot, feeling dizzy. "Did I blow up the Milky Way?"

"Everyone calm down. Chen Yu's 'previously assigned' title is causing this." Deputy Chief Hong Tuku also followed and managed to calm down a police officer who had raised his gun. "He hasn't committed any crimes yet."

"What did the title on my head change to?" Chen Yu naturally understood what was going on. He gasped for breath, his voice hoarse, and asked.

"See for yourself." Deputy Chief Hong Tuku's face darkened. He took out his phone, switched it to selfie mode, and showed Chen Yu the screen.

[World's Top Serial Killer Dismembering and Murdering Corpses]

Chen Yu: "..."

Chen Yu: "F*ck you."


Half an hour later.

"I told you he had mental issues!"

Outside the interrogation room of Hongteng Police Station, through a small window, the Deputy Bureau Chief looked at the helpless Chen Yu sitting in the interrogation chair with an expressionless face. He said, "This is more than just irritability disorder."

The station chief wiped his sweat and didn't dare to speak.

Inside the interrogation room.

The middle-aged police officer with the title "Deputy Chief of the Police Station" on his head was turning pale and red, suppressing his anger. He asked Chen Yu, "Chen Yu, do you have any grievances against the station for detaining you these past few days?"

"I don't." Chen Yu was on the verge of tears.


The middle-aged police officer slammed the table fiercely. "Bullsh*t! Is it because we've been treating you well these past few days that you no longer fear the law? Serial dismembering and murdering killer! And on a global level? How dare you?! You think you're capable, huh?"

Chen Yu: "..."

On the side, an elderly police officer wearing a cap, concealing his own title, remained calm and spoke gently, "Little friend Chen Yu, can you tell me why you carried out those insane crimes?"

Chen Yu grabbed his head. "I didn't f*cking do it."

The elderly police officer asked, "Why did you want to do it?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Inside the interrogation room, two minutes of silence passed.

The elderly police officer opened a file on the table, flipped through a couple of pages, and continued, "Son, I know some things about your family situation. Your father has been bedridden in recent years due to a construction accident. Your mother is also in poor health, relying on your sister to work, do overtime, and take on part-time jobs to save up for her medical expenses. As for you, you also earn money by doing graphic design and creating reports online and sending it back home."

Chen Yu had a headache and didn't know what to say.

The elderly police officer closed the file and smiled. "From this, it can be seen that you are a good kid. Your nature isn't really bad. Maybe you were just momentarily radical and had some irrational and immoral thoughts. But there are certain things that a person should never do. If you do, you'll be apologizing to the society that has helped you, your aging and simple-minded parents, and the victims who are trying hard to live and have loved ones who worry about them. You'll also be betraying your kind-hearted nature."

"You don't have to say it anymore. I've come to understand it now," Chen Yu decided to retreat strategically. "Let me go home and calm down for a month. When I come out again, I will definitely be a law-abiding citizen."

"You want to go back?" The middle-aged police officer gritted his teeth. "As long as your title remains, you'll stay in prison!"

"Prison?" Chen Yu was shocked. "You're going to imprison me?"

"If we don't lock you up, what about the harm you could cause to the people?" The middle-aged police officer stood up. "The dormitory at the police station seems too comfortable for you. It seems that you don't like it there, so the higher-ups have decided to give you a different place."

"Smack!" Chen Yu also slammed the table. "I haven't committed any crimes, it's illegal to imprison me!"

"You indeed haven't committed any crimes." The elderly police officer pointed to the title above Chen Yu's head. "But your title indicates that you have criminal intentions and the ability to carry them out. Therefore, the department must exercise appropriate control over you. This is being responsible to society and responsible to you. Because a criminal not only harms the victims but also harms themselves."

Chen Yu: "Actually, continuing to stay at the station in my current situation isn't too bad..."

Before Chen Yu could finish his sentence, the two police officers, one old and one young, left the interrogation room.


Only the middle-aged police officer's angry door slamming sound was left behind.

Chen Yu: "..."

Chen Yu: "This is a disaster. F*ck."

He hated the "title" on his head.

No, he hated his neighbor who reported him...

Outside the interrogation room.

Four police officers gathered for a discussion.

The elderly police officer spoke first. "I've observed that this young man is quite well-behaved. What did you guys do at the station? To make him harbor so much resentment? He's on his way to becoming the world's number one criminal."

"What can we do?" The middle-aged police officer sounded aggrieved. "The station provides him with good food and drink and even arranges for him to see a psychologist every day."

The elderly police officer remarked, "You've raised such a big problem."

The middle-aged police officer fell silent.

"Old leader, what should we do now?" asked the potbellied deputy bureau chief respectfully.

"I'll contact the higher-ups and get authorization to temporarily place him in a prison," the elderly police officer scratched his chin. "But he hasn't committed a crime yet; it's a pre-emptive title. So you guys need to coordinate with several departments, make it look like you're taking action, and let him experience the atmosphere of a prison. Then find a professional psychologist for counseling and help him turn back on the right path as soon as possible. 'Global Number One Serial Killer,' tsk, this is a big deal."

"Doesn't this process seem somewhat unlawful?" the deputy bureau chief expressed his concern.

"Just explain the situation to the higher-ups," the elderly police officer crossed his arms and hunched his back before walking away. "The law comes from above."


At the same time.

Jiangshan Shijia Apartments, 12th floor.

A certain otaku who lived next door to Chen Yu's rental room suddenly felt a chilling sensation sweeping over his body.

He shivered uncontrollably, took off his headphones, and abandoned his computer game, looking around with confusion.

"Why do I have a bad premonition?"

