
Chapter 2

It had been 8 months since Min ting had abandoned Yu Zhao. The wounds were still fresh in his heart. Soon after their break up, Min Ting had withdrawn her shares from Pengxi and re invested them at Cheng group. Pengxi faced a sudden damage which Yu Zhao handled pretty quickly. Word spread like wildfire about the downfall of Pengxi along with Break up of Yu Zhao and Min ting. Everything was falling apart for Yu Zhao.

Yu Zhao's position as the CEO was at stake until his elder sister Yu Huan came to his aid. Yu Huan helped her brother by investing in his company and Pengxi was back on track. Yu Zhao had adopted some new strategies in favour of Pengxi. As time passed by, people gradually got over the past and moved ahead. Yu Zhao changed after Min ting left him. The humble and charming personality was gone replaced by a cold and rude personality. One could meet Yu Zhao but still feel unfamiliar due to his change. Yu Zhao isolated himself and eventually stopped smiling.

It was 31st of December 2018, when Yu Zhao received a call from his best friend, Li Zhuang. Li Zhuang is the closest to Yu Zhao. They grew up together and are closer than brothers. Yu Zhao never refuses to Li Zhuang and Yu Huan was very well aware of it. She had plans of getting her brother out of his lonely apartment on New Years Eve.

"Call him. Now!" Yu Huan nudged Li Zhuang.

"I don't have a death wish." He replied with a huff. "Why don't you call him?"

"You think I didn't already? He declined." She rolled her eyes. "But if you ask him there's a chance he might come." She smiled sheepishly.

"Okay let me call him." He dialled Yu Zhao's number.

"LiLi?." Yu Zhao spoke from the other side.

"Yeah. I want you to come to my New Year's party." He said directly.

"I can't make it." Yu Zhao replied.

"Tell him that your not keeping your party." Yu Huan whispered to Li Zhuang.

"It won't work on him." Li Zhuang whispered.

"What won't work?" Yu Zhao asked clueless to their plan.

"It would've been fun if you came but it's ok I know you've been going through this year so I'll manage on my own. It's alright brother. Bye." Li Zhuang spoke dramatically.

"Yeah..." Yu Zhao was completely clueless.

"So? What did he say?" Yu Huan raised her brows.

"Nothing really. I don't think he'll come." Li Zhuang said casually. Yu Huan And Li Zhuang sat on the couch debating with the fact that Yu Zhao was not going to come at the party.


"It's a bad idea." Xiu Zheng spoke from the kitchen.

"I know but what if it works. Just think." Fen Ming pestered Xiu Zheng to sneak into the Li Zhuang's New Years party. Her journalist instincts were loudly saying that there was a scoop.

"Okay there's a 0.001% chance that it may worked." Xiu Zheng signalled her to pass on the soy sauce.

"All I needed this coming year was promotion but somehow I feel I won't get it this year either." Fen Ming cried out loud.

"Okay, okay. It's a reckless idea. I don't want to be involved." Xiu Zheng replied in a calm tone.

"Xi.." Fen Ming made puppy dog eyes at Xiu Zheng. "Help me get in the party. Please."

"No!" Xiu Zheng firmly replied.

"Please. Your invited. Your my only hope now." Fen Ming joined her hands in front of Xiu Zheng.

"This is the last time I'd be doing something as reckless as this." Xiu Zheng sighed.

Xiu Zheng works for Dongxi group in their PR department. Including others even she was invited to Li Zhuang's party. For Xiu Zheng it was a mere party but for others it was mostly a privilege. Xiu Zheng used to attend parties sometime back in her life when she wasn't in a position displease her boss by not attending it. It was an obligation but now things were quite different. Xiu Zheng stood out in terms of qualifications and experience.

Whenever she met someone, she instantly won over them with her wittiness and humour. She was admired with almost everyone at her workplace as well as outside. Only one thing that people hated about Xiu was her straightforward and honest attitude. It was her strength as well as weakness. She had an high IQ but a low EQ.


"Stay with me and don't just go anywhere." Xiu Zheng ordered Fen Ming. She was aware of Feng Ming's reckless and impulsive personality. Feng Ming by nature was very childish. She took risks without thinking about the consequences whereas Xiu Zheng didn't really like any kind of trouble or hassle.

"Okay but I'm not making any promises." Fen Ming said playfully.

"Feng Ming!" Xiu Zheng said a little loudly as Fen Ming slowly sneaked away from her grasp into a huge crowd. Xiu Zheng hated crowds. Especially party crowds. So many people, sweaty bodies and loud music and the strong alcoholic smell. Not very pleasing. On top of that the most horrifying thought was, What was Fen Ming upto?

Xiu Zheng pushed through the crowd searching for Fen Ming. She couldn't find her anywhere, it was as if she disappeared. All sorts of terrifying thoughts struck Xiu Zheng. She bumped into some hard. She subconsciously rubbed her head and looked up to see Wang Yi. Xiu Zheng hated Wang Yi, not because he was a jerk but because he kept on persuading her despite her fatal rejection. Its because the man didn't understand the meaning of rejection. Bumping into him was her biggest mistake.

"Xiu Zheng!" Wang Yi prevented Xiu Zheng to leave.

"Hello Mr Yi." Xiu tried to be polite.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you in a party. So are you enjoying yourself?" He smirked.

"I was until I bumped into you." Xiu Zheng replied.

"That's not how you talk to your superiors or should I teach you?" He stepped uncomfortably close to her liking.

"I'm sorry sir but as you can see I'm busy myself. We can save your lessons for future. Thanks you for the offer." She stepped back and walked slightly faster.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry Mr Zhao." Xiu Zheng heard a woman's voice as she was searching for a safe spot to hide from Wang Yi. As she stepped closer to see who it was, she realised it was Yu Zhao and Ju Ling, Wang Yi's cousin sister who had recently returned from France.

She had accidentally spilled some wine on Yu Zhao's shirt, or maybe purposely. It was none of her business so she was least bothered. As Yu Zhao passed by her, she looked at him closely. He looked handsome in his navy blue shirt and dark blue jeans, simple yet handsome. His jet black hair were perfectly set but his golden brown eyes seemed fierce and upset for some reason. One could not help but notice his handsomely features. Xiu Zheng then look in Ju Ling's direction was looked tense while she conversed with Wang Yi.

Xiu Zheng slowly sneaked away upon finding Wang Yi. She ran in the opposite direction in her awful, uncomfortable heels. She found a room and locked herself and decided to stay there for sometime. She observed the room as she walked around. It was huge, she thought but very empty. There was a bed which was neatly set and a side table which was very empty. There was one couch and an empty cupboard. She walked towards a huge glass window and suddenly she heard a squeaky sound the bathroom door. She froze to her spot as she saw a half naked Yu Zhao. Yu Zhao however was pissed.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He gritted.

"I-I was just passing by and I wanted to rest." She stammered.

"I don't care. Go away." Xiu Zheng was slightly taken aback by his rude comment.

"I can't." She sat on the bed casually. "You leave if you want."

"What did you say?" Yu Zhao lowered his eyebrows.

"You want me to repeat? Alright." She sat in Indian style.

"Stop." He glared at her and grabbed his shirt. "I'm leaving." Yu Zhao unlocked the door but wasn't able to open. It was as if the door was jammed.

"What happened?" Xiu Zheng asked.

"It's jammed." Yu Zhao pulled his hair in frustration.

"I don't want to be stuck here with an arrogant and egotistical person like you." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"You think I'm interested in staying with a rude girl like you." He clenched his jaw.

"Look who's talking." She rolled her eyes. "Your the rude one."

"I'm not." He said while flaring his nose.

"You are." She scowled.

"You are crossing your limits." He frowned as he balled up his fists. He stepped closer to her and lost his balance which resulted in his fall on the floor. Xiu Zheng burst into fits of laughter as Yu Zhao fell on his butt and lifted the towel because of which he fell.

"Ah." Yu Zhao moaned due to the sting in his back.

"Everything okay Mister?" Xiu Zheng tried to contain her laughter.

"Give me your hand." Yu Zhao gave her an irritated look. Xiu Zheng chuckled and eventually lend him her support. Yu Zhao took hold of her hand and pulled her down with him.

"What the hell!" She landed on top of him while the door opened to reveal a surprised Li Zhuang and a very horrified Fen Ming.