After a while, Alec felt a cold water splash chucked on his head. The purpose was to wake him up and it did serve its purpose,
Shooting his eyes open, the only thing he saw was a purple mist environment.
Alec was puzzled and couldn't figure out where he was since the last thing he remembered was sleeping off on the van that was meant to transport them to the military academy.
But besides that, what puzzled him the most was the uniform he was wearing instead of the plain black sleeve and carton-colored sweat pants he wore earlier.
He lifted his head from where he was on the ground. And looking around he saw students also looking around the place, trying to figure out where they were. The puzzles in their looks spoke louder than words. There were over five hundred students there.
"Don't worry, everyone is safe. As a matter of fact, you all are gonna be spending the next three years of your lives here, so I see no need to be tense," A voice of a man explained from the speaker.
The students were currently inside a portal room. The portal room was covered in the purple mist because its activation energy came from them.
While looking around the place, Alec noticed that the place was a large basement but due to the purple mist, he was unable to determine the actual end of the room.
But one thing Alec realized by looking above their heads was that the place was a hall since he could blurrily see the roof far above their heads.
"But three years is too long to be stuck in here," A student beside Alec murmured in frustration.
Alec also thought the same when he heard that. Three years was too much to be confined in such a purple mist atmosphere.
Murmurings began to rise here and there as the students were all complaining about how they were gonna last for three years confined in a purple atmosphere without having to see the sun.
As if noticing their complaint, the sergeant spoke out.
"As I said earlier, there is no need to worry. You all are currently inside the military basement. Inside here, is a portal room." The man paused to let the murmurings die down a bit before continuing.
"You all will be exiting this room now and once you are outside, you are to wait there, I repeat, once you are outside, you are to wait there. Any action contrary to what I said attracts punishment. Remember, you are now in the military base, not your home," The sergeant finally said.
After saying that, the door out of the portal room was opened and students began exiting the room.
Alec followed the other students out of the portal room to the outside. As soon as he stepped outside the portal room, the sun came into view.
Students breathed out a sigh of relief when they finally saw the sun high up in the sky.
"Thank God, we are out of that creepy purple mist." Students murmured to each other.
The place was an open wide field with a slightly raised platform at its center. At the far end of the field were tall building structures and constructions.
Seeing the blonde girl in front of him, Alec suddenly remembered Kim. He almost forgot she came along as well.
Alec tried looking around the place to see if he could catch a glimpse of her but after several attempts, it turned out it was impossible considering the number of students present there.
He thought of using mystique skill to trace her aura but there were just too many auras present making it difficult for him to pinpoint her aura, though he could sense a faint scent of her lingering in the air.
"I just hope she is safe like the man said?" Alec muttered inwardly in worry.
The next moment the sound of the mic turning on was heard and a person in military attire walked up to the center podium.
"Once again, you all are welcome to military base three. I'm Sergeant Zick, in charge of receiving students," Sergeant Zick paused, seeing the nervousness on their faces.
"I know most of you are nervous but believe me, we all were like that our first day here, but I will assure you that you have no cause to be worried. This is military base three and one of the safest places on earth." He continued.
"Here in the military we abide by rules and you all are expected to follow these rules too; otherwise, there are consequences if the rules are broken. " Zick continued as he lectured them on things to do and things not to.
"Any question?" Zick asked but having gotten no reply, he assumed all was understood.
"Very well then, a test will be carried out to determine the ability level of every one of you. The test will commence in the next twenty minutes. Till then, prepare yourselves and enjoy your stay in the base." With that being said, Sergeant Zick left the podium.
Alec suddenly turned nervous after hearing that an ability test will be conducted. He was worried that he had no ability.
Looking around and seeing other students warming their abilities, his face paled in nervousness. Due to how nervous he was, he had unintentionally started biting his nails.
Meanwhile, while others were busy and focused on warming up their abilities, a boy's focus was on Alec all the time.
Though he stood only a few meters away from Alec, he still was visibly sensing the aura emitting from Alec's body.
The boy made note of how Alec's aura changed after the announcement of the test, showing that he was nervous.
The boy thought to go meet him and talk to him but later, decided against it.
"Maybe he's just nervous about the whole test thing. Oh, it is very boring here. I shouldn't have made myself caught," the boy muttered with a crestfallen tone as he removed his gaze from Alec to look at others who were warming up their ability.
However, the boy's gaze fell back on Alec again when he saw a new aura starting to brew in him.
His aura seems to have slightly changed from the normal.
Humans were characterized by a light green aura but when emotional it changes to dark green. Demons, on the other hand, were characterized by a dark red aura while few beasts had theirs as purple.
But what he was seeing was a complete turn-off from what he knew about auras. Right now, he was seeing a dark green, purple and dark red aura. All three auras were burning in one.
"Shit! I never paid attention in classes, else I could have had a hint on what this creature here is. Just who the fuck are you?" The boy muttered before walking toward Alec.
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