
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · แฟนตาซี
202 Chs

47. The Dangers of Travelling... *

" ..you have twigs in your hair. And don't spill the water!! "

" Yeah well, fix your dress love, might as well walk back naked."

I cleaned his hair, pushing him and spilling some water from he bucket. I wanted to be fast but then..

" It's not my fault you can't stop after one round."

" Says the lady begging me for it.."

I pulled some of his hair in retaliation and fixed my dress and checked my own hair for obvious evidence.

Saying everyone know what happened would be an understatement.

Ughh Eleanor was right..they just sat around the fire waiting for us.

" Well..next time I suppose I'll just get the water myself. "

Mother started it.

" Brother...your hair."

Alexander pointed.

" I told you.."

My sister rubbed it in.

We looked anywhere but them, and sat down the water.

Soon the pots were boiling and the delicious smell of my mother stew filled our surroundings.

I sat with my back to Zephyr and in my lap was Anna who enjoyed my hair pats.

We chatted with Alex and Demelza when I noticed something.

" Where is Mr Emil granny? "

She looked off at distance. " He knew some of the others, camping over there and went to greet them. It was sometime now..."

I looked back at Zephyr. He just nodded.

" I'll go check on him Vistellia." - he climbed out.

" Thank you son."

He walked along checking at the direction the Emils son pointed.

" Is the City really that big? " - Ilianna looked right up.

" That's right sweetheart. I'm confident you're gonna love it. There's all sorts of crazy characters from other nations. Some have different skin or talk a different language. And the food and the sweets Hmm.."

" Sis you are gonna be a fat woman. "

If I had power my sister would be hit with something right now. She hid behind Lucian and peeked over his shoulders.

" That's fine..I just double down with training with Zephyr. " - I was quick to retaliate.

" What kind of training? "

" All kinds you little gnome...but you wouldn't understand."

Now it was her turn to try and manifest powers to hurt me. Just then a familiar whirlwind behind hit me.

" Hey you ba.."

Zephyr arrived carrying Metill on his back who not only unconscious but his head bleeding, dripping on Zephyr clothes.

" Vistellia!! Come quick."

He layed the man down gently on the grass, near the light of the fire.

"" Father !! ""

" Master what happened to him? "

His sons and daughters surrounded him quickly.

" What happened to him son !??"

" I found him near the tree line over there. No one else around. His boots and coin are gone. " - he looked around in the night and back to Metill.

" Looks beaten, aside from his head. "

I stepped near Zephyr to check, but it wasn't a scratch on him but those eyes were sharp and never stopped scanning our surroundings.

" Alex! Lucian! Be alert! Vistellia did he mention the name of the man he went to see?"

Alexander and Lucian drew their swords and took up positions.

Granny were cleaning Metill head wound and rubbing a paste to stop the blood. She answered without ever losing concentration.

" He told me his name is Tikrit and he is a merchant. He walked off..I couldn't see where he stopped. "

" I'll go back and question some people. You stay Lylly..I'll be back soon okay? "

Cut me off before could say I wanted go he kissed me way too short, and disappeared with the usual winds.

I turned around and went to see Metill who was being checked by Eli and granny. The bleeding already stopped.

This point others noticed that something was happening and came near us.

" With respect!!! All of you stay away..or be cut down!! "

To my surprise Lucian stepped up and warned those creeping closer. To their defense. I don't think they wanted us harm, in fact most immediately stopped and some even put their hands up.

I felt Ilianna hugging my stomach. She looked scared and if Zephyr sees her like that these poor souls might suffer for it.

" It's ok sweetheart. Your father is close.. " - I knelt down and looked at her with a light expression so not to scare her more. " He will never let anything happen to you. Don't be scared."

I did my best to calm her down, before an already on edge father of hers returned.

" Father opening his eyes.."

His youngest Miri spoke up drawing my attention to her father.


Mettil woke up and saw granny, who was still wrapping his head.

" Take it easy. You been attacked. Do you remember what happened? " - she brought some water near his mouth and let him drink some first.

" I was having an argument with Tikrit..he said I owed him coin, for something from an ancient time ago. " - his expression showed he horrible he felt and his eyes still confused. "When, I refused to pay he had his man let me have it."

" I'll say..along with your coin they even took your boots. Just take it easy. " -once heard, he wanted to look up and check but, granny gently pushed him down. " Zephyr is already out there."

He layed his head down on a pillow his daughter bought for him.

" I keep relying on his kindness.." - he stared at the stars lamenting.

" We all do...now eat something and rest."

Granny stood up and walked away to make him a bowl.

Mother came over and picked up my daughter.

I think she was just as scared as her. I checked and the people still stood around us whispering. Some still getting closer to hear and see us.

" He was attacked by someone inside here..

" Keep your head on a swivel,nowhere is safe..

" I heard there a blessed here.

" I saw a young man appeared like magic.

" I saw him too, the blue haired one..

" Hey you two soldiers!! tell us what happened.

" Stop pointing those sword at us!!

" People you been warned. There no reason to be here.. leave! "

I saw Alexander stood imposing. He and Lucian were both clearly remembered what happened on our way back from Tori.

This is getting out of hand go away!.. before Zephyr arrives and see this. His family surrounded by some mob...

With a strong wind Zephyr came just then, dripping wet..but still couldn't wash away all the blood.

The whispering around us become louder and some even went down their knees, others just staring at him with fear in their eyes. He looked at us seeing signs of fear, his eyes turned cold in an instant.

" People!! I'll ask you to keep a level head and leave my family be. What the hell are doing.."

" I don't think an explanation is to much for ask!?? What is your name!!"

Some idiot stepped forward and blocked his view of us. I felt my stomach tightened..some people have no self awareness. Before Zephyr could answer..

" Dad! "

Ilianna broke off from my mother and run towards him. She tripped on the man's feet who blocked her way. And then he did something very, very stupid..

" Damn brat!! How dare.."

He couldn't really finish...he was gone with Zephyr and those surrounding us backed away in a panic.

I went and picked up my daughter taking a few steps back.

" BACK AWAY ! " - Alexander quickly changed demeanor and was ready to swing.

He didn't had time.

With three total second past he arrived back alone, touching the ground sending a small shockwave even we felt under our feet, he was looking very scary.


The people scattered away like the devil chased them, some crawling on the ground like animals.

Once all gone and from the looks even breaking camp to flee into the night, I looked at him.

He had his back turned to us..I saw him taking deep breaths then turned around and came over hugging us both, Ilianna climbed on him.

"..I'm sorry princess. That rude man are all gone now."

She rested her head on his shoulder while I caressed her hair.

" Dad..is that man coming back?"

He looked angry just thinking about it.

" No, no.. I'll doubt we ever see him. " - his eyes lost their shine for a moment. "...ever, ever again. Now let's get some food..I'm starving."

" Hmm.."

He held her one hand and pulled in with the other. I hugged my family tight just standing there.

My best guess, that poor devil was still falling from the clouds having enough time to contemplate every decision he had ever made...and the final one that killed him.