
Chapter 248: Down On Attack-III

Receiving the informations, Li Lian was quiet for a brief time until she spoke, "He is our lead. But why would the people hunt him?" She asked, still finding something doesn't add up.

"It could be possible that he is the only one out of the group who had escaped alive. The information must be still with him. The date of his disappearance correspond to your accident, this is a proof that he is trying to get away from people who is trying to kill you after failing."

It made sense, thought Li Lian. "Now we can conclude there are two groups which could belong under one person. The first group is ordered to kill me and if they made mistake, the second group would come and hunt the people on the first group to keep them silenced."

"Ze Yiyang is on the chase because he knows who our mastermind is." Li Jun Wei completed the information she needed to see her eyes shifted to look at him, "We need to know who Hue Lin works with." She concluded.