

"Oh fuck off!"

"I never gave two fucks about you or your piece of shitty agency anyway."

Tiffany cursed as she kicked the trash bin off, littering the white tiles.

"Miss Mendoza let's go..."

Bea tried to get her boss out of there. It was a mistake trying to bring her and work out a better deal.

But Tiffany Mendoza had never been the one to look behind. She had tons of agencies lined up for her and one trying to pinch her out was not going to work.

Putting on her Polaroid glasses, she stepped out of there, not knowing how to feel about it.

Those were the times when she would be like that, not caring about one or ten or uncountable trying to work her up. Because either way she would be working on only her terms.

As the door of the driver's seat opened, she looked up and Bea got inside, getting the engine ready.

"So what did they say?"

She asked, even though she did not want to sound desperate at all but it gave out anyway.

"They are already booked, Miss."

Bea replied. Tiffany did not let out another word as they drove off with the nth number of disappointment.

Gone were the days when she would have the privilege of choosing from the projects.

Ever since that leaked footage, her reputation had surely been tarnished for good even though those were the kinds of incidents that happened almost every time, and with time the story would turn old.

But the present days were different when people wanted to only see individuals with a good image.

And so the business agencies did not want to take any risk in promoting their products to someone who was already known for all the wrong reasons.

She had been trying to get back to the way things used to be even when the prospects were not looking good.

As if her life had taken a U-turn altogether. Not just her work life was suffering, even things with Adam were not working out to look anything good.

The last conversation they had was in that hospital where he had left without another word or any closure.

Even she felt the indifference in the behavior of Fiona as if slowly and slowly, the latter was also buying the story that had been sold out weeks ago.

Not being able to prove her innocence was not doing her any good anyway. The more delayed it got, the more she lost the trust of the people that were close to her.

And the only person that treated her the same as before was Aunty Perrie. It did not matter to her. She did not judge her.

Could it be why she had been dropping by Perrie's place more than often?

Bea parked the Mercedes Benz before Perrie's mansion and Tiffany stepped out on her own, walking towards it with her shoulders slumped.

"No projects?"

Did not take Perrie any longer to guess about the cause of the disappointment as soon as the young ladies made their way inside through the living room entrance.

"Three...we have three lines."

Bea shook her head as she responded and Tiffany couldn't care less about it as she sat on the sofa feeling dejected.

"Well, that is an improvement. "

Perrie remarked, making her niece turn to look at her.

"I would be booked for six months straight..."

"But that is in the past."

Perrie shut Tiffany up right away as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Should not you be happy though?"

Perrie inquired, making Tiffany not understand why her aunt would even ask such a silly question.

Why would she be happy when she was at her lowest?

"This is what you wanted."

"What are you even talking about?"

Tiffany questioned. Her aunt was becoming successful in getting on her nerves by then.

"Your priority has been marrying Adam always...and eventually you would need to settle for being the perfect wife beside him as wherever he goes, you must follow him..."

Perrie elaborated making Tiffany think about it all. She had never thought about it in they way.

Marrying Adam, indeed formed the priority but her career was as dear to her as the former.

And as she wondered, they never had any problem in scheduling their time together whenever so far either way.

But things would for sure have changed after marriage. She was not going to give up on her career but then she was also not going to let go of Adam...her one true love.

In the current scenario, neither her career nor her love life was going right away.

"This must prepare you for the next step."

Perrie let out, getting up and leaving her to wander alone in her thoughts.

She felt like screaming out in sheer exhaustion by then that everything was getting out of her control.

She had a pretty planned life, with everything settled, and nothing to worry about.

But since that night, everything had changed, leaving nothing the same ever again.

She had always liked the attention that she gained yet in these past few weeks, she distasted them like nothing else.

Even though her aunt was mocking the failed prospect in her career, she did not care about it more than being with Adam.

If it was true that you could only have one thing in your whole life, she would choose to be with Adam over and over again.

She got up and unlocked her cell phone to try and get Adam to understand once again if he answered her his time, hopefully.

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