
My Husband Is Not Loyal To Me

The mansion's once luxurious halls now echoed with the weight of betrayal as Sarah, alongside Richard's stern-faced father, Mr. Wilson, confronted Lily. The air crackled with tension, and Richard's heart sank as he realized the magnitude of his mistakes. As Sarah prepared to cut Lily's hair, Richard, still dazed from the shock of his father's scolding, stammered, "Sarah, please, let's talk about this. There has to be another way." His plea hung in the air, desperate and tinged with regret. But Mr. Wilson, fueled by paternal anger and a sense of justice, silenced Richard with a sharp glare. "No, Richard. You need to face the consequences of your actions. Sarah, make sure he understands the gravity of his betrayal." Sarah's expression remained cold and resolute as she roughly touched Lily's hair with the scissors. The metallic snipping sound seemed to underscore the severance of trust. In the midst of this, Lily, feeling the sting of retribution, couldn't help but protest, "You can't do this! This is insane!" Ignoring Lily's cries, Sarah cut through the strands with a deliberate harshness, each lock falling to the ground like the remnants of a shattered trust. Lily's pleas and protests were drowned out by the echo of the scissors and the silence that followed. As the hair fell to the ground, Sarah, driven by anger, tore Lily's dress, symbolizing the dismantling of the illicit relationship that had infiltrated their lives. Lily, now partially exposed and vulnerable, cried out, "This is madness! You can't just destroy my life like this!" The housekeeper, caught in the crossfire, watched the scene unfold with a mix of shock and sympathy. She hesitated, torn between her loyalty to her employers and the injustice she witnessed. With Lily's fate seemingly sealed, Sarah ordered the housekeeper to leave the mansion. "Take a break. You don't deserve to witness the aftermath of this mess." The housekeeper, grateful for the respite, left, leaving the mansion to the unfold

SoneeSG · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

"Entangled Commitments: Unveiling Shadows"

Chapter 2

The Wilson mansion was adorned with opulent decorations, shimmering lights casting a warm glow over the grand hallways. The air buzzed with anticipation as guests, elegantly dressed in their finest attire, arrived to celebrate the impending union of Richard and Sarah. The atmosphere was one of grandeur and extravagance, a reflection of the Wilson family's status and wealth.

Mr. Wilson Sr., his face beaming with pride, welcomed the guests personally, his chest swelling with satisfaction. Richard observed his father's jubilant demeanor from a distance, a bitter taste of resentment lingering on his tongue. The entire spectacle felt like a mockery of his own desires, a facade of happiness crafted for the sake of the Wilson family's reputation.

Richard, dressed in a tailored suit, moved through the crowd, his smile strained as he exchanged pleasantries with the attendees. He couldn't escape the feeling of being trapped, suffocated by the expectations that weighed him down. Sarah, by his side, wore a mask of composure, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and apprehension.

As the night progressed, speeches were made, toasts were raised, and the atmosphere grew increasingly festive. Mr. Wilson Sr. stood at the center of the room, his voice carrying over the crowd as he announced, "Tonight, we celebrate not just a union of two individuals, but the strength and unity of the Wilson family. Richard has made us proud by making the right choice for the sake of our family's legacy."

The applause that followed was thunderous, drowning out the conflicted thoughts in Richard's mind. He exchanged a fleeting glance with Daniel, who stood nearby, the unspoken understanding passing between them. Both knew the sacrifices Richard was making for the sake of the Wilson name.

Amidst the celebration, Richard found himself drawn to a corner of the room, away from the prying eyes and forced smiles. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, his gaze fixed on the glittering chandeliers overhead. Sarah, sensing his inner turmoil, approached him quietly.

"Richard, I know this isn't what you wanted, but I appreciate your willingness to go through with this for the sake of both our families," she said, her voice gentle.

Richard sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his responsibilities. "Thank you, Sarah. I just hope that in the end, our families' happiness is worth the sacrifices we're making."

Sarah placed a hand on his arm, offering a small, reassuring smile. "We'll find a way to make this work, Richard. Together."

With a reluctant nod, Richard rejoined the festivities, his facade of contentment firmly in place. Little did he know that the night's celebrations were only the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, secrets, and unexpected alliances. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing remained clear – for the sake of the Wilson family, Richard was willing to tread it, no matter the personal cost.

In the days following the grand celebration, Richard found himself increasingly consumed by the weight of the contract marriage agreement. As the wedding date approached, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Sarah might not fully comprehend the gravity of their arrangement. To put his doubts to rest, he decided to seek the assistance of his ever-resourceful personal assistant, Daniel.

"Daniel, I need you to arrange a meeting with Sarah," Richard said, his voice firm. "I want to ensure that she fully understands the terms of our contract marriage. It's crucial that there are no misunderstandings or miscommunications between us."

Daniel nodded, his eyes reflecting his understanding of Richard's concerns. "Of course, Richard. I'll set up the meeting discreetly and make sure it happens at a time that's convenient for both of you."

A few days later, in a cozy corner of a quiet café, Richard and Sarah met for their scheduled discussion. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of their impending union hanging heavily in the air. Richard took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to broach the topic delicately.

"Sarah, thank you for meeting me," he began, his voice measured. "I thought it was essential for us to revisit the terms of our contract marriage agreement. With the wedding approaching, I want to make sure we are both on the same page."

Sarah met his gaze, her eyes unwavering. "I appreciate your concern, Richard. I've read the contract thoroughly, and I understand the terms. Our marriage is a business arrangement, devoid of any emotional entanglements. We both have our lives outside this union, and we must respect each other's boundaries."

Richard nodded, relieved by her clarity. "I'm glad to hear that you understand. It's crucial that we maintain this arrangement for the agreed-upon three years. Our families' happiness depends on it."

Sarah offered a small smile, a mixture of determination and resignation. "I entered into this agreement with my eyes open, Richard. I intend to fulfill my part of the bargain, just as you do."

As they concluded their meeting, a sense of understanding passed between them. In that moment, Richard realized that Sarah was not just a pawn in this arrangement; she was a partner, bound by the same responsibilities and expectations. The unspoken agreements that had bound them together became clearer, and Richard felt a glimmer of hope amidst the challenges that lay ahead.

Little did they know that their willingness to honor the terms of their contract marriage would be tested in ways they could never have anticipated. The intricacies of their relationship, the secrets they held, and the complexities of their emotions were yet to be unveiled, creating a web of uncertainty that would shape the course of their unconventional union.