
My Husband is My Professor and Boss

* Editing and Uploading :- Ongoing * 18 years old very beautiful, brilliant & lovely teenager girl Avery. She is in her graduation's first year. Everything was going fine but suddenly one day something happens that changed her whole world. She suddenly becomes the wife of a young CEO. A Heartless, Ruthless business Tycoon young man. Let's see how she is able to play three characters simultaneously in her life. ***** Declaration. This story is completely fictional and if there is any connection to any place or person then it's just a coincidence. That's why do not take it to your heart because it's written for entertainment purpose. characters name, location name is truly base on an author's imagination so please don't take seriously. ***** Warning. The female lead in this story is weak. This story is full of suspense. This story has twists and turns so it requires patience. The important thing is that this story is under Editing so you can't expect 100 percent correct grammar. You are being told before you read and criticize. If anyone wants strictly 100 percent correct grammar, they should not read this novel and criticize the author. ***** Discord link:- https://discord.gg/E7ytgtA

Titu_Thatal · สมัยใหม่
324 Chs

CH-104: She want to thanks him.

With her hands on her flat stomach, Avery stood by the window, staring into the darkness of the night just like she was trying to find a way towards the light in the scary darkness.

'Why did Alex say that her illegitimate child was his at the party today? Why did he give his name to her illegitimate child? Why did he take her side in front of everyone?' All these thoughts were coming to her head again and again. She had no idea what was going on in Alex's head. Took her side in front of everyone today and protected her. She was worried about whether it was part of his plan or not. But after all these thoughts, she thought. 'It doesn't matter what you did today was your plan or you helped me from the bottom of your heart. I have to thank you.'

Avery was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even know when Alex opened the bedroom door, stepped inside and stood behind her.

"What are you thinking?"