
Chapter 63 I'm ready

After taking a shower, Melissa and Maxwell ate their breakfast in silence; only the sound of the knife hitting the plate could be heard.

After having breakfast, the two of them at the table and washed all the dishes. Maxwell noticed that Melissa was lost in her world, so he decided to ask her what the problem was.

"Baby doll, why are you quiet? I've noticed that you were talkative for the last four days. What happened?" Maxwell asked.

Melissa sighed. "Maxwell, remember what we talked about three days ago?" Melissa asked. Maxwell nodded his head, curious about what she wanted to say. "I'm ready to go through with that procedure. I can feel it in my blood that Zick is planning something big and he is going to do anything to ruin our relationship. I want to finish things with him once and for all. I'm no longer scared of him now," Melissa said, her eyes turning cold and so was her tone.