
Chapter 6 A hot slap

Everyone left for the office except Laila who was a housewife and Zick who was forced to take a day off by his grandmother. " What spell did you cast on my grandmother, did you use any black magic on her? " Zick asked angrily. " I know a girl of your type, you are nothing but a gold digger and you pretend to be a helpless innocent girl. If my grandma falls into your trap don't expect me to do that as well. "

Mellisa flashed a sad smile and continued eating her breakfast without uttering a word, she was used to these insults so there was nothing new to cry for.

" Hey!! Silly girl, can't you hear that my son is talking to you? "Lila slammed the table with her hands.

" I heard him, Aunt, sometimes silence is the best response that you can give to avoid unnecessary arguments," Mellisa said softly and quietly

Zick watched her closely, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "What do you mean by that?" He said, his voice low and menacing.