
Chapter 45

Tina was feeling frustrated as the laughter coming from the room three steps away from hers was preventing her from getting any sleep. It was early in the morning, around 5:30 am, and she had just come home late after meeting with Zick the night before. With a flushed face, she headed to Shina's room and saw four girls enjoying themselves while she couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but express her disapproval.

"What's wrong with you guys? It's way too early in the morning to be making this much noise. If you don't want to sleep, at least let others get some rest.I know that illiterate people are fond of making noise but please behave. " Tina said, her voice stern.

The four girls stopped what they were doing and looked at her, with Melissa shaking her head in disbelief. "Illiterates? Wow, what a way of getting people ," she said, a smirk on her face, as the other girls burst into laughter.