
Chapter 44

Maxwell's mouth dropped open in surprise as he saw Mellisa's sudden change. He couldn't believe that someone could change so drastically in just a day. His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to understand the situation. "Mellisa, I know I told you that crying isn't worth it, but sometimes it's necessary to let it all out. I won't judge you, I promise," he said, still finding it strange that she was behaving so differently.

Mellisa smiled at him. "No, I won't cry because of that monster anymore. I'll cry for better things. Today I realized that I have a bigger reason to live and be happy," she said.

Maxwell raised his eyebrows, curious to know what she meant. "And what is that reason??" He asked.

"My babies, if I keep on crying over things I can't control, then my babies will also be sad and I might lose them as I almost did today. So from today onwards I will be happy, my baby's happiness lies in my happiness," Melissa said with a smile.