
My House of Horrors

The hearse with the weird odor slowed to a stop before the entrance. The sound of pebbles could be heard bouncing on the ceiling. There were footsteps coming from the corridor, and there seemed to be someone sawing next door. The door knob to the room rattled slightly, and the faucet in the bathroom kept dripping even though it had been screwed shut. There was a rubber ball that rolled on its own underneath the bed. Wet footsteps started to surface one after another on the floor. At 3 am, Chen Ge held a cleaver in his hand as he hid beside the room heater. The call he was trying to make was finally answered. "Landlord, is this what you meant by 'the house can be a little crowded at night'‽"

I Fix Air-Conditioner · สยองขวัญ
1215 Chs

Take Your Mannequins Away!

นักแปล: Lonelytree บรรณาธิการ: Millman97

Before doing the Trial Mission for the Third Sick Hall, perhaps I should place a stray cat inside Mu Yang High School scenario to test the theory. If it works, then it'll be an additional way to deal with creatures from the other side. Even with this information alone, Chen Ge felt that his journey that day had been worth it. Glancing at the young man, he passed the rusted key to him. "Have you seen this key before?"

"I have." The young man nodded. "Every sunrise, I would return to Room 303 to clean the animal carcasses, and there was this one time when I found this key in one of the items of clothing."

"Did the man in dream mention anything related to this key? Like a special door or room?"

The young man thought about it before saying, "When they were talking to themselves this one time, I believe they mentioned something related to a key."

"What was it?"