
My House of Horrors

The hearse with the weird odor slowed to a stop before the entrance. The sound of pebbles could be heard bouncing on the ceiling. There were footsteps coming from the corridor, and there seemed to be someone sawing next door. The door knob to the room rattled slightly, and the faucet in the bathroom kept dripping even though it had been screwed shut. There was a rubber ball that rolled on its own underneath the bed. Wet footsteps started to surface one after another on the floor. At 3 am, Chen Ge held a cleaver in his hand as he hid beside the room heater. The call he was trying to make was finally answered. "Landlord, is this what you meant by 'the house can be a little crowded at night'‽"

I Fix Air-Conditioner · สยองขวัญ
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นักแปล: Lonelytree บรรณาธิการ: Millman97

"Xiao Chen, where have you been? Why are you so late for work?" Uncle Xu pulled Chen Ge to stand behind him, afraid that the mob might harm the young man.

"I just came back from the district station; I was helping the police with a murder case."

"Huh?" Not only Uncle Xu, even the mob who surrounded Chen Ge was shocked. Normally, the reason given for truancy was either a traffic jam or stomach ache; being involved in a murder case was truly an excuse they had not heard about before.

"Murder case?" Uncle Xu looked at Chen Ge with shock and had forgotten the urgent matter at hand.

"Yup, but the case is different from the earlier murder at the apartment; it probably won't be broadcasted on the mass media."

There was an earlier murder? The raging mob's aggression suddenly dwindled.

"Alright, leave this to me." Chen Ge stood facing the crowd and said, "You guys are looking for me?"