
The Bait (Fuckery Night)

I wrote another silly question and passed it on to her, she wrote down a reply and passed it on, smiling at the funny means of communication. I had to keep it going, asking questions and passing it on to her as she replied almost instantly.      – 

Where have you been, haven’t seen you around for long – I wrote.      – 

As if you even notice me –     

 -Of course I do, that’s why I noticed I was missing someone –       

It took her some time to reply this. She glanced at the book like she wasn’t seeing the right thing. The stressed stare must have attracted her friend’s attention as she stressed her neck to see the content of the note but kehinde stylishly hid it from her, smiling in the process.       

Then she scribbled something and passed on.      – 

I don’t believe you-      

Now she’s trying to put words into my mouth.      

-should I prove it to you?-      

-How- she wrote.     

 -Let me take you out, somewhere we won’t be stoned for talking-      

She laughed out, nodding her head at me. This time around, someone close-by voiced out that she was disturbing him.      

She gave him that go-to-hell look, packed up her books and we left the library, holding hands as I abandoned my calculus text books on the desk.      

Today might just be my lucky day! I said to myself as we held hands and walked out of the library. . .      

I held the soft hand in my own hands and couldn't help but feel its tenderness. I wondered what else will be tender and soft in her body.      

I did find out just how tender she was. .


The next day, I took kehinde out.      

That evening, I made up my mind I was going to make a move on her. The previous day when we left the library, we went to one of the eatery inside the school. It was noisy inside the eatery so we didn’t have the needed environment to talk. We had to fix a new date for this evening.      

She kept me waiting for twenty five minutes before showing up in the restaurant. I had waited and made an order of some red wine served with groundnuts.      

She came to the restaurant with a totally new look. She wore a dark evening gown that left her bosom exposed. She used a small scarf around her neck to cover the bosom. 

She wore a new hair and had an exquisite make up. She was gorgeous and bold. I had never seen her in such a bold state before. I stood as she walked to my direction and took her seat, a courtesy I learned from watching too many epic British movies.      

“Hmm, a gentle man.” She said, commenting on my courtesy of standing while she takes her seat.  “There is just few of us left.” I joked and she laughed.      

There was something different about her that evening. It wasn’t the usual shy and naïve kehinde. We talked before placing our orders. She was no longer blushing nor was she looking under the chair as was her trademark. She responded to all my talks, looking deep into my eyes, and occasionally had the boldness to hold my hand which I dropped carelessly on the table.      

I commented on her new looks and told her she looked amazing. She didn’t blush; rather she looked up and said thanks, professionally like she had been practicing it for long.      

I carefully avoided talks that will lead to discussions about my sexcapade with her friends. I didn’t want to ruin the evening with awkward moments. Rather, I concentrated on her; her studies and her looks. She was getting prettier as the evening went on; or the alcohol was having its effect. Whichever it was, I was glad I had hooked up with her that evening.      

She had earlier declined the alcoholic drink I ordered for her, going for fruit wine in its stead. But as the evening proceeded, she took some sips from my glass. She allowed me flirt with her hands and hairs, coming closer to me as I eased my hand on her laps, caressing it as we talked. She laughed and fell very at ease with me. I thanked my stars for the evening. 

I allowed the sinful thoughts of how I was going to explore her slender body that night pass through my mind. She had small but firm br’eas’t, nice shapes, with a’rs’e that complemented her small body frame.      

“Let’s go home.” I whispered into her ears and she smiled. She nodded her head and we left the restaurant after I settled the bills.     

 She said she wanted some fruits as we saw some fruit vendors while we waited for a taxi. We bought some water melon, pineapple and oranges. I had to ensure she got the message about my intentions for the night, so I kept flirting with her on the taxi, caressing her hands, rubbing her back and legs, whispering to her ears until we got to the hostel. She responded fully to my flirts, smiling at me without holding back.      

But things changed as I got to the front of my room. I had left her hands when I wanted to open my door. As I inserted the key and turned the knob, she moved a step back. I turned and looked at her, only for me to see the old kehinde I knew. It was like the jinx got broken, like the spell casted on her all evening had left her.       The shyness returned to her ears.  I opened the door, holding it for her to enter, but she couldn’t move.       

“What is the matter.” I asked calmly, slowly proceeding towards her like I was being careful not to scare away a pigeon I was trying to catch. She blushed and looked away. “I can’t” she said.      

I tried to persuade her gently but soon discovered it was a futile mission.      

“I’m sorry.” She said as she walked past my door and progressed towards her room door, opened it and walked in.      

I stood for a few seconds more, like I was waiting for her to change her mind, but I soon concluded the night was over for me.      

How wrong was I!      

I cursed under my breathe as I entered my room. I headed to the bathroom and showered, changed and lay on the bed.       

It was a cold evening and quite even inside the hostel. Fortunately, my other neighbors weren’t playing their music as loud as they used to.       

I was trying to force myself to sleep when I heard something that sounded like an argument going on next room. I listened carefully and it was coming from Kehinde’s room. I guess she was arguing with her roommate. Ever since the ken incidence, she hardly sleeps in the room. She breezes in once in a while to either pick some things and leave. I guessed she was staying permanently with her friend I met at the library.      

I tried to put my mind off the argument I was hearing from the neighboring room, but it kept growing. Few minutes later, a knock on my door and I opened. Kehinde was standing, not the old shy kehinde, but the new kehinde I took out that night.      

She walked past me as I stood on the door confused. 

She headed straight to the bed and lay down. I locked the door and joined her. She looked disheveled but still managed to pull herself together as I joined her on the bed.      

I wanted to ask what the matter was, but I had this gut feeling that it had something to do with me. I decided to initiate my moves before she turns back to the old kehinde I saw few minutes ago.      

I started slowly, running my hands care freely over her back as she backed me. I took it one step at a time, maintained what seemed like an innocent caress over her back. Then I sipped my hand into her silk nightie, rubbing her bare back. 

She took in deep breathes as she started responding to my touches.  She wasn't wearing the scarf any longer and her bosoms was bulging from her wear.       

I slipped my hand inside her gown, running it through the length of her back, laps, a'rse and neck. She turned voluntarily so I can have full access to her bosoms. I slid the tiny hand of the gown down and she adjusted herself to let it slide, exposing the full small and firm br'ea'st still hidden inside her bra. I moved my hand gently across the bre'east, stroking it gently. Then I moved for the hook beneath her, unstrapped the braziers and let lose the small firm bosoms. 

The nippples were hard and inviting. I moved backwards to catch a full view of the beauty laying on my bed.       

“You're so beautiful.” I said to her and she smiled.      

I bent over and started the act I knew how to do best, teasing her nipple with my tongue and caressing the other one. I switched from one nippple to the other as she held on to my head.      

I eased her off the gown, kissed her lips, tommy, laps and caressed her inner thighs. She kept breathing heavily as I aroused her, moving her hips periodically as the wetness flowed from her.      

I felt my d'kk getting stronger and harder and I knew it was time for action.