
Promiscuous Assignments

It was just the two of the girls and me. As the hours passed, we chatted and laughed freely until it was too late to continue. As they drank the bottles of chilled night train that had landed on their table, they expressed how much pleasure they were experiencing during the evening.

Kehinde finally announced, "I'm feeling sleepy!" after yawning three times within a span of one minute and sixty seconds. After I had paid, we departed. After they entered the room, I did so as well. As soon as we walked into the room, Kehinde threw herself onto the bed.

It's possible that she was also a little tipsy at the time. We continued our conversation for a few more minutes with Hilary. Because I had more time, I was able to examine all of her facets. She lacked the chocolate-skinned Monica's natural beauty, but she exuded a pleasant aura and radiated an amazing amount of self-assurance.

It was possible to see her cleavage through her dress. During our conversation, I couldn't help but fixate on the cleavage. Despite my best efforts to avoid giving in to the urge to grab the bossoms and suck on them, thoughts raced through my head in rapid succession.

"I've picked up a lot of new information tonight." She said.

“Really?” I asked. 

"Yes, especially the part where you can be in a relationship without being in love,"she responded. "Yes, especially that part."

You mean the dating where neither person commits to the other? I asked.

"Yes, it impresses me. I believe that's exactly what I require at this moment in time in time."

"why do you say so?" I asked her.

"I've given falling in love a lot of shot, but it just doesn't seem to be working out for me. It's possible that I should do it the other way around." As she stated.

"I simply do not understand how it works." In the end, she said. "Well, if you want to give it a shot, you can count on me to be here for you,"   I remarked while wearing a beaming smile on my face. Almost instantly, she looked up at me, and then she just stared blankly into space, as if she were considering something.

She enquired, "With absolutely no strings attached?" "Of course, just two mature people who can communicate with one another." I said, and she responded with a wide smile. "You can find me in my room waiting for you." As I stood up to leave her room, I made the announcement.


When I left my bathroom and re-entered my room, Hilary was already lying on my bed. I smiled as I joined her on the bed. She smelled fresh, like she just had a quick shower. 

She had removed the top she wore when I took them out and was wearing an inner singlet-like shirt, with her mini-skirt. She kept fixated at me like she was reconsidering the whole thing and is about to change her mind. 

“You smell nice.” I said, leaning close to kiss her on the cheek. When she didn’t say a word, I kissed her on the lips. She really smelt nice, with an almond smelling hair cream. 

I kissed her more, but when I couldn’t get any response, I left the lips and proceeded to her chest, gently patting her cloth to reveal the soft succulent bre’ea’st. I immediately fondled them, and then sucked them softly. Then she responded. She moved her hands across my body, starting with the arms and then proceeded to the chest and stomach regions while I sucked her nippples and caressed her bare back. 

I bent over and kissed her stomach, tracing its lines with my tongue. I could feel the her stomach muscles twitch as I teased it with my tongue. After minutes of hot and passionate romance, I sipped my hand into her mini-skirt and pulled off her pant. 

I moved to my drawers and brought out my condom. I wore it perfectly, then patted her legs gently as I plunge into her wet c’un’t.  


The morning after was one I love to forget easily.  When I heard a knock on my door and heard Monica scream out Hilary's name from outside the door, I knew something nasty was about to happen. 

Hillary was awaken by the shouts of her name coming from outside the door. I opened the door and saw Monica and kehinde outside the door. Monica was looking over my shoulder, staring at Hilary who was still on my bed. 

 “How could you!” She screamed at her, trying to launch herself past me towards my bed. I held firm the door and try to calm her down. It was easy to feign ignorance and ask what the matter was, but the eyes of kehinde, which was wet, reddish and swollen indicated she's been crying for sometime now. 

She must have called Monica to come back because I was sure Monica didn't spend the night at the room. “Let her come out here now!” Screamed Monica again as she tried once more to push her way past me. I tried to calm her down. By then, few neighbors had started peeping through their doors and windows. 

After what seemed like eternity with her rainy curses and abuses on Hilary and succeeding in creating a scene, I succeeded in calming her down and took her and her roommate to their room. “How could she betray us like this!” Monica said. 

It was obvious she was infuriated by her friend sleeping with me, while they had earlier acknowledged that kehinde had a crush on me. 

She felt Hilary stabbed them at the back by throwing herself at me, while she had been carefully plotting and playing match-maker for me and her roommie. So many unspoken words, but the handwriting was clear on the wall. I didn't see any need to explain, but I felt obliged to. “It was the alcohol.” I managed to say. Yea, blame it on the alcohol!- whispered the small voice in my mind.


The next month was filled with numerous activities.  Earlier in the month, I helped Dr. Sowald during the Math211 exam for OND2 regular students. I was surprised when he handed the exam scripts to me, asking me to help him mark and grade the papers. 

It wasn't long before Mike connected the regular students offering the course to me. The two representatives he brought to my room where desperate and really showed the signs of desperation.  

We settled for a price and they produced the cash immediately. I went into my drawer, produced the bundles of answer scripts. I searched for their scripts and saw them. I gave them my marking scheme, containing the solution to the exam questions and asked them to fill those answers inside their exam booklet. 

When I felt they've written enough to score them an A, I collected their scripts, marked it in their presence and graded it.  It was foolproof! They were really excited as they promised to get more students for me. This they did as my room became an arena for sorting. 

I ensured that I produced the scripts for each student that came for them to re-write, using the same script and same handwriting. At the end of the exercise, I was actually smiling to the bank as Mike had said. After the cec exam was concluded, the course rep I had told to organize 40 willing students came up with the names. 

He produced 21 names that made the full payment: then an extra 36 names that payed 3k. He suggested that those that couldn't come up with the full 5k should be given a lower B grade. It was a wonderful idea. At the end of the runs, I had another reason to smile to the bank.


I was having constant flings with my angel, Nina, Mabel and Hilary. Hilary never allowed the unfortunate incidence that happened after our first night to discourage her. 

She kept coming to my room whenever we wanted to hangout or have sex. My relationship with her was purely physical as we had agreed. Nina and I had constant sex also. But few weeks later, she got her much desired admission into the federal university. 

She came to my room screaming on that faithful evening with the news. She was so excited about it. We had made hot passionate love that night. I was really going to miss her. She promised to be in touch, but I knew better. 

So that night, I made sure I tapped enough of her a'rs'e to have my dkkk tattooed at her geespot. She moaned and screamed as I thumped into her with so much energy that on the process, I felt I hit the base of her womb a few times with my d'kkk.   

Mabel was still unable to come to my room for s*e*x. I was perplexed as to why this was the case. She insisted on doing it in her room at all times. I didn't mind because I was getting everything so far. Furthermore, the neatness and tranquility of her room turned on my full sexuality.

In just two months of constant sex, my angel had completely overcome her rigidity and dislike to sex. She was now more open and attracted to sex. She sometimes starts the act by telling me what she wants, how she wants it, and when she wants it.

This was a year of sex and comfort, with plenty of promiscuous assignments. So far, I've had to thank all of my stars for bringing me to Kogi state. I'd learned a lot and explored a lot. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly for me.

The brief period of HIV saga was the only drawback I had to deal with. I got over the shock quickly, and things are going well now. It was as if I was being rewarded for putting up with three weeks of misery. But things changed when, after two months, Mike came to remind me of the blackmail deal, the balance that the Etisalat manager had yet to complete. I told him to forget about the deal.

I'd already forgotten about it and was no longer interested in the balance. However, Mike was still very much interested in it. "He's got to pay the remaining N600,000!" He was adamant. I told him to forget about it. I wish he listened to me...