
My Demands

"Anywhere that will provide me with adequate comfort." I responded. "What about s'e'x?" She asked, smiling. “Yes. S'e'x and comfort." "You can find that in the higher education institutions." She informed me of this.

That is indeed fascinating! She told me about the higher schools in Kogi state, including the Federal University of Science and Technology, the Kogi State University, and the Federal Polytechnic in Idaho.

She suggested that I attend the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Idaho. “Why?” I inquired. "Universities have a habit of rejecting corp members who are assigned to them." If they reject you, you'll have to look for another ppa.

However, the Federal Polytechnic Institute will find you valuable, and they may even assign you to teach some courses." It seemed like a decent plan. But one thing concerned me: Idaho was one of the kogi east zones I had been warned about.

I didn't want to be in an environment that would limit my s'e'x and comfort throughout this nysc. "I'll give it some thought." I told her about it.

"You must make a decision on time." Posting will be completed this week." She informed me of this. I left the quarters contemplating the optimum location for my ppa.

I ran into the volleyball captain and Adeola on the sidelines of the court. I approached them and inquired about their training. They were waiting for more members to join so that they could train together.

They soon came together, including the new recruits. I observed them as they practiced. "Hold on to this." One of the new recruits approached me and handed me her phone and wedding ring. I stored the materials in my waist bag.

Her phone rang moments later during practice, and I handed it to her. She excused herself and headed out the door to receive the phone call. She spoke for a few minutes before heading to the hostel.

After I finished witnessing the practice, the football game between platoons 1 and 10 began, and I went to watch it. I went to the hostel after the one-sided play in which platoon 10 defeated platoon 1, 4 - 0.

I stayed at the hostel and talked with the ugly one. That night, he asked us to hang out at the mami. "I'm bringing a new girl out to tidy this evening." He exclaimed excitedly.

"Can you tell me where you're going?" I inquired about him. "The photographer's studio." He responded. I called Oge and told her I'd be busy filling out documents for Ms Enoh.

I assured her we would reschedule because she sounded disappointed. Then I went to the mami with the ugly one. After a few minutes, his new victim arrived and joined us, while I contacted Wangu to come over and join us.

We stayed at the mami until the lights went out. The military men abandoned us and pursued others into their dormitories before rejoining us at the mami. I quietly alerted Wanguu that it was time for our enjoyment.

I was already getting hot from the alcohol. We worked our way into the back of shops till we arrived at the lonely store use. It was in a remote location, and I recall going there at a specific point in the registration process.

We made our way to the front entrance. I came across an old rusted padlock on the ground. To lock the door, a brand-new one was used. Wangu yanked on the lock as if her life depended on it; she tried everything she could, but the lock stood firm and refused to open.

I showed her the old padlock on the floor, which had obviously been replaced during the day. The both of us where disappointed. We sluggishly returned to our hostels:...

It was a fantastic evening, and I was left to grieve canceling my meeting with Oge only to be confronted with this misfortune... I returned to my hostel and forced myself to sleep.

Why don't you go zamfara, Assaya? You'd think those idiots would be sick of blowing the morning biggle by now!


Friday, Day 11


The morning meditation was completed, and the march proceeded as normal. Platoon 2 was scheduled to play platoon 9 in a football game later that evening.

The team captain, Sani, assured me that everything was in order. "Can  get my wedding ring back?" I turned to see the new volleyball team recruit for the volleyball team.

I recall her giving me her belongings for safekeeping during her volleyball practice yesterday. I must have left them in my waistbag, which I had locked inside my hostel locker.

"I left it at the hostel ." I responded to her. When she heard this, she became angry. I tried to explain to her that I had left them in my waist bag. "You look great without your fingers." I made a joke, but she didn't move.

"Would you please bring them for me?" I'll get them during the lecture sessions." She then walked away. After the morning parade, I returned to the hostel to freshen myself.

The ugly one approached me and joyfully declared that we would be going partying that Saturday night. He asked me to accompany him. "The photographer is out on assignment, and his room will be available." He exclaimed excitedly.

I liked the idea of going clubbing, but I wasn't sure which of the girls I'd go with. The first name that sprang to mind was Ogee, but I quickly discarded it.

Why would I choose oge when we both have a room we can always f'u'c'k; I must choose Wangu. My disappointment from the previous night was still fresh in my memory. We both desire it the most.

"I called the girl with the tight p'u'ss'y," the ugly one remarked, as if he knew what I was thinking. "She'll be there with her girlfriend, so we don't need to go with any other girls." He informed me of this.

The lectures for the day were given in groups. I joined the HIV awareness group for which I had signed up. We were divided into groups, each with its own instructor.

I listened while we discussed a variety of topics, both familiar topics and unfamiliar ones, some of which where new to us. I returned to the hostel after the lectures and took the wedding rings from my waist pack.

I didn't want to stroll about camp with a waist pack, so I headed to the volleyball court with the rings in my pocket. I assisted with the training of my platoon girls, but the new recruit who owned the rings was nowhere to be found.

When I saw Jane, she was exercising with her squad. We greeted each other and chatted for a time. "How are things going?" She inquired. "It's not easy being a platoon leader and all."

"Is that why you haven't called back again?" She inquired, her face brightened wiith a smile. I gave her a long look; we would have been great for each other if she hadn't been married.

She was tall and fair, exactly my type of girl. She is confident, witty, and easygoing. I imagined what it would be like to taste her warmth honey- pot's .

Despite the fact that I had cut her off, my subconscious still craved for her. And remembering the massaging she gave my d'I'kk turned me on. "We've got a lot of catching up to do." I informed her.

"Let me take you out this evening so we can spend time together." I reached a conclusion. "I hope you don't mean the wicked spot you took me that night when you say take out?" She taunted and laughed at her own joke.

"Not at all; we'll go to Mami." "Did you forget I don't visit Mami?" She responded almost instantly.

"All right, then we'll go to your joint." "Or to that sinful area," I said. I joked about it, and she laughed. We agreed to meet later, and I resumed exercising with my unit girls.

Because of the football game between my unit and platoon 9, the evening parade was short and sharp.

Since platoon 10 had thrashed platoon 1 the day before, many people were rooting for platoon 9 to win only to keep the streak going. It was a dull game.

The ball spent more time in the air and outside the football field than it did on the field. Both teams were disjointed and couldn't string two or three passes together.

With Wangu by my side, I watched the game. She seemed to be more interested in football than I was, as she was always yelling "o-o-u-u-t-t-t" whenever the ball was on our side and "s-h-h-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-t-tany time our opponents has the ball. 

She jumped with joy whenever our unit kicked the ball into the opposing half. She and I proceeded to where the squad was having a team meeting to prepare for the second half at halftime.

Sani was plainly displeased with the team. He was a defender who said his second center defender was constantly putting him to work. I couldn't contribute because I'm not a soccer fan.

They returned to the field of play, and the second half began. A mix-up between the second center defender and the goalkeeper resulted in a goal for our opponents late in the second half.

We tried but were unable to equalize as the game finished 1 - 0. It was a knockout match, with the top five teams advancing to the second round automatically.

Then one of the best losers will be chosen to round up the group of six for the next round. We had to wait for the results of the other matches to see if we qualified as the best loser.

After the game, everyone dispersed, and I stayed with Wangu to talk. She wanted to apologize for what happened last night, but I reminded her it wasn't her fault. "However, some loose sp'er'ms are still flowing wild in my system." I told her, and she laughed.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to get them out." She stated. After spending precious time with Wangu, I returned to the hostel and listened to the often active fights in my hostel's hall.

The ugly one was, as usual, at the top of the fight. Their argument was founded on the issues raised by the HIV awareness group.

One of the corpers insisted that unless a guy had a wound on his pubic region or di'c'kk, he will never get hiv from a girl. He was ready to swear because he was so certain of what he was saying.

Although I've never heard of such an idea before. He seemed to understand what he was saying. He argued that condoms only protected women from HIV.

I listened as he argued that a hiv negative guy can tidy a hiv positive women without condoms and never catch hiv, but if a girl does it with a positive person, she will.

I called Jane after listening to their never-ending talk. "I've been expecting your call." she said a s she took up her phone, .

We met at the bar she took me to a few days earlier. We stayed there and talked freely... Discussions that resulted in our relocation to the same place behind the parade ground.

It was always a pleasure to be around Jane. She has this innate capacity to liven things up. We ate and talked about camp life so far at the restaurant.

She insisted that the adventure we had behind the parade ground was the only pleasure she had in camp thus far. "How can that be called an adventure?" I inquired of her.

"It felt like a wicked outing!" She giggled as she leaned in close and rested her head on my shoulders. "Hmmm... I really like that fragrance!" She murmured this as she took deep breathes near my ear.

Then I remembered her unfinished story about her malizia lover, which she had told me a few days before in the same restaurant. This was the perfect opportunity to solve the mystery of the Malizia man.

"What happened to the boyfriend you spoke about the other time?" I inquired of her. She took a few more long breathes to inhale the smell near to me before responding. "Jide occurred!" That was exactly what she had said a few days before.

I waited for her to go on, and she eventually did. “ Ken and I began dating on the first day of my admission to UNN. He was two levels above me at the time.

He was everything I wanted in a man; well, everything except that he, like me, was also broke." She paused for a moment before continuing.

"We fell in love too quickly, and things got out of hand." I still had financial problems; he did his best for me, but it was only to supplement; I needed money for my fees, and it wasn't forthcoming.

Then I met my husband, Jide." She paused once more, and I waited for her to continue. "It's a long story, but I continued the relationship while dating Jide."

I explained to him that I needed Jide's money to finish my school and that I would then leave him. We continued dating after he agreed. I spent the most of the money Jide had given me on him. He was truly the love of my life.

I adored him wholeheartedly. We started having troubles when Jide insisted on marrying me before he could spend another cent on my head.

He began to suspect me and assumed I was dating another guy when I began making ridiculous demands to supplement Ken and me." She paused again, peering into space as if she was scrutinizing something.

"At first, I declined the marriage proposal, stating to him that I would only marry him when I graduated." I had no choice but to marry him when it became clear that he would not relent, and because of family pressures back home i yielded and we got married."

I paused again, sipped my drink, and waited patiently. "Ken was devastated at first, but I consoled him and assured him that we would still be together."

I promised him that after I graduated, I would end the marriage and we would be together. He agreed, and we kept on." She finished her drink and placed the empty bottle on the desk.

"I used Jide's money to sponsor Ken." Most of the time, I will try to pay his bills before mine. I was putting unreasonable demands on Jide, and he was meeting them."

She continued with a sad expression on her face. "When Ken graduated, he ended the relationship." He couldn't bear the thought of dating me again because I was already married.

It hurt my heart that he abandoned me after everything I had done for him. I loved him so much that you can't really imagine how I felt when he left me." She was nearly in tears. She was clearly still in love with Ken.