
Horny on Sunday

I wasn't bordered since I was focused on the tiny a'r'se in front of me. I sped up and banged furiously as she yelled and shoulderered, her cu'n'nt muscles clasping firmly on my d'cckk as she cl.I.ma.xed.

I c.a.me after that and pulled my joystick out of her, and we both laid on the rug. After a while, the ugly one went outside to smoke. He reappeared and motioned for me to allow him tidy up the little girl.

I approached the first girl on the bed. She didn't seem upset, more like she was expecting it. We sucked, kissed, and caressed one other for a long time.

She was active in bed, responding to each tease with her own, and she touched every part of my body while I licked her hard n'ip'les.

I finally patted her legs wide and plunged into her after putting on my condom... She was indeed tensed and tight... It was so tight that I didn't want to quit...


Sunday, Day 13


After dismissing the girls, the ugly one wanted to stay in the room, but I insisted on returning to camp.

It was Sunday, and I needed to get to church. We drove to the camp, checked into the hostel, and I prepared for worship. I headed straight to The Reedeemed Campus Fellowship.

Chifawu smiled as she brought me to a special seat . I'm not sure why she chose a seat surrounded by girls for me, but I thoroughly appreciated the service.

Pretending not to notice the girls around me, even when I was obliged to grab their attention every other minute by asking for a pen to write something down.

After the service, Chifawu asked that I wait for her while she helped organize things at the church, then we left the church premesis.

We chatted the entire way back to her hostel. It was wonderful to converse with her in such a casual manner. "Permit me to take you out to lunch." I said.

"Not while they're serving rice and chicken in the kitchen today." We both chuckled at her modest joke, but I insisted on escorting her out. As she dropped her bible, she urged me to wait for her.

She eventually joined me, and we proceeded to a less crowded restaurant at the mami. We ordered and talked while eating.

With no carnal, sexual or lustful intents and no effort to impress Chifawu, we talked honestly about a variety of topics, including relationships, profession, aspirations, interests, faith, belief, and so on.

I discovered she was a devout Christian, a CASOR assistant president on her campus, had never had an intimate relationship while in school, and was preparing for marriage.

"I don't really have male friends," she explained, "because you can't have a male friend without him expecting one naughty thing or another from you." This made us laugh.

What better way to celebrate a holy day than to hang out with a holy girl? That evening, Sani, my squad leader, and I watched the last first phase match between platoons 5 and 6.

He said that we were still the best losers thus far, and that if the current game concluded with a goal margin, we would automatically qualify for the next round as the best losers.

It did finish that way, as platoon 5 defeated platoon 6 by a score of 2 to 1. Sani was overjoyed after the game. Ms Enoh called later that evening. She said there were a lot of forms to fill out and that I needed to come straight away.

I made my way to the nysc quarters. On my way out, I noticed RIta and a guy sitting under a tree near the photographer's booth.

They were cuddling, and it was clear they were romantic buddies. That made me a little envious.

I was yearning for those curly hair locks, and if it hadn't been for the clubbing I had left her for the night before, I was certain we would have been having a nice time under one of those trees as well.

I had to remind myself that it was a holy day as the notion of Rita and the guy clinging under the tree turned me hot. I must remain optimistic and only entertain holy thoughts.

Speaking of the holy day, I was on my way to Ms Enoh's chamber! Mrs. Okhi didn't work on Sundays, so I assumed she'd be at home with her family.

How could I possibly avoid Ms Enoh's advances? Should I be lenient and deviate from my holy day rule? Ms Enoh's office colleague seems to be around all day on weekdays, so today might be her only free day to get her groove on.

I resolved not to break my holy day. So, on my way to the quarters, I unlocked my wallet and disposed of the remaining two condoms... That seemed like the ideal way to avoid having sex...

I wasn't going to agree to an unprotected sex with a cougar, so I figured throwing away the condoms would ensure abstinence for the day... How incorrect I was.

When I arrived at the quarters, I met Ms Enoh alone in her office. She was working quite hard, with a mountain of paperwork on top of her desk.

She told me what to do and how to fill out the documents. There were a plethora of them! Each corp member had a file that needed to be filled up with specific information.

Participation in camp activities, participation in man'o'war activities, and a variety of other sections.

She just asked me to fill in numbers at random, ranging from 1 to 10. I discovered that even the attendance I was assiduously taking was ineffective.

Marks were distributed at random, and the total and average were computed and recorded. When I asked why, she said it was because of the 'Nigerian factor.'

She emphasized that if their supervisors don't go through the files, why should they consider themselves thorough?

She inquired as to whether I had decided where I would complete my primary assignment. I told her I hadn't yet. "The deployment will conclude tomorrow or the next." She stated.

"I promised her I'd return to her office the next day and offer her my pick of ppa."

Federal Polytechnic Idaho is the finest option for you.

It's a desirable commodity, with many officials requesting slots for their wards." She stated. My only fear was the information I received about Idah being in Igala territory and that Igala people could harm you if you touched their girls.

We spent hours filling out the forms. It was late, and I was exhausted! She moved closer to me as I laid my back on the chair. "I appreciate all you have done, thank you." She spoke into my ear. "You're really welcome." As she rested on my shoulders, I responded.

"You have a pleasant fragrance." I had to compliment her perfume, which smelt wonderful. We stayed like that for a few moments. I waited patiently for the appropriate moment to depart.

As she laid her hand on my chest, I crossed my hand over her shoulders. We began by carefully stroking each other; gradually but surely, the speed grew and we began kissing each other.

She kissed passionately as usual, as if there was an emptiness that only kissing could satisfy. I had to take things slowly since it would be worse if I got all high and didn't get any action.

I tried to slow things down, but her hands caressing and tickling my chest, nipp'le, and laps were causing crazy sexual ecstasy all over me.

She certainly knows where and how to touch them. I reacted in the same way, rubbing the insides of her laps as she patted her legs reflexively to give me more access to her exposed meaty laps.

After we pleasured ourselves, we both slept off.

That morning, I awoke early. As corpers slept, there were still snoring sounds throughout the hall. I needed to atone my sins for desecrating the Lord's Day.

I picked up my Gideon's free-to-be-sold bible and read several passages before saying a quick prayer and going to the washroom.

I took a bath before the morning parade for the first time. I dressed up and waited for the biggle attentively.


Monday,  Day 14.


The morning parade went on as usual. The director of sports read out the updated draws for the football and volleyball competitions.

The next day, we were in platoon 5. The football squad breathed a sigh of relief after previously expressing concerns about playing platoon 10, which was widely expected to win the competition.

They clearly had the greatest team in camp, with several of its players rumored to be professionals already playing for some football academy.

Other activities, such as dancing and theatre competitions, were announced.

The best announcement was that the local transport allowance (bicycle allowance) was ready and that we could begin collecting it after the morning lectures.

Rita's presence during the morning parade startled me. I was planning to ask her and taunt her about it later, but as soon as the procession was over, I noticed her walking away with the same guy she was clutching under the tree.

Chifawu approached me and we exchanged greetings. She informed me that the talk show she had planned for me would take place that morning, prior to the lectures.

I stated to her that she should have given me more notice, but she dismissed my complaint, claiming that there was no notice for the RCCF discussion program and that I performed just well.

I went to the game center to kill time after the morning parade. I played chess for several hours, waiting for Chifawu to call.

I remembered Oge and her seeming threat. I called her and we discussed it. She told me she was still at her hostel and that I should phone her when I was ready.

I was upbeat about it, but I wasn't really looking forward to it. Rita's beautiful wavy and sensual hair remained in my mind. I hadn't felt this way about her before, and I assumed it was because I was jealous that someone else would be touching those thick hairs encircling her crotch.

My thoughts were disturbed by the call of the ugly one.  As soon as I answered the phone, he yelled at me. "Guy, hurry up and come to Mami now!" 

I checked my watch; it was still 10:49 a.m. "Isn't it too soon to begin drinking?" I inquired, and he grinned on the other end. I recognized that grin; he does it whenever he's up to naughty and crazy things

What has he been up to this time? "If you move quickly enough, you won't miss what I'm about to show you!" He said as he hung up the phone.

Whatever the ugly one wanted to show me, he sounded like I'd be quite interested in it. So I had to leave... Of course he was correct... It was a fascinating development.

This last week of camp seemed to be a phenomena, as I noticed corpers hanging out like couples, holding hands as they walked, and crossing their hands on the shoulders and waist.

Members of the corp were clearly becoming more bold and adventurous. Some innocent interactions that began in the first week had now matured to the maturity and harvesting stage.

Those who had been hesitant about relationships were becoming more open now, and because it was the last week of camp, most guys were beginning to actively seek out the adventures they had heard about at camp.

I began hearing rumors of corpers f'u'c'ki'ng in strange places and enclosures. I've heard of wedding rings being found up in unusual places early in the mornings, among other things.

So when the ugly one called with what appeared to be exciting news, I assumed it was one of those strange things going on in camp.

I went to the bar where I knew he frequented. I noticed him at his favorite table, seated with two new buddies he met at camp.

He was too preoccupied with anything he was seeing on the other end of the joint to notice when I joined them at the table.

I followed his eyes, and there was Oge and one other guy having a heart-to-heart discussion over breakfast. I could tell they were having a deeper and passionate conversation because he was holding her hand on the table and they were looking into each other's eyes while they spoke.

When I saw them, I had conflicting feelings. At camp, it was common for girls to have a lot of people racing about them; the ratio of boys to available girls was already 3:1, so it was a race to the top.

Also, I never mentioned exclusive dating with Oge, and we never even discussed dating. But I remembered her being violent when I was with Jane.

I recall her storming out of the room and remaining enraged for some time after my explanation. When I called her, she said she was at the hostel.

She even stated that she had yet to take a bath. Why would she lie now? When I sat down, the ugly one looked at me.

"Isn't she the girl whose photos you used to show me when we had our bet?" I nodded when he asked. "Have you finally dumped her?" He asked again, and I began to wonder where he was going with the question and answer session.

"We weren't dating," I insisted, "just tidying up and having fun, that's all. , and I'm sure that guy is just a friend." I came to a conclusion, but yet my instincts told me otherwise.

"Do you have any idea how many times they've kissed here?" One of the friends questioned. I was baffled by this discovery, but I kept my cool.

"I told you N25 ice cream won't bring you a girl," the ugly one said to me. "And I've always thought you were too soft." He pushed, and we got into a debate about exclusive and non-exclusive dating, as well as what is required.

Oge and the guy walked by, and I was confident she didn't notice us because she walked straight, clutching the guy's hands.

I stayed with the ugly one and argued for a while before Chifawu called. I departed since it was time for the talk show. I didn't think much about the Oge incident; there had to be a simple explanation, but I wasn't going to ask her...

It didn't mean anything until I walked out of the joint and spotted Wangu walking into a different joint with a guy... As they walked into the restaurant, he was really clutching her waist.

The OBS conversation program was vibrant and interesting. The platoon 9 leader, the head of the man'o'war unit, the RSM representing the camp commandant, the assistant camp director, and the head of camp logistics all hosted me.