
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · แอคชั่น
32 Chs


The air was warm and the sun was high. Still had plenty of time to make it back to Kyle for his training. I walked back after eating with Athena and joined Kyle at our training grounds. I waved and he waved back.

"It's going to be at least three days." I said

"That's not bad. Did you find out what you're doing there?" he asked

"No, but it's most likely bandits. I don't know why the knights at Kelmarsh aren't doing anything but since General Macobu was there, I was afraid of asking a question like that." I said

"You met the general!" Dave shouted

"What was he like?" Will asked

"He was friendly and kind." I said

"I've heard he's frightful." Kent said

"Athena said he can be sometimes." I said

"Athena?" Will asked

"The girl." I said

"They haven't seen her." Kyle said

"Oh, yeah." I said

"We are just doing cardio today." Kyle said

"Alright." I said

We began doing our laps around the training grounds. After two hours of running we stopped and were done for the day. Kyle and I went to the bath house to wash off. The others did their own thing. The bath house was always crowded for some reason. It didn't really matter though; I still took my time bathing. After I was clean, I dried myself and put on some clothes and waited for Kyle outside. He came out soon after. He looked into my eyes.

"What?" I asked

"Please be careful." he said hugging me

"Of course I will. It's just gonna be some rogue bandits." I said, returning his hug.

"I have a feeling it won't be just some bandits. There has to be a reason why they're sending Athena, one of the best of the best, to go." he said

"True, but hopefully nothing happens." I said

"Yes, I hope so too." he said

The time has come. Athena was waiting at the Fort's gate with her horse. I greeted her and then hopped on and we rode towards Kelmarsh. We got close enough that I saw the city walls and the fort itself. When we reached the gates we were greeted by knights. They told us a small raid happened and that the people are still at large. Athena explained why we came and they told us to head to the barracks on the east side. We rode through the town and saw a few buildings had been destroyed.

"Such a pity." she said

"Yeah." I said

"Good thing there is only one gate. Easier to defend." she said

"Hopefully no one gets inside." I said

When we arrived at the barracks, we dismounted and led our horses into the stable. Once we were finished, we headed to the mess hall where the men were eating dinner. We were introduced to Sergeant William Marx. He was tall and buff. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He was extremely intimidating, but Athena had no fear when talking to him.

"I was ordered to help out with these bandits by Commander Xavier Krieger. My name is Athena Burns and he is Rowan Niron." she said

"Nice to meet you. My name is Will Marx, call me what you want. These bandits... no one saw them. They hit and ran. Multiple knights are patrolling the walls and areas of the nearby forest. No one gets in or out without being inspected." he said

"Smart. Do you think they will attack again?" she asked

"I do." he said

"Any idea how much manpower they have?" she asked

"I am sure there are more than ten. Maybe twenty." he said

"Thank you for your help. We will head over to the inn and then get ready." she said

"Alright. I'll be by the gate." Marx said

"See you later." we said

We rented rooms and put our armor on and walked around town. Everyone knew who we were and we received many nods from the people. A couple of women smiled at me as well. We decided to eat at a tavern called The Golden Rose. We sat down and ate quickly before heading back out.

Night quickly fell. All the knights were prepared and the atmosphere was tense. As we approached the gate, we couldn't see anything out there. Athena and I leaned against the outside wall.

"Why don't you wear a helmet?" I asked

"Expensive and uncomfortable." she said

"The fort gave us one for free." I said

"Still uncomfortable." she said

"That's fair." I said

It was a quiet night. No one left their post until day break. We rotated with the other knights that were sleeping. Athena and I went back to the inn and fell asleep.

We woke up and got ready. We ordered food at the inn and began patrolling the streets. People seemed more relaxed today than yesterday. More were out in the street and construction has already started on the buildings that were destroyed.

Knights saluted as we walked by. Civilians bowed their heads out of respect. And Athena was smiling the entire time.

As noon passed, The town was still peaceful. The knights never let their guards down. We looked at every alleyway. Inside every shop.

"Another peaceful day." Athena said

"Yeah. Want to grab something to eat?" I asked

"Sure. Let's go to The Greedy Baker." she said

"Sounds good to me." I said

After lunch we returned to the barracks. After getting cleaned up, we met up with Marx.

"How did it go?" he asked

"Fine. Nothing exciting really. Just patrolling." she replied

"You look tired. Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off? Go ahead and get some sleep if you need to." he said

"Thanks. I'm fine though. I can keep going." she said

He nodded. "Be safe. You two."

Athena and I went back to our patrol. She started small talk to pass the time. It was nice just walking next to her and chatting like old friends would. She talked about Heart Stone and her times with Colonel Pole. I talked about my childhood and training with my old friends. But then the bells began ringing. Knights and people shouting. And the gate closed. We rushed up to the wall and looked over. More hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers surrounded the city. Banners with the symbol of a black dagger and a white snake wrapped around were held up high. 

"The Black Company." Athena said

"The what?" I asked

"These are no lowly bandits. These are scum who work for Kralovia and do their dirty work. Their leader is Jack Scorn." she said