Well, AHAHAHA, I have Reincarnated to the Word of My hero Academia, I know you know it, You wouldn't be here if you didn't ! and guess what ? I have the power of fate servants, and I have fused bodies with Senji Muramasa, and Shirou Emiya, yeah, Not confusing at all ahahaha, anyway, I will be the Strongest hero, there is no debate, but, How long will it take ? Well if you want to know why not give this story a Try !
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In a dimly lit room adorned with multiple monitors, the symbol of peace and the world's number one hero, All Might, was observing the screens with a unique computer mouse. They were astonished by the performance of a particular student. "Do you believe he is capable of handling it? What criteria are you considering, Toshinori?" the mouse inquired, its eyes gleaming with sharp intelligence.
Toshinori, also known as All Might to the public, gazed at the monitor before responding, "Physically, he is more than qualified. The immense power he demonstrated, using 20% of One For All on his very first day, is not something too far fetched. However, I need to get to know him better. I'm seeking a Symbol of Peace, not just a hero with brute force. Place him in Class 1-A so I can keep a close eye on him, Principal Nezu. Perhaps, by doing so, I can truly understand his character."
Examining the results, Nezu, the peculiar mouse and the school's principal, sighed and said, "Judging by his performance, I am certain he belongs in Class 1-A. 'sigh', we have budget constraints, and he managed to defeat all of our villain bots. Unbealivble."
"IZUKU! You never told me you were this strong!" Hearing the energetic voice behind him, Izuku smiled and turned to find Mina about to pounce on him. Without any concern, Izuku allowed her to dangle on him while hugging him and replied, "Hey, what's up, Mina?"
"Hey, Izuku! Good to see you again. You really outdid everyone out there," Mina remarked. Izuku scratched his head with a hesitant smile and said, "I think I might have overdone it, ahaha. Well, anyway, I saw you fight too, and you were great!"
Upon hearing Izuku's words, Mina responded, "While I may not have been the best, I did okay. I wished I was in the top 10, but it's okay!"
As they conversed, another girl approached Izuku. (Oh? It's the one I saved, with the floating quirk. Pretty strong quirk for a little girl.)
"Hey, um, Midoriya, right? Thank you so much for saving my life earlier. I should have done better! Again, thank you so much!" The girl lowered her head to thank him, and Izuku raised his hand, saying, "No, no. There is no need to thank me. I just did my duty. Don't forget, we are future heroes, right?" Startled by Izuku's words, the girl introduced herself, saying, "I'm Ochaco! Ochaco Uraraka. That's my name!" Izuku glanced at the large screen and said, "Oh, you're ranked fourth. Well, congratulations!"
"Thank you!"
"Since Izuku forgot to introduce me, I'll do it myself! My name is Mina! Mina Ashido! Nice to meet you, Ochaco!"
"Oh! Nice to meet you as well, Mina!"
Meanwhile, Izuku, while staring at the large screen, asked Mina, "How will you know if you qualified?" Mina replied, "They said they will send letters to our homes with the answers and the class we will be in."
"I see. Well, I better go. An idiot is coming," Izukusaid as Bakugo approached them. Izuku decided not to introduce Bakugo to the girls and wanted to speak with him alone.
"Alright, see you girls later." Leaving the girls to talk among themselves, Izuku walked towards Bakugo and said, "Will you stop screaming! What a pest."
"This is not over, Izuku! I will be number one!" Hearing the kid scream in his face, Izuku glared at him and said, "I told you not to scream in my face again! I may not be your mentor anymore, but I can still take you down!" After the harsh chop, Bakugo fell on his butt, wincing in pain. He gritted his teeth and exclaimed, "Ow, what the hell, I'll kill you!" Izuku leaned down to meet Bakugo's gaze and warned, "You're really playing with fire here, kid. If I didn't care about you – I mean, care about your well-being – I would have seriously taught you a lesson. Now get out of here! I told you not to follow me anymore. I want to see you improve on your own. So go!"
"Whatever, tsk."
With Bakugo finally complying and leaving, Izuku looked around and then headed home. He had already accomplished everything he wanted, so it's better to relax than stay here.
Upon reaching his house, Izuku opened the door to find his mother gazing at him longingly. She asked, "How was it? Did you do well, Izuku?" Smiling in response to his mom's question, Izuku replied, "Yeah, I'm in! It wasn't that hard." Awkwardly scratching her head, Inko looked at Izuku and said, "You're in? I thought they send messages to inform people." Hearing his mother's words, Izuku smiled with a touch of wariness and said, "They announced the top 10, and I came in first. So, I knew I was in. It was pretty obvious they would pick me, because if they don't – ughh, Mom?"
As Izuku rambled about how easy the UA Exam was, he was taken aback when his mom jumped on him and hugged him, saying, "OMG! You're in, Izuku! You can be a hero now, Son!"
After the initial shock of his mother's excitement passed, Izuku hugged her back and said, "Yes, I'll be a hero now, Mom. It may take time, but I promised someone that I will succeed, so I'm definitely going to be number one!"
A few days later, Izuku received a letter from UA High School containing his acceptance and class assignment.
{Izuku Midoriya, The Power Hero, Quirk: Body Change, Congratulations! You are placed in Class 1-A.}
"They better change those ridiculous names!"
In a dimly lit room, an extremely pale man was sitting on a chair with his knees up, watching a TV screen. "I want that Quirk, Kurogiri. He can summon rain and lightning, and he possesses impressive strength," the man said. Kurogiri, a giant void-like figure with a strange robotic mask, turned to look at the screen and replied, "Indeed, the next time All For One contacts us, we will inform him about this kid's Quirk. He will be very interested in it."
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