
(8) all might sucks at teaching! I take toga clothes shopping!

Okay guy before I begin, I got a suggestion DaoistDhAFIC to make the Hamon masks from jojo's part 2, so I decided to combine the shock collar idea with those masks as well, and by the end of the two monsters they will be doing total concentration breathing constant.

I'll explain how they work together but for now, onto the chapter!

(Warning this will be a slice of life chapter)


(Henry household, 7AM)

*bibibibi*bibibibi*bibibibi* *click*

Both toga and I awoke to the sound of the alarm clock as the early sunlight shone through the window overhead, and the sounds of passing teenagers and kids of various ages was heard passing by their home.

Toga looked at me with a smile as she took in my disheveled form, white hair giving me some major bed head while my t-shirt was pulled up showing my toned yet muscular body, "morning hen-Chan, are you planning on training today?" Toga asks as she leans over and opens the blinds up letting in more natural light.

"Yep, I'm going to try and learn an actual fighting style,I'll be back in an hour." I say as I get dressed in my usual training attire, "if you want you can lend a hand." I say to her.

"Hmmm…no it's fine, I'll make breakfast for us to enjoy." She says as she heads to the bathroom with the same uniform she had when we met. "Hey toga? Is that the only pair of clothes you got?" I ask her considering I've never seen her wear any other attire except the uniform.

"No, this is all I have." She says as she stops at the door, "why do you ask?"

"Okay then, toga would you like to go clothes shopping with me later?" I ask her as I see her turn, looking at me with a smile, l" hen-Chan are you asking me on a date?" She teased making me blush at the idea.

"I mean…we got tutoring with all might but I can see if he cal slip it into our schedules, but I'm a bit low on money, I do t know if We are allowed to work jobs as teenagers." I say honestly, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

Her face lit up, "then it's a date! Oh, call one of my contacts, it's under the name giran and he can help us out." She said before skipping giddily into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Following what she said I pick up her phone, which was pink and had a cartoon bunny holding a bloody knife and flipped it open before navigating contacts before finding the one she mentioned and clicking call.

I put the phone to my ear while it rang, and after the third ring a sleazy sounding voice spoke on the other line, "hey there toga, you haven't heard from you in a while! Are you looking for a job?" He asked.

"Hello there giran sir." I began as I wasn't sure how I should do this considering giran works in the underworld.

"Hey you're not toga? Did she lose her phone again?" Giran asked as he takes a drag of his cigarette, "actually my name is Henry and toga is my roommate." I say as I can practically feel him freeze up on the other end.

"Wait, are you sure you're a roommate or just food? You can never be sure, especially when it comes to toga." Giran asks as he takes another drag on his cigarette.

"No sir, she and I are doing quite well together, we're actually planning on trying out for the UA hero course, so we can prove everyone who said her quirk was evil wrong." I say to giran as I walk toward the living room.

"Well good for her, although I'm sad that she won't be taking any jobs anymore…so is there anything you need? I take it toga asked for you to call me." He asked as he puts out his cigarette butt.

"Actually, we're planning on going to the mall to get her clothes, and considering I'm a bit low on money, she said to call you about that." I say honestly as I hear him laugh on the other line, he was clearly enjoying this.

"Alright, I'm guessing she wants all the money she made doing jobs for me on a card, but Henry remember this." He said as I feel the tone shift in his voice.

"If I ever hear you made toga sad, I'll hunt you down myself." He said before continuing, "from how she's acting with you I can tell she's smitten with you, and I'm fond of the vampire girl." He said, and honestly I didn't think he would have a soft spot for toga.

"Don't worry giran, but I will give you a call if I we need information." I say to him as I hear him rummaging through something.

"Okay then, I'm going to put the 25 million yen in a card for you, I'll send one of my delivery boys to your location." He said as I start putting on shoes.

"Got it! I'll be on takoba beach, tell him to look for a teenager with white hair, also will this be confidential?" I ask getting a chuckle on the other line.

"Relax, I always keep these things confidential, but the delivery boy will be there in about 25 minutes, you're actually pretty close to the office I'm operating in." Giran says before asking me to let toga know he said hello and hung up.

(If anyone is wondering, my headcanon was that giran felt pity on toga when he met her and treats her like his daughter, and he is the overprotective father figure, hope that makes sense-thelostswordsman)

I close the phone before putting it on the bed and knocking on the bathroom door.

"Okay giran is sending a delivery boy to give us a card with all your money from your past jobs, he also says hello." I tell her getting an okay in response.

I walk out to the beach and let my mind wander as I let my body move on its own.

'Let's make my fighting style be fluid like water, while also having exquisite footwork, but who should I base this style off of?' I think to myself not paying attention to my body's movements as I get a clear picture of various anime characters, but two of them stood out among them, bang and sanji who both had fighting styles that have opposing elements to them.

Bang whose fighting style was like water, while sanji's black leg style was like fire, 'okay then, let's try and combine Fire and Water.'

Henry finally concentrated as he raised his left leg just a bit to where only the tip of his foot touched the sand and his arms relaxed but tense.

When he tried moving using both styles he fell flat on his face, before getting back up and rethinking his style, 'maybe I'll just stick with one style for now.' I think to myself as I take the stance bang uses and move my arms like water, as he almost felt like he was manipulating the flow of his body making him fluid.

(Why does this sound like a Baki thing?)

After about ten minutes I stop, and covered in sweat I hear someone clear their throat behind me and I see a person wearing a fedora and a blazer.

"Here you are Henry, giran made two cards and used his connections to give you and toga a joint bank account, have a good day." The man said before turning around and heading into the residential area.

I decide to stop for the day and head inside to take a shower and see toga cooking grilled fish and miso soup.

"Hey toga, the cards came in." I tell her as I place them on the table and head to shower, "breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes!" I hear toga say as I take my shower, ready for the day ahead of me.


Well guys I hope you enjoy this chapter, i had Henry struggle when coming up with his personal fighting style to make his journey to being op a bit longer, so I'm going to replace mineta, ojiro, and koda with Charles,Ellie sand the general(who will be a teen).

Also for the underwear toga will choose during their shopping date, should I have her go sexy(lace), plain or a combination of both? Let me know because I don't know what she would canonically prefer.

(Comment your choice here)

And with that I'm out, peace😁✌️

have a good night all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts