long story short,guy finds survey and is now in my hero academia with Henry stickman’s power of reference.
Nezu blinked a few times before repeating what I said with visible confusion on his face. "Choice…of reference?" He said with a deadpan as I see a new prompt show above him.
You have to demonstrate your ability to nezu! But to show proof you must fail in front of him and retry! Choose the failing choice.
1) say "I like trains."
2)orally explain it
3)shit your pants
Reward for choosing th failing option- semi-strong healing factor
'So I have to fail this time? Well I've never chosen wrong, so I'm curious what I'll look like from their perspective.'
As I look at the options I didn't want to shit my pants, and orally explaining it without solid proof wouldn't work for what I needed to do, so there was only one option left.
I look straight into nezu's beady eyes and take a breath, "I like trains."
"….." nezu and I both stare at each other in silence before I spoke up, "huh? Guess that was the wrong option after a-"
*brrrrrrrmmmm*(train noise)
And I get run over by a train, of course.
Where did that train come from?
"Looks like I picked the right option after all, now to see what nezu thinks, retry." I say I'm the gray void before appearing in the same office undamaged and a shocked nezu.
(Nezu POV)
I've seen many things during my life as a proncipal. I've seen a hero who shot laser out of his eyes but needs a special visor, I've seen a heroine with the power to control the weather, I've even seen a vigilante turned hero who turned green and super strong when angry.
But seeing a random train run over a hopeful student in front of my eyes takes the cake of craziest thing I've seen in my school.
There isn't even any train tracks near my school within 20 miles! So how did a train appear? But that was the least of my problems right now.
"How am I going to cover this up?" I say to myself as I look over to where the train exited where a gaping whole is located and a bloody mess all over the floor.
"Guess I'll have to pull a few strings." I mutter to myself as the only other soul with me was flattened and crushed into bolognese.
I reached over to grab the phone when I saw something impossible happen, the hole that was left by the train was gone and the bloody mess vanished.
But the most impossible thing?
I couldn't help but feel shocked as he looks at me and says hello, "so how did it look from your perspective principal?" He asked so nonchalantly, as if he didn't die in the first place!
Taking my shaky hand and finishing my recently poured tea in one gulp I regain my composure before speaking to the young man in front of me.
"Henry…how did you not die?" I began before struggling to come up with the words, "I saw the train turn you into paste, leaving a gaping hole in my school…but now everything is back to normal."
"Yeah…but I got better."
…I think I'm going to need something stronger to drink after this.
(Henry POV)
As I look at nezu who was still comprehending what transpired after he saw me die told me I got turned to paste, that confirmed it for me.
If I die from my failed option from an outsider perspective, they actually see me die.
"Well to explain how I'm back from the dead nezu is simple…that's my quirk at work." I say to him as he tries to regain his composure before speaking.
"So your quirk…brings you back to life after you make a choice?" He asks as he tries to piece together what my quirk actually does.
"I'll explain to you you if you want." I offer getting the go ahead to fully explain my quirks capabilities.
"So when you respected the name of my quirk a kind of prompt only i see appeared telling me to show proof by choosing the failing option." I begin to explain as I see him reach for a pen and paper and writing down what I said.
"I had to either say I like trains, orally explain it, or just shit my pants. So I chose the first one because the third option is just gross, and while the second one would be the most reasonable, it wouldn't show the proof needed." I continue before taking a sip of tea letting him have time to write down everything I said.
When I saw him stop writing on the paper I speak the last detail from my perspective.
"So I chose the first option which led to a random train running me over, and i opened my eyes to a gray void with a new prompt saying I failed and asked if I wanted to retry, which brought me back to life and explaining it to you now." I say to him before finishing my tea as I see him furiously writing down every detail.
And as he finished put down the pen and looked right at me.
"Mr.stickman…I think your quirk is a reality bending class, the only other reality bending quirk I know of to date is Stars and Stripes quirk "new order", so you are the second person in the current world to hold a reality bending class quirk." Nezu says as I take in what he said.
(Okay guys, explanation time. So I added a third and fourth class to add to the original two, emission and mutation, the new ones are conceptual class and reality bending class, so a quirk like tomura's and chisaki's eespective quirks are conceptual class since one deals with decay while the other deals with molecules, while Stars and Stripes quirk bend the laws of reality, Henry's also is on the reality bending class.-thelostswordsman)
"But there is more to it than just what I explained." I say to him as I decide it's for the best to tell him about the rewards I get from my quirk.
"You see when I make a right or wrong choice with my quirk, I get a quirk trait or an item, for example…come." I say to him as he watches confused.
A few seconds later a flame erupted out of my chest as the hilt of monohoshizao came out of it, scaring nezu in the process.
I grabbed the hilt and pull it out of my chest and the flames disappeared showing no damage to my body and an almost 3 ft blade in front of us both.
"This is one of the items I got from my quirk, and the one I got for failing like it asked have me a semi-strong healing factor." I say demonstrating by cutting my wrist with the blade making it bleed before closing slowly leaving no scar.
Nezu finally understood why I said all for one would come after my quirk first as he saw the absurdities it could do.
"Alright…thank you for showing me your quirk…I'll see you at the entrance exams in two months." Nezu said as I get up and walk out of the door and meet toga outside the front gate and we walk home to enjoy dinner.
Meanwhile after Henry and toga left, nezu picked up his phone and called a contact.
"…hello toshi…yes I've finished talking with him, please meet me at that bar Ms.midnight told us all about, I need a drink…I'll explain what I saw and heard there, make sure to get a private room." Nezu said as he looked at the now cold tea, wondering what chaos is about to be brought to his school.
Semi-strong healing factor(passive)- Henry's body can now recover from any injury, but he will feel the pain of every bone snapping back in place and every dislocation relocate back in place.
Now while this is a harem fic, i don't know who I should have in it, toga and mirko are a given, but who do you think I should add to that list?
Also thank you all for reading this chapter, you wouldn't believe how hard I struggled to figure out how to show proof of his quirk to nezu, so o made the feature that if he dies and an outsider is in the vicinity of him, they see him die.
But I'll see you all tomorrow with a new chapter,peace😁✌️