
My Hero Academia: MATSUI

What-If...Tomura Shigaraki, decayed himself during the battle in the Vestige World during the Paranormal Liberation War? ---A world forged from perseverance. Students turned heroes. Heroes made human. The roots of faceless evil remaining. A new generation must take up the mantle. Izuku Midoriya and his successor will have their work cut out for them.

TensaYu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

After The Dust Settles...(3)

[Press Conference...many weeks later]

There are heroes that enjoy the publicity. The spotlight is alluring, to say the least. The recognition. Victories televised across your country.

Endorsements. So many endorsements.

All of that meant nothing to Endeavor. Right now, he, Hawks, and the non-deceased Best Jeanist must explain to the world of the destruction that took place weeks ago.

"Endeavor! How did not know about your son?"

"Hawks. Why did you betray your title as number?"

"Is Tomura Shigaraki still at large?"

Endeavor reached out to the reporter that mentioned that question. Which hushed the crowd.

As if it bared the most weight. It did.

Endeavor: Tomura Shigaraki. Has been killed.

As of recent, Toji Todoroki cared about one thing. Proving himself to be a different symbol than All Might. While events have still transpired against him and his family, he stood in front of everyone today to face it. Flames and all. 

Best Jeanist: I know everyone has their questions. But please.

Hawks: If you can, let us start at the beginning.

The 3 Heroes would spin the tale of the Paranormal Liberation War. From faking Best Jeanist death, Hawks involvement as a double agent, Endeavor gathering forces for this secret war.

Broadcasted to the whole world. Its contents causing some reporters to cry. Perhaps they too lost someone in the carnage.

Then the question would be asked:

"What of the initial members of Tomura Shigaraki's league?"

Gigantomachia went into despair from not reaching his master in time. His sadness made it easier for the authorities to apprehend him. The destruction he caused made it so that even tartarus prison really couldn't hold him.

Larger appropriations had to be constructed.

With his revelations as Toya Todoroki, Dabi would greatly attempt to kill Endeavor and his youngest brother Shoto at any cost. While caught, his imprisonment was placed on special watch. 

He attempts to use his quirk constantly to escape, not caring of the damage to his body.

His mother, Rei Todoroki has attempted to see him under these conditions.

No such visit has happened as of yet.

Due to her quirk's capabilities of impersonating, Himiko Toga, once captured, was able to escape during transport. Killing 3 people and injuring 2 others with massive blood loss.

Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

"That blood girl?!!"

Mr. Compress attempted to salvage his team's situation by mutilating his own body with his Compress Quirk. He was also placed on medical watch to avoid further harm.

Spinner, unlike his other villains, would be placed in the general population with the other prisoners of the Tartarus facility. 

These were the people that threatened the status quo of the hero society. 

They were going to take away what everyone knew. Destroy it. Until something unrecognizable remained. 

Now, caught, in the wind, or dead.

Once the war came to an end, the people finally made their pain known.

The heroes won the battle.

Yet, countless people lost loved ones.

Homes, businesses. Their very lives, not uprooted, but decayed and demolished by the Liberation Front. 

The number one hero, who led the charge against our enemies faced backlash about his eldest son being the mass murderer Dabi.

No matter how ashamed, Endeavor, refused backed down. Confronting the world with his own weaknesses as a hero but more so as father.

Public opinion of him dropped significantly.

Governments all would be thankful to Japan for ending such as threat.

The world would find solace as the heroes did succeed in stopping Shigaraki. His power in the future would have no doubt led to further tragedy. 

They were then asked:

"So what is One For All? This phrase was bounced around by some of the heroes. Saying that Shigaraki was after something called it?"

The heroes chose to feign ignorance to protect the secret of Izuku and All Might. With the leader of the League of Villains gone, questions about the quirk have practically stopped.

There was only one thing for everyone left to do. 



[5 weeks later]

[Tartarus Prison - Bottom Layer - All For One's Visiting Room]

45 years. That's how long it took for Toshinori Yagi to see his archenemies' plan disappear. Sitting in front of the man…no…demon that took so many from countless people. 

No facial features to match his heartlessness. In turn, the former pro hero wore all black. 

All Might: All For One.

AFO: Heh. You seem…calm All Might. Much calmer than your last visit. I let me guess, you come to pry out my plans again by staring at me?

All Might: …All For One.

Since discovering the relations between Tomura Shigaraki and his former mentor Nana, his hate for AFO grew unprecedentedly. Now knowing the full extent of how much this man made her suffer.

All Might:

AFO: You know, of all the visitors, you'll always be the most consistent. I only ever interact with nameless guards. Perhaps with good behavior, I could favor them for a chess board for us. Of course I'll have my hands then. It'll be tough for you to play if I'm choking the quirkless life out of you.

All Might: …All For One…enough.

AFO: *What is this? This hesitation in his voice.* You're not here to ask me anything. You're here to tell me something. 

All Might: Today is last day, that I will ever see you.

AFO's usual arrogant smile would slowly fade.

All Might locks his fingers covering his face. Staring at the villain.

All Might: Tomura Shigaraki is dead and all of your plans have been crushed.

Next is the new new.

TensaYucreators' thoughts