
Chapter 8

"Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo! I want you meet my friend and partner, Dav—"

"David Shield!" Izuku interrupted All Might, "Professor David Shield! A top scientist in Quirk research who received a Nobel Quirk Prize! All Might's partner in America! He was the one who designed your costumes, all the way from Young Age to Golden Age! I never thought I'd be able to meet you in person!"

Bakugo grabbed him by the collar of his clothes, "Calm down nerd. You're getting annoying."

David seems taken aback by Izuku's outburst while Melissa just giggled since the same thing happened to her earlier.

It took a few moments for David to calm down as he gave Izuku a smile and fixed his glasses, "Ah, I guess I don't have to introduce myself then. Now, may I ask the name of the students brought by All Might?"

Izuku quickly calmed down and extended his hands for a handshake, "Izuku Midoriya sir! And I just wanted to say how happy I am to finally meet you in person!"

David smiled and shook his head, "It's nice to meet you Izuku, wait, hmm, you're Japanese right? So should I call you Midoriya?"

"You can call me Izuku sir!"

David nodded, "I see. And wow, you're English is pretty good."

Izuku grinned at the compliment, he really didn't waste the time he used to learn different languages. "Thank you sir!"

David then turned towards Bakugo who gave a nod, "Katsuki Bakugo, you can call me Katsuki. It's nice to meet you professor Shield."

David smiled nodded, "Yes, it's nice to meet you to Katsuki. And just like Izuku, your English is pretty good too. Where did the two of you learned how to speak English?"

Bakugo glanced at Izuku, "The nerd taught me."

Izuku rolled his eyes and playfully punched his shoulders, "You should be thankful. At least now you can watch American movies without subtitle or dub."

"Tsk." Bakugo looked away with an annoyed look.

Melissa, who was standing at the side was watching the two rather intently.

All Might was watching the interaction between his students and friend, but suddenly frowned as he suddenly gave two short coughs.

"Cough! Cough!" All Might quickly covered his mouth as David, Bakugo and Izuku looked at him worriedly.

Izuku looked at the other researcher on the room along with Melissa, and quickly said, "Um, sir, Bakugo and I would like to tour around the Island if that's alright with you."

David stared at Izuku before looking at his daughter, "Melissa, can you show these two around the island? I would also like to catch up with my old friend."

"Sure!" Melissa smiled as she turned towards Bakugo and Izuku, "Come on you two! I'll show you the best places on the island!"

Izuku and Bakugo followed her out the door.

David then turned towards his assistant, "Sam? I think you should take a break too."

"Of course sir. I'll see you later." Once the door was closed behind Sam, All Might popped into a puff of steam and emerged from the cloud as his normal self, coughing profusely.

"Toshi! Are you alright?"

Toshinori nodded weakly, "Yeah. I've gotten much weaker than before, I can barely maintain my muscled form for around three hours. I think it won't be long before I retire."

"Y-You can't!" Said David, "Not yet All Might! The world still needs you! The world still needs its Symbol of Peace!"

Toshinori just waved his hands, "It's inevitable. I will be forced to retire sooner or later. Besides..." He smiled, "I'm now just a flickering flame about to burn out. But I have no worries, because when that time comes, there will be someone who will take my place."

David looked unconvinced, but he didn't say anything.


"Oi nerd!" Bakugo called out as Izuku turned towards him, he saw Melissa frowning but ignored it, "I remered that there is this thing called Villain Attack Attraction, I want to go there, you two go on ahead without me."

"Whatever," Izuku waved his hand, "Careful and don't get lost you dandelion!"


Melissa watched as Bakugo left before turning towards Izuku and asked, "Why does he...call you that? Aren't you two friends?"

Izuku smiled, "We are. Don't worry about it though, Katsuki's always been like that."

"Aren't you...offended that he's calling you insulting names like that?" She asked.

The ninth successor just laughed, "Hahaha! But that's what it means be best friends! You won't be offended when they call you insulting names, you just laugh and call them with an even more insulting names!"

Melissa blinks her eyes a few times, "Is that...what it means to have a best friend?"

"To us, it is. Others might just insult because they are jealous or just straight up hate you." Said Izuku before looking at Melissa's confused face, his eyes widened in realization, "You...don't tell me you don't have someone you'd call your best friend?"

Melissa blushed and scratched the back of her head, "W-Well...at least not at the same as you and Katsuki. When we hang out, it just feels too...formal? I don't really hate it, but I don't like it either. It was that reason why I spend most of my time at my workshop."

Izuku opened his mouth and raised his finger as if wanting to say something, but in the end he lowered his finger and closed his mouth and just nodded.

"Alright, do you feel comfortable with them?" Asked Izuku.

Melissa thought about the time she hang out with her 'friends' and shook her head, "Not really. Being with them feels like I should watch my every move, it feels rather....uncomfortable."

Izuku nodded, "Then they should be acquaintance at best. Trust me I have lot of those, there are only a few people I'd call friends and Katsuki is one of them."

"Really? Then I guess I don't really have friends."

Izuku stared at her for a few seconds before grabbing her hands, startling her, "Alright! From now on I will be your friend! And I will show you how to hang out as friends!"

Melissa stared at him for a seconds, "W-We're friends? I-Is it really this easy to make friends? From what I read on a book it's rather complicated."

"Pssh!" He waved his hands, "Don't trust those stuff. It's way to easy to make friends, the hard part is choosing a good one. Now come on! We're wasting daylight!"

"Do you even know where to go?"

Izuku paused, before awkwardly looking to the side, not wanting to face Melissa.

Said girl just giggled and held his hand tightly, "Come on. Let me lead you, I will show you in every interesting place on the island."

"Y-Yeah, you do that."

Melissa dragged Izuku to every fun places found in I-Island, with Izuku showing Melissa how to have fun while hanging out with a friend.

Izuku wondered if he went too far when Melissa became comfortable enough to call him broccoli. Gods, why do people keep associating him with green vegetables?

Green is not even his favorite color! It's red! They should call him...er...he can't think of anything it...

The duo stopped by a café to just sit and relax while talking about themselves. Izuku was a bit shocked when he learned that Melissa is Quirkless.

Of course, Izuku also told him that he was also one until his Quirk suddenly awakened a few months ago. He told him how he learned martial arts so he could realize his dream of becoming a hero, and he also told her about the completions he participated in.

Melissa couldn't help but admire him and also thought about how similar they are. The only difference is that, while she gave up becoming a Pro Hero and decided to meddle with technologies for support items, Izuku did not give up on his dream and even worked hard for it.

After they rested for a few minutes, the two decided to head towards the Villain Attack Attraction.

However, on the way there, Izuku bumped into someone, causing them to fall down.


"Oh, sorry about that," Izuku extended his hands at the girl who bumped into him. She was beautiful, no doubt. With a long black hair, onyx eyes, and definitely a curvaceous body hidden by a brown leather coat with a furry collar.

"It's fine," said the girl as she took Izuku's hands and stood up.

Izuku blinked, realizing that he just spoke in Japanese and the girl understood, "You...Are you from Japan?"

The girl blinked before smiling and nodded her head, "I am indeed." she held her hands forwards, "Greetings, My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, its a pleasure to meet you."

Izuku smiled and shook her hand, "I'm Izuku Midoriya," he then turned towards Melissa and pulled her closer, "And this is—"

"Melissa Shield," Momo smiled, "Now this is a surprise, I can't say its unwelcome though. You rarely appear in public."

Melissa smiled in embarrassment, "Yeah, well, I like to spend my time in my workshop."

"Anyway!" Izuku stared at Momo, "Yaoyorozu...I'll call you Momo, do you have some place you wanted to visit."

Momo was a bit taken aback by Izuku's casual behavior, still she can't say she hated or dislike it though. She already forgot the last time she talked to someone like this.

She shook her head, "I was just looking around actually, this place has changed a lot the last time I visited."

"Alright!" Izuku smiled, "If you have time why don't you come with us, we're heading towards the Villain Attack Attraction!"

'Well, Melissa needs some female friends she can talk girls stuff with, and Momo seems like a nice girl so...'

Momo stared at him for moment before nodding with a smile, "Very well. I shall accompany you, I don't have anything to do in the meantime."

"Great!" With a grin, Izuku grabbed her hands along with Melissa as he dragged the two of them.
