
Walking around like you own the place

I took everything they had. Their keys, their clothes, and their wallets. Okay, I didn't take their wallets, but I won't say I wasn't tempted by the opportunity. Thankfully these goons had a map of this place. I see they couldn't tell right from left in this place either. Just in case I grabbed the document Greenlit #221 it seems to be an old experiment of the doctors to try to make quirkless people gain quirks like everyone else. I would say that it wasn't a bad idea if not for how much pain and suffering people went through just to try to make it happen. I don't know if I should be happy or not, but all of his experiments proved fruitless. Why anyone would need this document is beyond me, but I need to act the part in order to move around freely. I move the two guys into a corner and leave the room. This time I won't forget like the other guy to lock the two of them inside. I'm sure someone will find them tomorrow after I've left. I look at the map and go toward the experimentation rooms. I meet other people on the way, but they didn't seem the least bit interested in me since they thought I was one of them. Eventually, I made my way to the rooms and some of the things I saw I could never unsee. He had an experiment where animals with multiple human body parts attached to them was moving around like it was natural. It looked disgusting and unnatural to say the least. After the first three doors I made a mental note that if I ever found someone to erase memories to make me forget about the stuff I had to witness being inside this place. Eventually, I made it to a room that says miracle in the making and sure enough Kyoka was inside. She looked horrible though with cuts, bruises, and injection marks all over her body. She looked beaten down and defeated. Right now, she was currently sleeping so I would just have to get her and carry her back to safety. I open the door with the key and in my haste to rescue Kyoka I didn't notice someone sneaking up on me. I felt a tingling sensation on my neck as I fell unconscious.

When I wake up I myself am strapped to a chair in an experiment room. I look up to see a tall, skinny man with green hair and glasses looking down at me in a happy expression. Of course, he's wearing the stereotypical white lab coat with a clipboard in his hand. He's furiously writing down notes as I fully regain consciousness.

Doctor?: "Hello intruder. I don't care who you are or where you came from, but you made a mistake coming here. It appears that you've come seeking the golden goose but you can't have her. She is much too valuable. With her quirk I was already able to synthesize a prototype drug that will enhance another people's quirk. Don't even bother trying to escape since I already gave you a drug that numbs your senses and prevents the activation of your quirk. We'll since your here might as well try it my new drug on you, but I wouldn't be foolish enough to enhance your quirk and help you escape. No. No. No. No. I'm going to do so in a fashion that your death will be all your fault. You'll die just for just being you."

He grabs two injections with two very different liquids inside. One is a light orange while the other is black. He simultaneously injects both into my body. Gasping for breath I ask, "What did you do?"

He smiled and started to explain.

Doctor?: "Through my many experiments one drug I was able to create was called Chaos. You see Chaos was a drug that takes the recipients quirk and makes it run rampant throughout their body. If they controlled fire, then they would slowly burn alive. If they could manipulate time, then they would manipulate their body's time and start aging exponentially. I've run many tests, so I can honestly say it's by favorite way to watch someone die. Not by my own hands but by the very thing that made them special. Plus, with the enhancing drug it some make your quirk stronger and deal more damage to you in a shorter period of time. I don't want to spend all my time here when the golden goose is calling to me."

He still has the nerve to think about Kyoka in this situation, but it was at this moment I could feel my quirk start rampaging throughout my body. My body was constantly emitting electricity all over my body and I could feel myself being electrocuted as they passed over me. I started screaming horribly all while the doctor's grin grew wider and wider. I felt like I was done for as time kept passing by until eventually I saw a silver light and fell unconscious once again.

Is this the end for our hero?

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