
Denki vs. Konton

My match was up next and I couldn't help feeling a little excited. I never heard of Konton before and I didn't meet him in the other rounds I was in either. Hopefully, he doesn't have an overpowered quirk like Midoriya.


The crowd erupted in cheers and was excited about the upcoming battle. I glanced over at my opponent and check if he was wearing any watches, but as far as I could see he wasn't wearing any. He was wearing some long black wristbands on his arms. We both walked up on the stage and Konton stared at me with a hostile expression even before the battle even started. Why is he so upset?

Present Mic: START!!!!

Konton: You crushed my best friend in the last round so I'm going to return the favor tenfold to you.

Denki: We'll see if you can live up to your promise.

I immediately activated my quirk and shot blue electricity at my opponent. He had quick movements since he managed to dodge my first round of lighting attacks but I changed my approach since it wasn't working. I covered myself in electricity and boosted my speed. I quickly ran up to him while shooting bolts of blue lighting. He managed to dodge the lightning bolts again but he wasn't able to block the punch that slammed into his face and knocked him back a couple of steps. I quickly rushed behind him and punched him in the back and he fell over onto the stage. He stood back up and stated that I would still pay for what I did. I went back on the offensive except this time he managed to dodge more and more of my attacks. I still manage to do some damage, but not enough to keep him down. I didn't understand why this was happening. Was he getting faster? Or was I getting slower? In a matter of time, I was the one on the defensive since I was losing control of my quirk. I could barely send out a few sparks at this point. His quirk must weaken the opponent's body. Still, not all is lost I can still turn this around. All of a sudden, my opponent smiled and said its over. It was then that the scenery around me changed and my opponent Konton was replaced by a skinny guy with green hair, glasses, and a lab coat. The psychopath that kidnapped Kyoka has manifested before me seemingly out of thin air. This had to be an illusion right? There's no way that he could be here. Even though I know this is probably an illusion I was shaking in fear. I thought I would be tearing him limb from limb if I ever saw him again but it seems getting over a near-death experience is actually harder than I thought. As I was still processing this information the psychopath began to speak.

Doctor Lee: You don't know how long I've waited for the opportunity to see you again. You've ruined all my plans and you think you can get away without facing punishment. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Denki: You aren't real. You can't hurt me.

Doctor Lee: Really?

He lunged forward and punched me in the face.

Lee: Did that feel real enough for you?

Impossible how can this hurt. Unless I'm not in an illusion like I thought. I tried activating my quirk but I was getting nothing. The doctor took this opportunity to send a barrage of punches and kicks my way. He didn't stop until he hit pretty much everywhere on my body. He then grabbed me by my hair and started speaking again.

Lee: Weakling. You're a waste of time and space. I need to hurry and find my golden goose. There are so many more delicious experiments to do.

Lee says while licking his lips.

Denki: DON'T YOU DARE!!!

Black electricity started to ooze out of my body, but in response, he sent another punch to my stomach and knocked me back again.

Lee: Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. Also, this time I might let you watch as I torture her. She'll scream out your name and you'll be completely powerless to stop me. He stomped on my face like I was a bug.

All the memories of Kyoka and Jiro flashed through my mind. The hideout where I saw her injured and broken. The hospital where you see the aftermath of his actions on not just Kyoka but Jiro as well. I especially remember the smile she had before this happened when I first saved her. I was so angry and consumed by hatred for this man that I barely noticed that the black lightning started shooting out of the body in large amounts all over the place. There was only a single thought inside my head, "You must die!"

After that everything went dark.