
my hater 24/7

Touria_Raiss_8465 · สมจริง
4 Chs

chapter 2 : Nice/ evil /rude?

when i sat next to the girl that i hate her,everything was normal,our french teacher said to grab a book called "fascicule",and when i went to grab it,it wasn t there,so i freacked out and ask for someone to give me their book ,and track with their classmate,and then he disagree,and the girl sitting next to him says to me:why won't you track with the girl sitting next to?so i said:she won't let me.And then she actually did let me track with her,so i said:thank you(2+),and then,after 10 or 20 minutes later,she starts being rude again,what a confusion.And btw,her pink pencil got stolen,and who stole it?me,cuz she usually doesn't give me her pink pencil,so i gotta teach her a lesson.And btw,yesterday i bought a new pink pencil and she says that it was hers,and obviously,our french teacher didn't trust and she gave me the pink pencil and i begin to cry.and what did she said about me?that Im a crybaby.I swear next time,im gonna hit her and see who is the crybaby.