
Who was that?


Kai who returned to his older brother's mansion and waited for his older brother on the black couch in the living room

Kyle stepped inside the house only to see Kai sitting in his living room casually, making himself comfortable

Kyle emmited a dark aura that could instill fear in any living being, Kyle stood at the door for a short time with blood all over his shirt and lips before he started walking up the stairs without saying anything

"Looks like you've gone looking for preys, huh?" Kai questioned. "Don't think about her, she's a mere human, you'll kill her" Kai added before he could leave his sight

Kyle continued walking up the stairs without saying anything while Kai smirked mischievously


"Who was that? The one who dropped you off" Lila's father Lucas asked teasingly "Looks like my baby girl's finally growing up" he said excitedly patting her shoulder softly

"Dad, c'mon. He helped me out" Lila chuckled

"Uhhhhhhh, something's getting hot" Lucas laughed jokingly happy to see his daughter with someone other than Bella, to think it was a man

Bella was her best friend from childhood, they were always together, one would think they are actually sisters because they share a unique and strong bond

Lila walked over to her room and fell down on her bed tiredly and stared at her phone as if waiting for a message or phone call, she kept thinking about the strange man with such intimidating aura, her mind drifted to the man who was begging for? She had no idea.

After a while of thinking, she slept off on her bed, she was so tired, she felt like all her energy was being sucked out


Far away from Lila was Kai, sitting on the couch, when he got fed up of waiting there he walked over to the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine he poured out a glass and drank it

After a while, he stood up and took off...

Kyle sat in his dark dim room lit with few candles sipping his wine little by little

He sat there rethinking his past like always

Suddenly he let out a menacing laugh that sent chills
