

Hello, dear readers. If you're looking for a sci-fi thriller with a dash of humor and romance, you've come to the right place. This is the story of Aana, a young businesswoman who is so bored with her life to spice it up. Little does she know that one resolution she makes in the new year would be meeting a time traveler from the year 2123. His name is Ahaan, and he's here because of a experiment Or so he says. He also says he can't stay for long, because he has to go back to his own time. But he doesn't tell Aana everything. He has some secrets that he doesn't want her to know. Secrets that could change everything. This is a story of love, betrayal and time travel. A story of how two people from different worlds find each other and mess up their destinies. A story of what happens when the future crashes into the present. Will Aana and Ahaan fall in love or fall apart? Will Ahaan complete his mission or get caught in the past? Will Aana find out the truth or remain in the dark? Will they have a happy ending or a tragic one? If you want to know the answers, you'll have to read the book. And trust me, you won't regret it. It's full of twists and turns, laughs and tears, action and romance. It's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm the author. So what are you waiting for?

Aana_S · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


The next morning, she left me by myself. She flew away and I had a terrible day. I had nothing to do but watch the clock. I don't believe in ghosts when the sun is up, but when it's dark, I'm more open to the possibility. To keep myself company, I turned on the TV after dinner and fell asleep, unaware that the next day would bring many surprises.

I woke up the next morning and sat on the bed, feeling groggy and disoriented. As I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw a handsome man sleeping on the couch in my room. He had dark hair, sharp features, and a muscular body. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans that looked futuristic and sleek. I let out a scream, startled by his presence. He woke up with a start, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, please don't scream! Calm down! I mean no harm!" he said in a deep voice.

I knew that even if I screamed louder, no one would hear me. I lived in an isolated area because I was an antisocial person. I liked my privacy and solitude. And being frugal, I didn't even bother to hire a security guard. I had only a simple lock on my door.

I asked him angrily, "If you mean no harm, why did you intrude in my house? And how did you get into my room? It was locked from the inside!"

He put on a glass piece that immediately turned into a pair of glasses. They looked like ordinary glasses, but they had some buttons and lights on the sides.

I could hear him clearly,he said. "Profile clear."

He looked at me and said, "Hey, calm down. I will explain everything. Just give me five minutes."

I replied coldly, "OK, but you've got only five minutes."

He nodded and said, "I'm Ahaan. I'm a businessman and a tech expert from 2123. Don't get shocked at this."

I was about to ask many questions, but he stopped me.

"Please let me finish my explanation," he said. "An accident happened in 2123 in our laboratory. We were making a time machine. It was supposed to be a breakthrough invention that would change the world. At first, it didn't work, so I went inside to check its controls. It was a big metal sphere with wires and screens inside. After fixing it, it accidentally started and threw me back in time by 100 years. I lost contact with my friends who will find a way to get me back there."

He paused and looked at me.

"The time machine dropped me directly into your room and went back to 2123," he continued. "I came inside and saw you sleeping. You looked so peaceful and beautiful. I thought people wouldn't be too open-minded at this time, so I didn't wake you up at 12:45 am to tell you about my arrival. You would have mistaken me more than now."

He ended his explanation and smiled.

I was startled and asked him sceptically, "Do you take me for a fool? Do you have any proof?"

He started coming closer to me

But I moved back until I hit the wall.

He leaned down as he was much taller than me. He was 6'2 feet tall and I was 5'4 feet tall. He towered over me and made me feel nervous.

He put his glasses on my eyes and stepped aside.

He laughed lightly and said, "Sorry, I was just messing with you. Wear these glasses. They'll show you 2123. You can know about a person and their character if you look at them. You can get detailed information about a person from the past, present, or future."

As I heard him, I glanced at him wearing the glasses.

It showed:

Name: Ahaan

Age: 25

Health: Fit

Qualities: Open-minded, straightforward, courageous, brave, handsome, intelligent

Qualities per cent:

2.25% pervert.

3.75% good-hearted.

95% intelligent.

10% selfless.