

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · ละครเวที
45 Chs

Alex’s Car

Characters: Ruth and Alex

Ruth and Alex drives off for shopping.

Ruth: Honey please there's something I want to discuss with you.

Alex: Really!!! So what borders my dear wife? I'm all ears. (Alex looks at his wife's face romantically)

Ruth: Why that look? (She asks with smiles)

Alex: My ears are itching.

Ruth: Oka....y (She stretches okay) eeeerm it's about my friend Antoinette....

Alex: What about her? (He asked with inquisitively)

Ruth: You see honey, she has been in the house for a while now and I was thinking if...

Alex: If what??? (He raises his eyeballs)

Ruth: If u could help her secure a job at your office. She's ready to do anything she can lay her hands on.

Alex stops the car.

Alex: Are u sure of what you want to do?

Ruth: Yes honey.... She's my childhood friend. She needs my help.

Alex: There you go again. What has this Antoinette girl done for u that makes u like her that much?

Ruth: Hmmmmn Antoinette, she has been a very good friend since childhood. She almost gave up everything for me back at school. This is the time I have reciprocate the same love and care.

Alex: Really!!!! (He smiles)

Ruth: Yes honey I felt very bad when I saw her as potter at the market. She told me of her relationship issues but never thought it will get to this point.

Alex: My secretary might be leaving soon.I don't really know but she mentioned it once.

Ruth: Really!!! (She asks with all joy)

Alex: Please don't be over excited over this.

Ruth: At least there's hope. She can work and make a living for herself.

Alex: It's not a promise though. I'm not promising anything here. I'll think about it and give you a feedback.

Ruth: Okay my dear husband. (She smiles)

Alex: I hope my wife is now okay?

Ruth: Yes my sweetheart. You are such a darling. Come here.(She kisses her husband)

Alex: I hope we can now drive off now?

Ruth: Yes... Let's go..... (They both smile)

They drove off to the shopping mall.