
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · ย้อนยุค
75 Chs

chapter 9 night visit to thomas. Cranmer.

 It's been a month long since Edward's coronation, and Edward is taking care of business.

 The year, March 25th, the weather???? Well, anyone who knows the weather in England knows that it's sunny in the morning and rainy by noon.

 Just like the Chinese people meet first asked whether they have eaten, while the British people ask each other how is the weather in your place, because of the characteristics of the island country, even if the place is very, but because of the terrain causes the weather in all parts of the United Kingdom are different.

 Regardless of the weather, it was a day for Edward to take care of politics anyway.

 Whitehall Palace, Windsor Castle, where Edward is sitting comfortably on his throne, listening to the proceedings of a regent.

 Only to see Edward's uncle Edward Seymour, dressed in a black tuxedo, two beards look sexy and extraordinary, knife-cut cheeks are very harsh, one hand propped up on a cane, is looking at the many ministers with sharp eyes.

 "I propose to decide the issue of the leader between us first, and we all know that a flock without a leader cannot be raised!" Earl Edward swept his gaze over the many ministers.

 And as anyone knew that only John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, could rival Sir Edward in the whole of the Regency, both having six votes in favor, the eyes of the crowd turned to the Earl of Warwick.

 John Dudley was magistrate of English-occupied Calais, France, in the year, Minister of Naval Affairs in the year, took part in the invasion of Scotland in the year, occupied the city of Boulogne, France, in the same year, was created Earl of Warwick in the year, and became a member of the Council of Regents in the year.

 The Earl of Warwick was a stout-looking man with bearded cheeks, two thick eyebrows that hung straight over his eyes, and dark green eyes that looked extraordinarily sharp.

 Because of years of marching, he sat in a very upright posture, and his hands were covered with thick calluses.

 The Lord Earl was stared at by the crowd without a hint of urgency, slowly picking up his teacup and gently taking a mouthful of the tea, before he unhurriedly said "Sir Seymour is right, we are going to have to adjudicate a bit!" Lord Earl aggravated the pronunciation of Sir.

 "Yeah! Aye! It's indeed time for a resolution!" Hearing that the two big brothers had agreed, there was no reason for all the disciples not to agree, and a chorus of voices of agreement immediately came from below.

 "So, let's take a vote on it! What do you think? Lord Archbishop of Canterbury!" Sir Edward suddenly asked up Lord Bishop Thomas Cranmer, who had been acting transparent.

 "Ahem! I go with the crowd!" Bishop Thomas coughed, came out with a phrase that went with the crowd, and closed his mouth.

 "So! What do you think? Your Majesty!" Earl Seymour turned and asked Edward again.

 Edward had been a clay bodhisattva for so long that he finally got a word in edgewise.

 Edward suddenly had a feeling of being valued in his heart, and suddenly had the urge to daydream again, dammit! You guys decide before you come to ask me, really think I'm a stamp!

 However, right now Edward was indeed stampeded without an ounce of authority because Edward, as a ten year old child, did not have an ounce of authority in front of this group of uncles and adults.

 A king without majesty, who leaves his ministers without the slightest fear, naturally has little power to speak of.

 Moreover, it is clear that Henry VIII specifically stated that the ministers would not be divided into majorities in order to check and balance your threat to the throne, and now he turns around and forgets it.

 Edward hated it in his heart, but had to make a happy, agreeable face, not to mention a twisted one.

 "Can! Uncle!" Edward's voice was as boyishly loud as ever.

 "Then, let's all vote!" Earl Seymour announced the start of the voting.

 "I think Earl Seymour is well suited to lead us in our deliberations on matters of state, and being His Majesty the King's uncle, he can better comprehend the higher will!" It was only a short while before a chubby minister rose up in loud support of Seymour.

 "I don't think so, I think Earl Warwick is suitable, his feats are understood by everyone!" The other skinny man pinpointed up.

 As the two argued, the entire conference hall came alive like a food market.

 Gradually, as time passed, there were six votes on either side and three abstentions, leaving only Archbishop Thomas without a statement.

 The eyes of the crowd then focused back on the old bishop, and the Lord Bishop did stand still.

 Time passed little by little, and when all the people looked a little impatient, they only heard the Archbishop say, "I think Earl Seymour is still more suitable!"

 No one had expected Archbishop Thomas to choose the Earl of Seymour, who was known to have always been on good terms with the Earl of Warwick, an ardent and fierce reformer, and despised the Earl of Seymour, who had risen to power by climbing up his sister's skirt.

 Bishop Thomas's choice not only shocked the many wayward ministers watching, but caused Earl Warwick, who was sipping his tea, to break his teacup by accident.

 The Lord Earl never expected this trick played by his old friend, causing shock to be written all over his normally joyous face.

 "Lord Earl! This is a precious tea vessel from China in the Far East, you have to pay for it yo!" Edward's voice rang out at the right time, relieving the Earl's shock, and spiraled back into that poker face.

 "Your Majesty, I will then send you two sets of Oriental porcelain!" The Earl immediately returned the favor by sending two sets of porcelain, which comforted Edward's young heart.

 "Heh! If it wasn't for the fear that you would lose too ugly and cause Seymour to be a dominant player, I wouldn't bother with you!" Edward sneered in his heart.

 Sir Seymour, however, had a serious expression on his face, sitting upright and listening to the Archbishop's words without the slightest change in his countenance. Full marks to you for this performance, Sir Seymour, the future Oscar for Best Actor awaits you.

 The meeting that followed had a touch of boredom to it, and was pretty much Edward Seymour's word for it.

 The Earl of Seymour then passed through the council and made himself Duke of Somerset, which was passed almost as quickly as the appointment could be made.

 From this it can seem that Earl Edward Seymour is very concerned about the title ah! After all, as a son of a Sir, working with those with a long history of nobility, on the surface not, in fact, his heart is still relatively inferior.

 Edward Seymour, whose sister Jane Seymour was married to King Henry VIII, was highly favored and rose through the ranks. He served as Secretary of State for the Navy. He led an invasion of Scotland and plundered Edinburgh (). He fought against France in Boulogne () and achieved brilliant results again. After the death of Henry VIII (), he was appointed regent to Edward VI, and was soon made a duke, and for two and a half years he was actually acting king.

 The Council of Regents fell under the complacency of the Duke of Seymour, and under the disillusionment of the Earl of Warwick, and under the depression of Edward.

 It went unnoticed that His Majesty, the new King of England, paid a late night visit to the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.