
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · ย้อนยุค
75 Chs

Chapter 51 - Peaceful London

 The scene of the Earl's Lord's daytime proclamations Edward could not see, but in his current state, even if he did, there was no way to act.

 In London at this time, Guyham, the first Thousandth Husbandman of the Darkblade, was reading the intelligence sent in by Centurions from all over England, summarizing it before sending it to Edward.

 After three months of development, making full use of King Edward's name, as well as the lure of a substantial income and the possibility of becoming a knight, a large number of bankrupt gentlemen and sons of wealthy merchants, as well as craftsmen, cheerfully joined the Darkblade family.

 After all, Edward had positioned Darkblade as a semi-transparent organization, like the CIA in the United States, with a deterrent and mysterious nature.

 In a short period of time, the Dark Blade was like a blown up balloon, growing bigger and bigger.

 Currently, there were over three hundred members of the Darkblade in London, including the resident personnel in the ten counties, which totaled to around five hundred, while Squire Edward had just over three hundred.

 Of course, the number of people is much larger, and the salary spent each month reaches eight hundred pounds, and this is only ten counties in England, while there are only thirty-nine counties in total in England, and the coverage area of the Dark Blade is only one-fourth of that of England.

 So Guy is still not living up to his name as a thousandaire.

 Although the coverage was not extensive, because it was just established, there was little experience, and any mess was reported to London, which resulted in the daily hustle and bustle of Lord Chifuyu.

 For example, Guy is now seeing His Excellency the Honorable Chief of Thousands, the Duke of Buckingham of Buckinghamshire has been going to the toilet all day today without knowing what he ate, and it was only after the Duchess called a doctor that he slowly got better, and according to the butler's uncle's brother, the Duke's Excellency got diarrhea from eating eggs and soymilk! My God, I didn't realize that it turns out that you can still get diarrhea from eating, I thought it was the devil's curse again? ...

 This is today he saw all the letters in the more reliable, before there is what next door sow strange disappearance ah! A nobleman's child was bullied by another nobleman's child! The knight married the daughter of a rich merchant and received a generous dowry! And so on and so forth.

 But after Guy brought in a character who had once worked as a secretary to the sheriff of the county, the whole of Darkblade was slowly getting on track.

 Guy casually discarded the intended letter and proceeded to pick up the one at the top of the tall pile of letters yards to his right.

 "Honorable Lord Chifuyu! Excuse me!" A middle-aged man in an English gentleman's suit, holding his left hand to his right breast, took off his hat and saluted Guy.

 It was at the sound of this voice that Guy looked up at his newest recruit, an older college student who had worked as a secretary.

 "Mr. Tex! No need to be so polite! If you have something to say, you can be straight!" Guy spoke in a gentle tone, his words polite.

 Guy took this talent he had poached very seriously, after all, he was the only one in the entire Darkblade organization who was actually college educated. And still the only veteran who had experience in handling paperwork.

 "Then, dear Mr. Hamm!" Tex said in a serious manner, without the slightest hint of guilt.

 "It's time to get off work! Can I go home now?"

 "Mr. Tex! From now on, when it's time to leave work, you can just go back! No need to follow me!" Guy turned to him kindly, without the slightest intention of counting.

 "The same goes for later! You can just go back!"

 "Lord Ham! Even though this was part of the deal you invited me to, I still have to ask for your permission!"

 "All right! Mr. Tex, do as you please! As long as it pleases you!" Guy had a helpless look on his face, not a single thing he could do about this traditional English gentleman.

 Mr. Tex slowly walked out of Darkblade's headquarters and took one step back to his house in London.

 Adam Tex has an ancestral building in London that is a bit run down but still livable.

 Formerly, as secretary to the sheriff, a great gentleman of family origin, it was chiefly after he had inadvertently offended the Earl of Buckingham that he spent almost the entire wealth of his family, and asked his Excellency, the Sheriff of the County of Buckinghamshire, to make a few points to remove the Earl's wrath a little.

 Without a way to make a living, Mr. Tex had no choice but to take his family to London, where his grandmother had left him a two-story house, to make a living.

 Then, a month after his arrival in London, his few remaining savings were depleted, and he was obliged to engage in the King's secret service, an office of which he was ashamed.

 The austere Mr. Tex has to be home in time every day, for in his mid-thirties this year, he has five children. In the Middle Ages, when the rate of children dying young was frighteningly high, it could only be God's blessing that he had survived five children.

 His wife couldn't keep busy, and he was in love with her, so naturally he had to help take care of her and give her a reprieve and a break.

 At this time in the Duke of Somerset's house, His Excellency, the busy Duke Edward, was again seriously dealing with the new Reformation Bill. For his Grace the Duke, who has always been devoted to reform, the matter of the Reformation is one in which he has always been energetic and happy.

 "Lord Duke! Lord Duke!" The young butler waiting on the side had just received an important message and had to disturb him.

 "What is it? My butler! Can't you see I'm thinking?" Edward hated it when someone disturbed him when he was thinking, especially when he was thinking about the Reformation, which was the most important thing at the moment, and was in an extraordinarily grumpy mood.

 "My Lord! It's mainly because you asked me to keep an eye on His Majesty the King's news, there's been a new movement recently!" The butler's tone was heartfelt, he knew that His Excellency the Duke had always been very grumpy and was afraid of making him angry.

 After all, he didn't have the same level of friendship with the Lord Duke that his own father had from the beginning, and he couldn't afford not to be heartfelt.

 "Bar! My steward, let me see what that king's nephew of mine has been up to again!" Duke Edward at once curbed his temper and made a show of listening.

 Regarding his nephew who was the king, the Duke Lord originally did not care much about him. However, since his performance at the coronation ceremony, it refreshed his understanding. And thus, he learned that this nephew had been selling wine since he was six years old, and that the famous fiery wine on the market was actually sold by him.

 This one was not to be taken seriously, especially since he had become king, and power was forcing him to keep a close eye on Edward, not to relax or dare to relax his surveillance of the king.

 "Recently His Majesty came to Portsmouth Harbor after attending the wedding of Lord Baron Thomas, and also met James Leo Shearsley, brother of the Earl of Southampton!"

 "And Major James, after accompanying him for a little while, wrote a letter and sent it back to Southampton Harbor! Into the hands of the Earl of Southampton!"

 At this time, the Earl of Warwick's house, the lights were brightly lit, and the Lord Busy Earl had stopped his work to listen carefully to the butler's report on Edward's movements.