
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · ย้อนยุค
75 Chs

Chapter 44 - Secret Talks

 "Is it true? Catherine!" The Baronet was caught off guard by the happy news.

 "Eh!" Catherine bowed her head and was happy to show a smile as well, tears mixed with joy.

 "Thomas! Are you and I going to be dangerous in this situation!" Catherine rubbed her delicate face with the Baron's hand.

 Catherine is years old, and in the twenty-first century, pregnancy and childbirth is a dangerous business, let alone in the medieval times when medical care was rudimentary, and it's not unlike crossing a ghostly threshold!

 "It's all right! Catherine, I'll call the best doctor in all of England!" The Baron seemed to think it wasn't safe yet, and emphasized again.

 "Don't be afraid, Catherine! I will call the best doctor in Europa! No matter how much it costs! I'll stay with you!"

 "Thomas! You're so sweet!" Catherine shed tears of excitement as Baron Thomas's words of love struck a soft spot in her heart! What a sensual woman!

 Hearing this, Edward bristled in disdain. Normally, the manifestation of pregnancy was after two or three months, that is, not long after the death of Henry VIII, they started cheating. And it was likely that it had started when Henry VIII was seriously ill.

 Thinking about it, Edward couldn't help but fantasize about the color of the hat on his dad Henry VIII's head turning an oily green.

 Hoping he wouldn't have to, Edward quietly left and returned to his room.

 The next day, Edward arrived at the dining room, where the Marquis and Duke of Northampton, the Duke and Duchess of Horton, and the Baron and Duchess of Seymour, all of them had already arrived. They all rose when they saw Edward arrive.

 "Good day! Your Majesty!"

 "Good day! Ladies! Gentlemen!"

 Edward's arrival prompted the nobles to salute meticulously. For the nobles, etiquette had completely permeated into every aspect of normalcy.

 The Marquis of Northampton, the Duke of Horton, and Baron William saluted Edward with their left hands on their right breasts, their right hands off their hats, and their bodies bowed slightly forward while nodding their heads.

 And both the Duke and Duchess of Somerset declined to attend the banquet on the grounds of ill health.

 And the ladies needed to nod their heads to Edward with their legs slightly bent at the knees while lifting the sides of their skirts slightly with both hands.

 In the Middle Ages when eating you had to be seated first by the host before the guests could be seated. So Edward only waited for the Baron and his wife to be seated first before he could sit down, not according to status as in China.

 "Your Majesty! Gentlemen! Ladies! To a successful wedding for Catherine and I, here's a toast!" The Lord Baron was the first to propose the first drink, his face full of red light, everyone could see that he must be in a good mood, and then he also raised his glass and drank together.

 Edward, naturally not exempt, raised his wine and took a swig.

 In the Middle Ages, it was the duty of the host to propose the first drink, and after the first drink, the host and guest could toast each other.

 And as in China, both eating and drinking at the same time was permitted at the time (it was gradually considered impolite after the turn of the century), and as in the Northeast, both sides of a toast had to toast to the end, without the current law of a little sip.

 Luckily Edward had practiced from or he wouldn't have been able to hold it.

 Edward was just getting over the shock of the red wine, and it wasn't even a moment later that he saw the Lord Baron pour himself another glass of wine and stand up.

 "The Honorable King! His Excellency the Duke as well as the Duchess, and His Excellency the Marquis and the Marquess!" The Baron paused and cleared his throat.

 "I am here to make an important announcement!" His Excellency the Baron's face showed a hint of redness, while Catherine, who seemed to know what he wanted, hastily lowered her head and blushed from her face to her neck.

 "My wife, Lady Catherine Seymour, who is about to bring a member to the Seymour family!" By this point, Baron Seymour's excitement was overwhelming.

 "Is this true? My sister!" The Marquis of Northampton was very concerned about this news, from the time he felt very guilty about his sister, she had sacrificed too much for the Parr family.

 To explain here, in the year, Catherine, aged, married Edward Borrow, 2nd Baron Borrow of Gainesborough. Edward died in the spring of that year.

 In the year she married John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer of Snape in North Yorkshire. In the year, Katherine was taken hostage by northern rebels along with her two stepchildren during the events of the Seeking Grace Parade. John Neville died in the year.

 Basically she married a very old nobleman and their fertility basically degraded.

 It was Catherine who became Queen, William Parr became the Marquis of Northampton, and his uncle became the Duke of Horton, so it was really a one-man show!

 That's why the Marquis is very concerned about Catherine's life in the future, and having children would solidify her position in the Seymour family.

 "Yes! William, it is a delightful thing to receive God's blessing!"

 "Oh! My God! What a delightful day!" The Lord Marquis of Northampton's exclamations were all tinged with a tone of joy that showed how pleased he was.

 A smile broke out on the aged face of the Lord Duke of Horton aside, while the two ladies hastily left their seats and ran to Catherine's side to impart to her the experience of being pregnant.

 After that the entire dining room was covered in pleasant sounds, and the Baron's laughter echoed through the castle, after all, this was his first heir too, was it hard to contain the excitement!

 It lasted well into the afternoon, and the whole castle was immersed in a joyous atmosphere.

 "Knock knock! ""Come in!""

 "Zee ----" Lucy curtsied slightly, lifting the sides of her skirt and bowing to the Baron and his wife.

 "Honorable Baron! His Majesty the King has something to discuss with you, and hereby asks you to make a trip to the study!" Lucy walked in, her light voice disturbing the Baron and his wife who were in the middle of their conversation, causing His Excellency the Baron to become displeased.

 "Thomas! Edward must have something to discuss with you if he invited you over!" Catherine's voice was gentle, urging the Baronet.

 "You go ahead! Come back later!"

 "Yes!" The Lord Baron's words to Catherine were filled with unending tenderness and favor!

 "Lucy! Go!" "Aye! Lord Baron!" Baron Thomas faced Lucy and resumed the Baron's majestic face.

 Not a moment later! Baron Thomas was at the door of his study, with a bright light bubbling inside.

 "Knock knock knock! Your Majesty, the Baron has arrived!"

 "Got it! Bring him in!" Edward heard Lucy's voice and didn't hesitate.

 "Zee-" Lucy led Baron Thomas to Edward's eyes.

 Lucy left of her own accord without Edward's command, closing the door to the study.

 "Dear Uncle! I have something to discuss with you!" Edward's look was serious.