
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · ย้อนยุค
75 Chs

Chapter 17 - It's Time to Think About Farming

 Mary Waltham, she is a beautiful and stubborn girl, from a privileged family big gentleman family, married a gentleman family Ed Waltham, and sell their dowry to save the family, not because of the family's decline and away from Ed Waltham.

 By the time she had finished listening to Ed's words, Mary had been completely stunned; she had never imagined that she would ever have the chance to be able to return to her old privileged life and possibly become a member of the knightly class.

 This headstrong girl has never given up on the idea of rejoining the upper class, even after becoming a mother of two and going through years of trials and tribulations.

 And so, Ed enjoyed the night as he had on his wedding night, a sense of mastery and conquest rising in Ed's mind for a long time, and he had never been so thoughtful and persistent in his approach to something.

 The early morning in London is filled with a stench of shit, that's because the merchants who drive horses have come to buy and sell goods in the bazaar, as well as the drunken hulks who poop everywhere, and the poor people who don't care to use the streets and alleys as their toilets ... This one thing composes the whole of London's filth and clutter.

 Because it had just rained, shit-yellow, disgusting sewage flowed unchecked, and the pedestrians on the road walked as usual as if they hadn't seen it.

 In turn, the sewage flows slowly down the gully into the Thames, the mother river of all London, in a cycle of nature.

 Ed ate his breakfast and began to carry a bulging wallet down the street away from his house, pretending to wander as if nothing had happened.

 Ed saw a stall selling shoes and hats filled with a wide array of finely crafted clothing, and on the stall a butterfly shaped girl's shoe with a pink background and red trim locked Ed's eyes.

 At this point Ed couldn't help but remember that his oldest daughter was already years old and he had yet to give her a single passing gift.

 His heart was in the right place, and the corners of Ed's mouth couldn't help but crack as he seemed to recall the delight of his eldest daughter, Ina, at the sight of the gift.

 The stall owner was an old man who could read faces, and seeing Ed wandering in front of the stall, he consciously introduced himself to Ed.

 "This gentleman you have a good eye, this is the most famous in the whole of London Mrs. Elsa handmade, you see this color, this needle and thread, how beautiful ah, to give a daughter or niece is the most appropriate ..."

 The half-bald boss droned on as if a swarm of bees surrounded Ed's cerebral cortex.

 "Sir! Sir! Stop for a second! I know all about yours!" Ed couldn't take it anymore and told his boss to stop.

 "I just want to know how many lovely silver coins this lovely pair of shoes costs sir!" Ed's words made the old man a bit embarrassed, but adhering to the principle of making money as a merchant, the old man had no choice but to offer a price.

 "Just one shilling, sir, one shilling to take home these lovely shoes!"

 "Oh! God!" Ed was shocked by the layers of shamelessness of his boss.

 Even if he didn't bring a single coin with him today, even if he did, he wouldn't pay such a high price, this is almost like a robbery!

 "Hey! You bloody vampire, for such a pair of shoes, you're asking me for a shilling, do you know how much that is?" Ed said in exasperation.

 "Hey! Mate, you do realize that this is Lady Elsa's masterpiece, and a shilling is a bargain, it's the only thing I've got here!" The owner also argued without relenting.

 Ed, who was focused on arguing with his boss, didn't see that a sneaky figure was slowly approaching Ed, quietly without a sound.

 Andrei was an orphan, adopted by the Church from the time he was six years old, and after the convent he was in was confiscated by His Great Majesty Henry VIII, he learned how to work at eating with the older children who wandered the streets.

 Over the past six years, he had stolen countless wallets, with failures and successes.

 But today this fat goat looks like a daredevil, to carry a bulging wallet with him on the street, don't you know that I, Andrei, have a big name on this street?

 Huh! Here's a new one. Serves you right for being unlucky enough to meet me!

 Andre approached Ed with his heart while his mind was moving.

 Andrei watched the two men, whose kills continued to intensify, and surreptitiously placed the knife in his hand in the place of his wallet.

 The knife gently slashed and with a zip, the wallet was in Andrei's hand. He did not have time to be happy, suddenly a pair of big hands like a huge pincer grabbed his hand, Andrei had only one feeling he was in trouble today!

 Don't look at Ed as skinny, but he's not, carrying Andre like a dog.

 Andrei scrunched his neck, not daring to make any movements, looking pathetic like a cat that had just gotten wet.

 "Don't play pathetic for me, guy!" Ed couldn't be bothered to argue with that boss, and hurriedly picked Andre up and walked him to an alley.

 "I've seen a lot like you!" Ed threatened from time to time, "You'd better listen honestly! Otherwise, you'll suffer the consequences!"

 Andrei did not expect to run into an old driver, oh no! Is a veteran, the heart can not help but filled with a sense of helplessness, how can I be so unlucky ah!

 Andre just felt so helpless as he was thrown like a stone into a corner.

 I hear some people like to fuck kids, especially boys. God help me!

 "Guy! Tell me, where is your stronghold?" Ed suddenly broke Andre's fantasy and asked another question that made Andre angry.

 "Damn you, I'm not going to tell you about our stronghold, just die!" Andrei hated such traffickers the most, not only did they sell the girls into brothels, but they also sold the long, white and quiet teenagers to the nobles and rich merchants who had a special hobby.

 "Guy! You've got it all wrong, I'm not a human trafficker, the king told me to come and take you to the foster home!" Ed felt that the boy in front of him seemed to have misunderstood something and couldn't help but explain.

 "Who doesn't know your tricks, you can't fool me!" Andre wasn't the least bit impressed by Ed's words.

 For the remaining half hour, Ed couldn't impress Andre no matter how good or bad he was.

 "All right! I swear in the name of God that if I tell you a lie, my soul will fall into hell and be numbered with Satan!" In desperation Ed swore to get Andre to believe him.

 "All right! I'll believe you for now!" Even though there was a religious reform in England, it just transferred the power of the pope to the king, and it didn't affect the people's belief in God in any way. So after Ed swore with God, Andre kind of believed him.

 Only to see Andre lead Ed left and right to dozens of children between the ages of three and fourteen in a crumbling convent.

 Andrei saw this and smiled happily, these are all mine now, the top three are expected ah!

 A month had passed, and the various spies of Darkblade had each brought in nearly a dozen orphans with frightening efficiency.

 But with sweetness comes bitterness, and this is where Chief Luna comes in to complain!

 "Your Majesty, we don't have enough food stored at Windsor Castle for a month's consumption!"

 Edward slapped his head and couldn't help but exclaim "It's time to start farming!"