
My Gooning System

I, Herald Goonberg, after dying, found myself in the world of Gu At first, I didn't know what to do. however, I soon found out that I have something that most inhabitants of this world don't have, that is, My gooning system. With this system, even Venerables, The Great Dao, and Heaven's Will, Will have no way of defeating me. I will stop at nothing just to get back to my home world.

Mrek_Travo · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs

A Demon's Origin

Huff huff huff

My face was red, and sweat was pouring down all over my body as I ran continuously, trying to lose my pursuers, exhausting my lungs in the process.

"It's no use! Even this Dayscord mod, Herald Goonberg, Is more physically in shape than us!'

"Hurry, use your Tasers!!"

Countless curses could be heard behind me, while the distant sounds of sirens were getting nearer.

I, Herald Goonberg am getting chased by the authorities for I have become a wanted man.

How did I get into this situation? Well, let me fill you in with some backstory.

Eight months ago...

After months of not communicating, my friend and I decided to have a call on Dayscord

"Hey Herald, Since the last business of scamming old people has failed miserably, Even ending with our friend Deren getting arrested, Do you still wanna proceed with Plan C, Blackmailing Minors on the Dayscord servers we manage?"

I clicked my tongue as a smirk flashed past my face, My eyes squinted as if they were to do something malicious.

There was no need to say it but my friend might've forgotten who I was.

"Daniel, My good friend, You Know me, For the sake of profit, I'm willing to sell my whole family tree's soul to the devil."

"We failed both Plan A and B, So what? We still have Plan C, If even Plan C fails then what do we do? You already know the answer, we made Ten Plans, Ten Plans! Plan A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. Even if we fail with Plan C, We still have Plan D!"

I was recollecting my breath when Daniel spoke;

"Haha, No need to be so pressed my friend, I know you very well, I just needed confirmation because it seems like there's a rat in our group."

Question Marks appeared in my head, a rat? Our group has known each other since middle school, we will die for each other.

I questioned Daniel, My tone filled with confusion.

Daniel explained, the dots in my head started appearing but they seemed out of place.

"So, what you're saying is that Deren wouldn't have been arrested if no one snitched?"

"But who could it be? We know Hacim hasn't been active in a while. King Gerd Has been on the run for murder, and all five of us pledged to never snitch."

I probed Daniel for answers, but Daniel seems to have no clear answer.

Nevertheless, we started the business.

Operation Profits by Minor Blackmailing is simple, we find minors below the age of 13 on the Dayscord servers we manage and ask them for inappropriate photos so we keep shut about their age.

Then use those inappropriate images to extort some bucks.

But we don't stop there. Why not use the images for more profits?

So, we distribute the images as paid content.

It's an easy yet risky business.

Week one of plan C has been very hard, we tried many methods to find out the ages of our members, but we barely found a minor.

A month later, we started being good at it. From barely finding minors to being able to find a handful of them, profits were slow but the combined effort of me and Daniel started to bear fruit.

Five months in, We were able to earn monthly combined profits of up to Thirty-Five Thousand USD.

But this much profit carried much risk.

After Two more months, our banks got suspicious of our activity, questioning us about the origin of such cash flow.

Of course, we could provide receipts for the purchases on our website. But, the moment they take a look at what we sell is when it's over.

They also asked about taxes. We told them the truth about not paying taxes, but to our luck, they only warned us, quickly ordering us to pay taxes to the IRS.

All seemed to be going well until the FBI started trailing us.

It didn't help that countless allegations about us started flooding Rettiwt.

These last few weeks I've been filled with anxiety, scared that the authorities might storm my place.

The day the authorities arrest me was drawing near, I knew it was coming, that's why I'd been preparing for months in advance.

I started running, I got slim, and I improved my stamina.

Although I was well prepared, the authorities still caught me off guard.

It was yesterday when they finally knocked on my door...

Yesterday, 8 pm.

I was in the process of extorting another minor, the process was very long but the harvest was bountiful. Not only did I get gooning materials, but I also earned $300 from the minor, add in the fact that people pay to see those pictures, and I was able to get $500 after taxes.

As a celebration, I decided to give away Nitethrow on the Dayscord server.

Almost everyone on the server participated in the giveaway.

if they knew this money was from child extortion, would they still participate?

Who knows...

As the timer for the giveaway was going down, I was waiting with anticipation, who would the lucky winner be?







And the lucky winner is...


At first, it was just faint, hence I dismissed it thinking it was just a figment of my imagination, nevertheless, I took off my headphones to make sure I wasn't hearing things.


Strange, am I hearing things?


From across my room, I could hear many ragged footsteps approach as debris started making its way into my open room.

The day has come.

Yesterday, 9 PM.

The authorities stormed my place, and I was left with no choice but to escape using the narrow window.

After many months of isolation inside my room, This was the first time I was touching grass.

I didn't think they would come too soon. currently, my plans are half-baked.

Yesterday, 11 PM.

After the authorities stormed my place, I was forced to run deep into the forest.

Today, 5 AM.

I was hungry, I had to go to the city to find something to eat.


Just before the chase...

After eating in a restaurant, I noticed that people were glancing at me as if they saw someone dead.

the morning news flashed on the TV.

"Local authorities have reached out to us in need of help trying to locate a local man named Herald Goonberg.

The person is suspected of child abuse, distribution of child-inappropriate materials, and many more charges."

As the reporter gave out information about me, my face flashed all over the screen.

After seeing my portrait, panic filled my body.

I swiftly exited the establishment but it was of no use, an off-duty police officer recognized me.

Soon after, It was not only me running, but also a mob of angry locals.

Huff huff huff

I've been running nonstop for over 30 minutes, the mob lessened but the cops were persistent on catching me.

"It's no use! Even this Dayscord mod, Herald Goonberg, Is more physically in shape than us!'

"Hurry, use your Tasers!!"

Saying so, the police officers drew out their tasers, finally putting a stop to the chase.

As the wires started sending out electrical bolts to the entirety of my body, The police officers realized their crucial mistake.

It was that they tased me on the road with traffic.


A policewoman cried out as a truck screeched, it was seemingly unable to break.

As the tire was nearing my head, I felt a strange sense of belonging, it was as if my mind and soul were at peace.

Suddenly, a white light fell on me, temporarily blinding everyone.


It was dark, the scenes before my 'death' played in my mind as my consciousness started to awaken.

After the scene where my head was seemingly 'crushed' was played, an eerie yet warm fire burnt in a circular shape in front of me.

And then, A voice came into my mind;

"Hello, Herald Goonberg, You are not of this world, the same as me."

"When I was alive back in your world, I was a Chinese scholar, but that was long ago before I transmigrated into the Gu world"

"As your Senior and the one who chose you as my successor, I am leaving this gift to you.

Behold, a part of my inheritance."

Suddenly, I was unable to move as an innumerable number of bugs flew into my head one by one as they emitted light.

"What you are seeing now are known as Gu worms, Eternal Gu worms that were refined using my blood to be exact."

"Gu worms are the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the world itself. "

I writhe in pain as the Gu worms made their way into my brain.

After a long time of enduring the pain,

Sweat was all over my body, my vision was red as I cried out tears of blood.

"It's painful, isn't it? Well, you're a full otherworldly demon, I had to forcefully implant an immortal aperture inside you. However, during the process, an unexpected event occurred; Many of the supporting Gu worms died, leaving you with only the core Gu worms and some of the necessary Supporting Gu."

"If not for Heaven's Will still trying to obstruct me, your cultivation level would've been at least rank 6."

"Yet, because of bad fortune, you only achieved rank 4 cultivation. "

"Nevertheless, it's good enough that I was able to prevent you from dying. And with my parting gift, you can ascend to immortal in just a few months."

The voice reminded me of my father,

It was understanding, yet cold.

Earlier, when the Gu worms planted themselves deep into my brain, I felt extreme pain assaulting my entire body, as something inside me changed.

As fast as it came so does it left.

My mind eased and the pain from earlier disappeared completely, as if I never felt it in the first place.

After My mind had fully calmed down, the voice talked once again.

After a while of listening to the voice, I gained a deeper understanding of this World.

This world is the Gu world, It's a world where Gu worms exist.

These Gu worms are essential for Gu masters.

Gu worms can be classified into 3 types.

Firstly, Mortal Gu, Mortal Gu are Gu worms that can be used by anyone that has an aperture. They can be Wielded using Primeval essence.

Second, Immortal Gu. Immortal Gu is unique, only one at a time exists, they can also be used using Primeval essence but require Much more than their mortal counterpart.

Third, Eternal Gu. Unlike Mortal and Immortal Gu worms, Eternal Gu can only be obtained by those with cultivation levels 9 and above by refining them while undergoing myriad tribulations and using very specific methods and materials.

As for the other things I had to learn, the parting gift will be of great help towards my understanding of them.

"My wonderful junior, you're a very unique existence that will bring the whole of The Gu world upside down."

"Now off you go"

After a quick flash of light engulfed me, I found myself in a frozen mountain.

According to the information I received, this mountain was my senior's birthplace in this world. It was Qingmao Mountain.

Now, to see if what he said was true, I thought of gooning.

Suddenly, a game-like interface appeared in front of me, its corners shone as if they were made with LED lights.

[Hello, Herald Goonberg. I am your personal Gooning System, gifted to you by my wonderful creator, Great Love Immortal Venerable!]

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Carl92 Versus Herald Goonberg battle of Rizz and Gooning, who do you think wins? Please comment. (Trying to get that 2k words Mark)

Anyways, the Dayscord call subplot will be important later on...

And please do make sure to

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thanks for reading this! I will make sure to goon a lot more!!

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