
How to Train Your Dragon, er Griffon.

POV: Marcus

The Collective strikes again, so I know that the badass thing to do would be to raise a dragon as a pet, right? However... Griffons. I know, I know, but Marcus why? You already have a dragon egg, just hatch that. My answer to that is, no, and yes. Look I just really want the Griffon, and Marcia won't let me have two pets so I chose the damn bird and now the Collective is acquiring the entire clutch that is in Red Brides Grave and bringing them here to clone more of them.

I asked them to replace the eggs we take with clones, just in case. It shouldn't be an issue considering I'm taking over the Warden Fortress here in Fereldan soon and bringing back the birds for the order. I just want to be careful. The entire species almost went extinct due to mishandling once so I'm taking some steps.

Oh boy, I can't wait to see the look on Duncans' face when he sees them. I'm imagining it now actually and it looks fabulous. I really don't have much to do otherwise, and it's all my fault. Who told me to go into a battle frenzy and slaughter the Darkspawn at Ostagar, who damnit. Oh, right, I did cause I wanted to be badass. Damnit me! I take a breath and forgive myself for tossing the plot out the window.

With forgiveness behind me I think on what to do now. It won't take The Collective very long before they get the birds so that means I have a tight time table on taking over Soldiers Keep. Now, do I go in style or in stealth? What a silly question, you always go in style.

So I pop up to El Macho and head towards northern Fereldan. The flight takes only about 20 minutes at high speed before we're there. I deploy The Boys and drop down myself. We're all equipped with Crucible Blades ready to rip and tear us some demons. I take front and we steamroll our way in through the undead, demons, and other whatnots.

After a minute of pure bloodshed, we make it to the Keeps entrance. Kicking the door open we're greated with more undead. Hacking through them as well we finally meet the demon who possesses the dead body of Sophia Dryden. I listen to what it says before plunging my blade through its' chest.

Having my men strip the body of Armour I leave it for now, we will bury everyone later, but first we need to close that stupid rift. I send one of the more knowledgeable amongst our ranks to shut that shit down. Then we find Avernous going about his research, so invested in it he doesn't realize we're here. I pull out a tranq gun and pop him one.

I won't kill the guy, but I can push this matter off into Duncan's very capable hands, I mean I am above being judge and jury, totally not just pushing it off onto someone else. With my inner monologue complete, I have someone teleport him to Ostagar and the other compile his research before burning the rest. My team will go over his stuff before handing it over to Duncan to peruse. Even though I've already cured the Calling his research was probably the next best thing in this world to doing so, that's got to be worth something.

I then have my men gather the bodies of the fallen Wardens and I help put them to rest in some proper graves. With that done I give the go ahead to flip the place. After all it has been like 200 some years. Now you may ask, why go through all this trouble when I have a flying command center that can just as easily house the birds? And I'll answer you with, I have no idea what will happen to this world when I leave. Meaning I'm setting up what I can without going too overboard. Cause if Thedas still sticks to script after I'm through with it. It wasn't meant to be.

On a lighter not The Wardens will need a place to raise the birds and Soldiers Keep is perfect for that. It already has all the amenities needed to care for them and the infrastructure to raise them, plus it's far and out the way of the beaten path. I also need something to pass the time while the newbies get used to their new power. I'm just killing two birds with one stone.

After ten more minutes of watching the Collective go about flipping the place I receive word of them coming in clutch (Hehehe) with the clutch. Having gone over all the notes we have on the griffons, I think we are well prepared to start raising some birdies.

POV: Duncan

I'm still in awe of what Marcus did in the battle... nay massacre, against the Darkspawn. He told me he would deal with them only this once and the rest was on us, but... Sigh. I know he was still holding back his power. I've heard of what he's learned from Flemeth and Solas and he displayed only brute force and some showy form of blood magic thus far. That man is a monster without equal.

As I down another mug of his alcohol I'm interrupted by one of his men. He tells me he has a prisoner that Marcus sent. He hands over a small folder, an odd concept to me, on the man in question. My eyes widen the further I read and my mind awakens from whatever buzz it obtained from the alcohol.

Standing up I ask the man in front of me to lead me, he bows and I follow behind him. He takes me to a part of Ostagar I've yet too explore. We walk down a long flight of stairs before reaching a dungeon or sorts. There are rows of cells that stretch for quite a ways and in one of them sits the ancient Warden Avernus. When we reach his cell I see him asleep upon one of the bunks inside. The man besides me waves his hand and Avernus jumps awake as if shocked.

He looks around in surprise first, not even taking note of our presence. He runs his hands over the flat stone of the wall before turning his head our way. He rushes us and starts asking what we've done to his research, where is the demon inhabiting Sophias' body and what of the Rift.

He badgers us with question after questions. I stay silent as I do not know how to begin explaining. Luckily the man besides me starts answering all of Avernus' questions, even ones I don't fully understand. He then introduces me, explaining to the ancient man who I am.

With all his questions answered he slumps against the bars in what I assume is relief from his tone of laughter. He then looks me in my eyes and tells me to do with him as I please. That he has done horrendous deeds in our name and will accept any decision I make as the Commanding Warden.

I honestly do not know what to do with him. I have met many a Warden who had done despicable deeds and been pressed into service, I being one. We atone for what we do by keeping the world safe from the Darkspawn threat. He however was instrumental in why the order was cast out two hundred years ago. His knowledge and knowhow however is something the Wardens are in short supply of.

I ponder the question, but ultimately I give my decree, He will atone for his sins by helping the order. He will not, however be allowed to leave his cell, and he must have an assistant that will monitor him at all times.

I curse Marcus for bringing me this headache, but Marcus told me he is here for a limited time before his gods recall him. He will help were he feels like, but will not do our jobs for us. His words were, "I will give you a few fish along the way, but you better learn how to fish real fast if you don't wish to starve." which I understand, anyone would if they've seen the things he can do.

For the Makers sake the man has a flying fortress and an army almost as strong as he is. If I did not know better I would have called him a god!, but I am fortunate to call him friend instead. With the whole debacle of Avernus behind me I make my way back to the mug I was nursing, hoping to find some release of what the furture holds without Marcus. Before I can take a swing however I'm pulled away to a place I've only seen in old records, yet they do not do it justice.

Instead of nursing like I desired I down the damned mug and glared at the insufferable smug look Marcus is giving. And before I can berate him for his latest stunt, he pulls a baby Griffon from behind his back. I thought I would never be stunned by anything the bastard pulled, but looks like I was wrong.

POV: Cailan

The Bloody Prince. That is what the men are calling the monster that tore through the Darkspawn as if they were made of paper. Once the battle was won I had the men celebrate. We won without a single casualty and defeated a large swarm of those vile beasts, but inside something rang hollow. I am glad my men were bloodied, and we did not lose anyone, however I do not think anyone has thought deeply about the repercussions this has brought to mind.

A single man destroyed an almost intact swarm by himself before handing out accolades to everyone as if we were children. If there is someone that strong then does that mean there are more, and if so are they friendly or hostile. How do we even fight against such a force. While I think such thoughts I play with the blood gem the man gave me. While playing with one corner I accidentally cut myself and bleed upon the gem. In my haste I drop it, but it does not fall. I watch in trepidation as it floats by itself in the air before the gem shines, blinding me. Covering my eyes I try rubbing away the itch that takes over.

Once my eyes clear I freeze upon the sight before me. An image of the battle that took place not even two days ago play out before my eyes. I have an overview of the entire battlefield. Not being able to resist I place my hand upon the image and it moved! The figures start moving about and the battle plays out. Staring in shock as I watch from beginning to end, I can see how the man fought within the mist, how he killed them with abundant amounts of laughter, and how he made the Blood Gem. Once the Gem was split the recording stops and the light returns to it.

I stare in shock until the Gem drops to the ground with a *ting*. The sound shocks me awake and I scramble to pick the Gem up and inspect it for any damages. Seeing none I try to recount how the blasted thing started when I saw the cut on my hand. I drip another drop of blood and watch it again, this time I grab the gem before it can fall.

I don't understand how the man did what he did, but I must know if the other Gems do the same as mine. I call for my guard and ask for his gem. I drip a drop of blood upon his, but nothing happens. I then order him to do as I done and watch as the gem comes to life. The bastard connected it to our blood. That means the tens of thousands of gems passed out are connected to each individual. I sudder at the thought of what the man could do if he turned his eyes upon Fereldan.

Sending my guard away I sit with my thoughts. I then think of my wife and a sence of terror grips my heart. She must never antagonize this man. I then begin writing a letter of the Bloody Prince, and the power I suspect he wields to my wife. Telling her not to earn us an enemy we have no hope in beating and to warn all the Nobels as well to not incur his wrath. Then I turn back to the gem and watch the battle again hoping to catch some weakness of the man, never knowing I had already done what he wanted.

POV: Marcus

*ACHOO* Bless me. *Sniff* Didn't know I could still sneeze, I actually kinda missed it. After rubbing my nose I turn my head back to my latest headache. Booper, my Griffon. As you may be able to intone from the name he boops absolutely everything. It's cute for now, but I'm worried about what he'll be like In the future. I've already had to stop him from pressing the big red button now 13 times and the bastard hasn't even been born for an hour yet. Is this how The Collective sees me. Just something that wants to play with big red buttons. IS THAT WHY ALL THE BUTTONS ON MY CHAIR ARE RED!? I'm just going to sit in the corner and draw circles, don't mind me.

POV: Warden Cousland

Father has always told me that the Wardens are different from the rest of society, but until the joining I did not understand how. Now with the enhanced strength I feel running through my veins I can understand a little more.

Knowing Father though this is most likely wasn't what he was speaking of. Me and my fellow recruits are tasked with securing the oaths the the Wardens of old were promised. Alistair, the city elf, Barkspawn and I are being sent to recruit the Dalish Elves, while the two mages, Daveth and Ser Gilmore are heading for the Circle and the two Dwarfs along with Ser Jory are heading to Ozammar.

We have quite the task cut out for us. We will split up at Lothering to go out separate ways. I expect it will not be as easy as asking the Dalish for help. I also feel the same for my Dwarven brothers. The circle though should be fairly easy to muster up or at least I hope. The Templars can be quite overzealous with their charges.

As we walk along the road we each share a little about ourselves, where we are from, who we care or used to care for. How Duncan came to enlist us. It would seem the Mages and I had it easiest.

Darrian had his wife to be and all the females at his wedding kidnapped and almost used as playthings. He and his cousin however reacted fast and snuck their way into the Denerim Estate and rescued the woman only to have to fight their way out killing Vaughan in the process. He took all the blame and before he could be killed Duncan conscripted him into the Wardens.

I never really cared for Vaughan or the crowd he kept, glad he got what was coming to him.

Duran told us how he is or was part of house Aeducan and was the second prince so to speak. How his younger brother plotted against both his older brother and himself. He never believed in what his brother was trying to whisper in his ear, he knew him too well to listen. So on his nobel accent to Ozammars newest commander his brother did an awful deed. He was tasked with retrieving his ancestors shield and bringing it home when he stumbled upon his older brothers corpse. Out of nowhere a platoon of dwarfs came and saw him standing over the fallen body. Declaring his innocents he was betrayed by his own men saying otherwise. He was cast into the Deep Roads in exile. He fought until he found Duncan and asked to join the cause.

I'm glad I never cared that Fergus was to become Teyrn instead of I. My brother is most dear to me and doing anything to harm him outside of a prank just sits wrong with me.

Faren told us of being born casteless in Ozammar is nothing more then a death sentence to those not strong enough to survive. How they were made to be the worst of their society because they didn't have any other options. He explained how he used to be a hoodlum under the Carta boss Beraht, to stay alive he had to do all sorts of unsavory missions. Assassination, smuggling, shake downs. You name it and he's probably had to do it. At one point he had to rig a fight and it didn't go so well.

The guy who was supposed to fight was passed out from alcohol so he had to pretend to be him and fight the guy he drugged. The bastard however woke up during the last match and exposed him. He was going to be taken to jail, but Beraht intercepted the transfer and imprisoned him in his own dungeon. He had to kill Beraht and that's when he ran into Duncan. With either exile, death, or imprisonment, he chose the Wardens.

The Two mages, Daylen and Lyna told us of them growing up together in the circle and wishing for freedom. They studied hard and were some of the youngest to fully join the circle. Nothing of note really happened after they joined, just that Duncan came and asked if any would like to join while he was raising the circle for war. They both said yes and here they are.

Everyone turned to listen to my story and I felt a little self conscious. I told them I was the second son of Teyrn Cousland and I joined after a night speaking with Duncan.

That is what I told them. What I didn't tell them were the dreams I had, nightmares more like. I saw what would happen during this Blight. I can't remember any of the details, but I remember the feelings of anger, dread, dispair, and so much more. I couldn't sit still after feeling those and so I joined. I haven't told anyone, not my parents or brother, not even Duncan. I hope to take what I felt to the grave and never have to remember it again, but I can't help but feel as if something is different from the dream. I know not what, but it feels nice to know it wasn't absolute.

Give me your ideas Damnit! Otherwise I'll make Flemeth old and wrinkly again! Mwahahahahahaha.

In this chapter we see the 10 Wardens set out for adventure. I forgot that I had Ser Gilmore join as well if you're wondering why there's a tenth one. It is Alastair, Ser jory, Daveth, Ser Gilmore, and the other six origins. If you can figure out which one isn't here I'll tell you a secret.

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