
And So It Begins

*Ding* Welcome user DoYouKnowDaWay.

After about 2 days of pouring over all the shit I could find after Management sent out their system package. I came to the conclusion that these guys are awesome.

The system itself is garbage rank. Just a shop to buy things with War Points, a chat function, multiverse battle finder, and the normal showing of my stats which I won't bore you with. It also has a count down and when that thing hits zero we go to war. You can forfeit of course but doing so automatically disqualifies you.

A month, I have a month to prepare before the battle grounds are open and the fights begin. In my personal opinion that is way too much time for me. Then again I do have the best Finger.

So to start off with I tuck my little D.S. box into my pocket and enter my newest piece. The Iron Man armor. Then I picked up a backpack and slung it over my shoulders. Getting used to it is going to be a pain but I'm just here to have fun. Starting up the system i have Cortana run a diagnostic on the suit. That's right you heard me. I've got THE Cortana helping me. Feeling jealous, well it suck to be you.

After having Cortana get used to the suit we start off slowly with some hovering. Then we move on to flying up and landing correctly, can't be badass if I can't stick the landing. Then actual flight, and man I have to say that it is the most thrilling thing ever. Now I can kinda understand why Tony never wanted to part from it, aside from the most likely case of PTSD.

Taking it nice and easy we move upwards into the stratosphere and push beyond. The suit is holding together nicely and Cortana can't find anything wrong. We push forward to the moon and after about an hour of flying (Dudes going 238,900MPH) we arrived. Doing what any normal person would do I first locate and fly to the flags people have set up. Then I fly a distance away and start blasting the moon. Soon enough a smiley face emerges.

"I always wanted to deface the moon. Hahahahahaha!" Flying to the dark side of the moon I pull the backpack I've got on off and in front of me unzipping it a little I pull out the SR-2 Normandy and push it out to space. Watching as it adjusted itself in real life is something I don't think will ever get old. Having Cortana fly me to the airlock we make our way inside. Once decontamination is through I step out of the Armor and walk to the cockpit. Sitting in the main seat is the robotic body of EDI. Cortana controls the armor and sits in the copilot seat next to her. I head for the universe map and set our course to the Kuiper Belt.

After, I walk to Shepard's... I mean my cabin, I look around and fall on the bed to nap. I don't even get 10 minutes before getting the call that we're there. Getting up I make my way to the cockpit and look around. Nodding my head I turn to Cortana. "Ok, let's go Cortana." I suit up and pop out the airlock. Arriving a fair distance away I do something that till this day I stand by. I start tossing out space stations from different games left and right.

The Fortress of Doom, The Citadel, Omega, Titan Station, The Space Rig, Sevastopol Station, High Charity, Talos I, The Nexus with all the arks, The Halo constructs, and The Lesser Ark.

Then the real madness began. I kept taking the synthetics from all the games I know and putting them in the stations. All the Geth I wanted, millions of EDIs to run everything and millions of Cortanas', Rolands', and Isabels' to help out where needed. The same for Gaia from the Horizon games. More and more I added to these stations. The bots you find in Prey named after the months, the Synthetics from aliens, Millions of Dr. Haydens' from Doom, The Prometheans from Halo, The Synths and Robots from Fallout 4, BT and other Titans from Titanfall, Claptraps from Borderlands and Loader Bots too, Clank and Kit, HK-47 from S.W.:KOTOR, Jack from Gears of War, All the Machines and Automatons from Neir: Automata, The Synths from Detroit Become Human.

More and more was added, I couldn't stop myself. Then I started to bring out ship after ship of all kinds from different games such as, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate, StarCraft, X-Com, Mass Effect, Alien and Predator, Doom, Halo, Dead Space, Fallout 3. You name it I had it.

Once I stopped, I looked around in amazement. First I wanted to build a secret base, I think I got a little carried away. Laughing at the sight of pure awesome before me. I Head back to the Normandy. Once aboard I have EDI take me to each station to look around. Once there I go to each command center and place down a Mini Teleporter from Two Worlds. Their's still much more I wish to bring over, but for now this is way too much. So I'll stay on the Fortress of Doom and have the Synthetics start comparing tech and seeing if they can't splice some together.

This is the life. I wonder if I can bring Transformers over? Food for thought. Right now I need to research games and see what can give me more of an edge.

(Recommend what games you like and I'll look into them. Right now we have Pretty much all the Star whatever games, Mass Effect 1, 2, 3, Andromeda, Alien Isolation, Dead Space 1, 2, 3, Halo 1 through Infinity, Deep Rock Galactic, Doom Eternal, and the list goes on.)

Weeks go by and I bring out more content for my new Synths, yes mine, Apparently the transfer also makes them loyal to a fault. Not like obsessive, but more likely to put my needs first. Anyway, we have had a lot of Success in splicing the different technologies together. The Forerunner tech is actually quite easy to navigate with the Prometheans help and in doing so I've had to bring out 4 more High Charitys' for them to have sufficient resources. Now all my tech has Hardlight added to it.

The Haydens' were able to make the Argent energy usable for everything, so I spammed a few more cannisters and Titans for them to play with.

Now for my evil take over the world plan. I plan to use the Synths from Fallout to replace all those in power. Yes all, including Big business's, Banks, Oil tycoons, well you get the gist. And then put those people on ice with the mixed tech from Alien and Halo. From there I plan to release some low tech that I have to change the world one step at a time. Why negotiate when you can sweep the board of resistance in one fell swope.

Also yes I can bring Pokemon over in their PokeBalls, I just don't have anywhere to put them right now, same for Digimon. I'm thinking of terraforming Mars and her Moons. Honestly it won't even be hard. Yep next step Terraforming Mars and Moons. I tell Cortana to relay my idea to the people in charge of The Terraforming tech.

Now then... what to do, what to do. I can go anywhere, do anything. I now know the curse of freedom, and being rich. I'm bored.

I wish World hopping was a feature of the system. "Are you sure about that. Won't you be overwhelmingly powerful just in different places?" "You make a good point Cortana, However there is nothing to do here that doesn't take an extreme amount of time. I've got a week left before my battle and I don't know what to do.

I could train I guess, all those power ups won't do me much good if I don't use them. Oh idea." I reach into my pocket and pull out a tiny UNSC INFINITY. "Hey Cortana, try entering the ship while it's this size and tell me what happens." I get a "Yes sir." before she's off. "Well... What's it like?" I wait and she finally responds. "It's cozy and compact. Other than that, no real difference then normal." My shoulder start shaking and then I let out a laugh like no other. I pull out tiny Citadels after Citadel. Then I pull out even more A.I.s and have them inhabit the tiny Space Stations. Next I push it out into space and put some Synths on it to test my next hypothesis and it worked. The Synths shrink down with the Vessel they're in and they can't tell the difference other than looking outside and seeing everything is humorous.

I then have R&D make me a backpack that can let the ships dock within and me carry around. I just increased the population by another couple Billion. No need to thank me.

Once done with my little thought, I have Cortana give me a report on how everything else is going like my personal Armor and Weapons. Having too much of something is just as bad as not having enough. For instance, the Mjolnir armor, Praetor suit, Iron Man suit, Beta suit, CryNet Nanosuits (all of them), CMC Armor, Fallout Power Armor, Advanced RIG (all of them), Augmented Reaction Suit, Mass Effect Armors, Titanfall Armors, Borderlands Shields, X-Com Armors, The Armor from Horizon: Zero Dawn with Shield tech. Once again left with to many choices and not enough time. Even The Beta Suit doesn't help. The systems timer is still the same.

(Beta Suit is a time travel suit used in the game Time Shift. Pretty fun game.)

Counting down till a month has passed. I revisit my idea on Transformers, unfortunately I can't bring them over, but I was able to get the All Spark and unlimited energon. So I can make my own, but that's for later. Now I train.

A week Later

"9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Initializing wormhole. Wormhole stabilized. Starting transfer of participant. Participant, please step through the portal." In front of me is a beautiful Golden Blue portal leading management knows where. It's shaped in an oval figure top to bottom, with a darkness that can't be seen through. I take a deep breath and check my stuff once more. Satisfied I walk through. Let the battle for the golden fingers begin.