
My girlfriend took me to another world to become a harem king.

Roy had recently embarked on a romance with a woman named Camila. He was utterly enchanted, not just by her breathtaking beauty, which could make any man stop and admire, but also by her intoxicating and magnetic personality. The way Camila's eyes sparkled when she laughed, the way her words danced in the air like a sweet melody; this made Roy's heart dance to the rhythm of what could only be described as love. And her? Well, Camila was also hopelessly in love with him. However, on the day when Roy was predestined to meet her family, an event usually filled with anticipation and excitement, Camila seemed exceptionally different. Her anxiety was palpable, radiating from her like heat waves on a summer day. It wasn't the common nervousness that usually accompanies important moments, but an intense anxiety, a restless feeling that Roy could not disregard. It was as though a storm of emotions was brewing within her, overshadowing the glow of her usually vibrant spirit. Roy, although intrigued, was aware that this meeting with the family was about to mark a significant change in his life. He was on the verge of a monumental transformation, a turn of events that could completely alter the course of his existence. Whether this change would be for better or worse, only time could tell. ------------- No NTR! No Yuri!

Louis_Mk · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3 fallen king

Emerging into a new scenario, Camila found herself in a strange and unknown land. She turned back, looking at the door to the hut she had just crossed, which was disappearing, breaking down like sand in the wind.

A wave of sadness hit her like a tide, making her heart ache more than she thought possible. She regretted the fight, the desperation in her words, the way she had demanded from Roy something he had already proven many times. She regretted the pride that prevented her from seeing the love he had always shown, the fear that made her demand more than he could give.

"I have returned..." Camila's voice echoed on a soft, melancholic note, as her eyes found the distant outline of the mansion that had served as her home. In a decision that was equally painful and necessary, she refused to look back, refused to relive the agony of having left her great love, of having said goodbye to what had once been her world.

But her step, initially determined, stopped. An invisible force compelling her, her heart beating in a disjointed rhythm, she turned around, allowing herself one last look at the place where the door was now completely vanishing. "The pain in my chest... yes, I know why it's there. There's only one reason." Camila's confession was lost in the breeze, her tears flowing freely, wetting the palms of her hands that once held the hand of the one she loved.

"He didn't come with me... It seems that love is not, in fact, capable of everything." The sadness in Camila's voice was palpable. If she could, she would have stayed in that strange world, by his side, until life decided to drain from her lungs. But the magic of the place did not allow it. She had been sent back to her world, to her home. "You didn't do everything for me, as you promised... Liar." The tears overflowed from her face, stealing the usual beauty of her features. In a vain effort, she tried to contain the flow of tears with her delicate hands, but every moment, more tears sprang forth, as if her eyes were the springs of a river of sadness.

"I'm not the villain of the story, Camila. I never thought you would speak of me like this, after abandoning me." The voice hit Camila from behind, like a whisper carried by the wind, causing her heart to race at a frantic pace. She spun on her heels, her eyes vibrating with apprehension, almost fearing it was just a cruel illusion of her tormented mind.

At her feet, Roy emerged, rising from the ground with a mocking smile on his lips. "Love!" Camila's shout echoed in the air as she threw herself toward him. He always adored when she surprised him like this, the intimate contact of their bodies, the feeling of her breasts against his chest. Medium-sized breasts, but to him, they were perfect in their shape and texture.

"Roy, get that lascivious look off your face." Camila chastised, but not before planting a loving kiss on his cheek. "Am I being called love again? I thought our relationship had ended." Roy's voice was full of relief and a hint of sarcasm.

Standing still, she allowed him to gently wipe away the tears that still insisted on marking her. With a tender and careful touch, he dried each tear, not daring to hurt her precious eyes.

"Now that we're together again, understand that I couldn't maintain our relationship if you had stayed on Earth." Camila's confession brought a mix of joy and sadness for Camila. He had sacrificed everything to be by her side. With a gentle gesture, she fixed Roy's disheveled hair, a sad and relieved smile forming on her lips. Her love was there, with her. And at that moment, that was all that mattered.

"Could you please explain why your behavior is so peculiar today?" Roy's words unfurled with gentle but firm caution, his tone laden with sincerity. "I can't deny, looking around, I see that your words were not mere fantasies... this really does resemble a completely different world. For a moment, I thought you had lost your sanity."

The relief that flooded Roy upon realizing that his beloved's mind was intact was almost palpable. His expression relaxed, the muscles of his face softening into a silent sigh of gratitude.

"Are you accusing me of madness?!" Camila exclaimed, her fingers closing into a playful pinch around Roy's cheeks. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of indignation and amusement as she gently squeezed the soft skin, a small punishment for his premature assumption.

"I apologize, but what else was I to think?" Roy replied with a crooked smile, his hands rising to stroke Camila's unruly hair in an attempt to quell her teasing. "But back to what really matters, could you explain why you were so urgent in convincing me to stay with you?"

"Alright, I'll explain everything as we walk to my house, which is now yours by the way." With a beaming smile, Camila reached out to Roy, who readily accepted her hand. The firm, warm grip of Camila on his fingers sent a wave of security through his arm, reaffirming the reality that she was there, by his side.

Camila's heart pounded with joy as she felt Roy's hand intertwined with hers, a silent testament that he had indeed followed her, despite all his uncertainties. He had proven his love for her, even when he insisted that he had done enough to show it.

Roy, on the other hand, was momentarily distracted by the charms of the new world around him, completely oblivious to Camila's thoughts. He took a deep breath, inhaling the pure and unusually fresh air, which seemed to caress his lungs in a way that the air of his old world never could.

From a distance, a grand mansion stood majestically, an imposing spectacle that immediately captured his attention. Could this be the house where Camila had grown up?

"Where do I begin... I brought you to be a harem king." The words slipped from Camila's lips in an almost inaudible whisper, filled with a tension that cut the air. She paused, staring intently at Roy, her eyes filled with a mixture of expectation and anxiety. "You have a special gift, Roy. Your seed... it needs to be unique. Without it, you will not be able to take on the mantle of a harem king."

"What? I think I heard wrong, you talked about being a harem king." Roy shook his head in disbelief, running his finger in his ear as if hoping to clear an imaginary blockage that might have distorted her words.

"I'm serious, Roy. I brought you to be the harem king. In this world, the harem monarchy is not exclusive to men. Women can also reign, although it is a rare occurrence." Camila spoke in a somber tone, her words flowing with a seriousness that left no room for doubt. "Harem kings are special men, gifted with a unique gift. But this power also carries a burden, a constant competition to win another king's harem, if one of his women catches your interest."

"I see, so they're like animals, all about sex, am I right?" Roy's curiosity was almost palpable, the question hanging on his lips was one Camila was expecting. If she was prepared for him to become a harem king, did that mean she was willing to share him with other women?

"Most of it is about sex, but not all." Camila replied, her voice calm despite the weight of the words. "As I said, men who become harem kings, have special semen. They have the power to grant classes and experience to those they are intimately involved with, allowing them to level up. In addition, the semen of harem kings also has other special powers, although these vary from king to king."

"Hm... How do you know all this? You haven't..." Roy began, his words wavering, fearful of formulating the question that hovered in his mind.

"No! Just know that you are the one I desire, that's why I insisted so much for you to come with me," interrupted Camila, her tone urgent and firm, loaded with conviction. "Maybe I should clarify... I already have a fiancé, but we never had any involvement because I ran away and, by chance, I found you." She revealed, her eyes locked on Roy's, gleaming with undeniable sincerity.

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "As for my knowledge about all this... well, my father was a harem king... but, he's not anymore..." Camila added, the last fragment of her sentence coming out as a whisper, tinged with sadness.

"So, wait a minute... I'm involved with a nearly engaged woman? Damn! I've become the guy who dates married women! Damn friends, saying that this would never happen to me!" Roy exclaimed, his face flushing with surprise and embarrassment.

"Really, love? Are you joking now? I'll pretend I didn't hear that nonsense from you," retorted Camila, trying to maintain seriousness despite the smile forming on her lips. "My father lost to my fiancé's father, that's why he came to be my suitor. Furthermore, my father lost his manhood for having been defeated in battle. Luckily, the king who defeated my father showed no interest, or at least did not demonstrate it, in my mother, my aunts, myself and my sisters," Camila explained, the recollection clearly painful.

"As a result of losing his manhood, my father is no longer the man he used to be. I don't know if he's changed since it's been five years since I ran away from here. But, with your help, I'll take revenge on that damned king who did this to my father! I'll make him suffer, I'll make him lose everything, so he can feel the pain my father felt!" Camila promised, her voice resonating with a fierce determination that echoed through the air.