
My Girlfriend Is A Demon

One day a male teenager [Rikki Thao], crush [Emica Amano] confesses to him, but then all of a sudden they're attack by a demon. She turns into a demon and the young man [Rikki] suddenly remembers it all now. They then continue with life knowing that they're demons and monsters out there attacking and praying on men kind. Now it is up to them to put an end to the demon and monsters kind. *Covers not mine* Hope you enjoy this story, if not I am sorry then, I try to update chapters every Friday.

AnimeForLife_Chu · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

A Date With Emica

I woke up at my usual time 5:30 am. I look around and everything seems normal. I look at Emica and just smile and I put my hand on her hair and slowly went down to her cheek. I got up and use the bathroom, took a shower, brush my teeth, put on new clothes, and made breakfast. I was eating and saw Emica coming out of my room and came up to me and kiss me by surprise. I was confused but hey I don't mind getting a kiss by Emica. I then kissed Emica back and she looked like she was blushing. So I got up pated her head and grab her and hold her. I let go of her after five minutes and started to eat my breakfast again. I ask Emica "you want some?" But she just stared at me and then the food. I thought to myself "weird now thinking about it Emica hasn't spoken at all after she turns into a demon why?" So I got up and got the food and sway it side to side. Emica followed it and started to come closer and closer each time it swayed. I got the food and ate it and she got mad and pout at me. I laugh and went to the refrigerator and pull out some raw chicken. I cleaned and drain most of the blood out and fed it to Emica. She looked so happy while eating the chicken I just laugh seeing her happy while eating food. She had blood on her face and clothes.

After she was done eating I clean her up and took her to the bathroom. I made sure the water was warm for her. I took off her clothes and put her in the bathtub. I washed her hair and said, "Emica do you want to wash your body by yourself?" She looked at me and grab my hand and placed it on her breast. I freak out and told myself "It's ok, she doesn't know yet stay calm." So I just went along with it. I wash her breast for her, my little buddy didn't want to stay put and decided he wanted to play. Emica saw him and stare at him. She was curious and tried to touch it but I stop her. I said to her "no don't do that we can do it later on in the future but not right now ok?" She nodded, laughed, and look away. I then laugh nervously. So I just washed her back for her and took her out of the bathtub and wrap her around with towels. I dried her hair and body for her and got new clothes for her.

I went to the living room and play my game The End. I then said " Hey Emica do you want to go on a date and also get some new clothes for you that fits you? No answer weird did something happens to her? What if something did happen to her?" These thoughts started to form in my mind. So I got up and ran to my room and didn't see Emica. I then said, "Damn it Rikki you just had to play The End and should've been paying attention to Emica." I went down on my knees and I was about to cry until. I felt like someone was watching me so I got up and looked back slowly. Emica was there I was so happy I started to cry and she jumps towards me and kissed and hugged me. She wipes away my tears and laughed. I said, " Hey Emica don't do that again I thought I lost you again please don't do that ok?" She looks sad and I saw a tear go down her cheek. I grab her and just told her "don't cry I'm not mad just that I was worried about you, just don't do that again. You can hug, kiss, and jump towards me anytime you want but let me know so I will be ready ok?" She then looks up at me smiling with tears so I wipe her tears away.

I carried her and got my shoes on and got her shoes too but since I was carrying her I just hold her shoes for her. I got my wallet, phone, and keys, open the door and locked it, and put her down with her shoes on. I hold Emicas hand and we walk to the mall. When we got there Emica was surprised and look around in curiosity. She then let go of my hand and ran to the escalator but I stop her in time, so she wouldn't wander off and get lost in the mall. I hold her hand and said, "Emica don't wander off, stay close to me if you want to go somewhere tell me first." Emica nods and we went on the escalator. She looks around and saw a woman clothes store on the right side of the second floor, so she ran up the escalator. So I had to run behind her while holding her hand. We got there and she looked around for clothes. I asked "Emica which one do you want? I will buy whatever you want." She looked at me smiling and ran to search for one she likes.

I then got my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. I surprisingly had over 99+ notification from Instagram, Snapchat, Messenger. I open Snapchat and went on my friend Chuck's story and saw them inside a sewer and saw dead bodies laying on the floor. They have ripped apart and blood was everywhere and they looked fresh too. I heard a demonic scream inside the video, I thought to my self " No, no impossible why, why is one there out of all place why choose there?" I then watched the rest. They were mumbling something I couldn't hear/understand. I heard Kujo scream and all of them panic and ran out of the sewer and the video stop. I then went to chat on Snapchat and saw Chuck texted me. It said, "Yoo Rikki look what we found." He sent me a photo of the same dead bodies that were on his story. He sent that at 10 am three days ago. The next thing he sent was "Bro we need your help pick up dawg. We know you learn some Kung-Fu and there is this creature looking for us come to West Chilly Street at seven pm alright?" This was sent three days ago at noon. At seven pm he texted "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, MAN?!? THAT THING IS COMING HURRY!! DAWG COME ON BRO!!" At 3:30 am he texts " I'm coming to your house bro. Why haven't you pick up? Don't tell me that thing got you." At 5 am "Dawg what happens? Where you at? Why is your house like this? Why is blood in your room? You good bro pick up." I scrolled down, he said, "WHERE ARE YOU PLEASE REPLY BRO." That was sent at 8 am today. Right now was 10 am so I texted him " Yo sorry bro a lot has happened and is Kujo alright? I'm at the mall right now meet me there and at the Gamestop inside the mall alright? At 10:40 am you good with that?"

I push send and went off my phone and looked for Emica. She was in the dressing room with a lady giving her some clothes. So I ran over there and the lady asks if I was her boyfriend and I happily replied " YES MA'AM!" and saluted for some reason. I look around and saw people were staring at us I apologize to them. I went back to the lady and she said "Haha I knew it, well I was just giving your girlfriend some clothes that I think you would love to see her in." I said, "Thank you." Emica ran to me and drop the clothes but thanks to my grandpa training me my reflex kick in. I caught the clothes and Emica, Emica was kissing my face. I said, "stop it Emica everyone watching and we got more places to go to." I got my phone and check if Chuck replied and he did, he said "why are you at the mall? Alright fine, I will be there at 10:40 am, you better be there. I'm not joking man I better see you there." I replied, "yeah yeah I will be there believe me." I went to the register and put Emica new clothes there. I paid for them and got the bag, I put them on my right arm. I carried Emica to the next store which was a store for women's clothes again. I put Emica down and said to her "Emica go find some more clothes for you ok? I will be here waiting for you and if you need help just shout my name out." She smiles and kiss me and ran off.

I got out of my phone and it was 10:10 am. I went to Instagram and I saw people posting dead bodies they found that were ripped apart some of the bodies blood look fresh and some look like they were about 2-4 days old. I could tell by the surrounding and also I have done experiments with raw chicken meat so I should know. I didn't do the experiment for fun it was for science class and biology class. I look if I had any message and I surprisingly didn't. I got tagged in the majority of them and they were some people I didn't even know. There were some people even @ing me on some comment. They were asking what happened to Emica because I was the last one to see her. Some were just @ing me for no reason. Well lucky for me Emica lived alone, so no one knew where she went unless she told them. So I'm pretty sure at least her friends knew where she was last. I got bored so I went off my phone and look for Emica. I knew she would cheer me up and make it more fun.

I walk into the store and she was wearing a bunny suit. She came up to me and bent forward and look up to me. I saw that most of her boobs were showing. More were about to be more exposed if I didn't stop her right now. I grab Emica and made her stand up straight and fixed her bunny suit for her. I ask "Emica do you want that? If so I will buy it for you and is there more you want to buy?" Emica just gave me a smug face and ran back to the changing room and lock the door. I ran behind her but stop and knock on the door. I said, "so Emica you have more clothes you want to show me then?" A lady came and said, "Sir please stand three feet away thank you." I said "okay I will ma'am" I went back to the front of the store and waited there for Emica. She finally came out in a beautiful dress. She walks to me and her walking was so graceful. She came up to me and put her arm out and if I were to guess how many clothes she had in her arms. I think about three dresses, six pairs of pants, ten underwear, six shirts, and three bikinis. I got them and paid for them. After paying for her clothes I got the bag and put them on my left arm. I turned around and Emica put her arms around my neck. I ask Emica "Alright we're going back home now ok?" She let go of me and shook her head.

She pointed to a Boba Cafe. I said, "all right then after getting boba we're going home then ok?" She nods and jumps up and down and ran towards it. I ran after her, she was there pointing at a boba. She was pointing at a flavor, it was strawberry. I ask " hey can we get one strawberry and one coconut both large size." One of the workers said, "okay please wait two minutes they should be ready then." I said "okay thank you" Emica then ran to the seats and sat there happily waiting for her boba tea to be ready. I laugh and look back to see if they were done but no they were still making them.

I heard a deep voice behind me it said "oh hey young lady are you here by yourself? My friends and I wanted someone to keep us company." I look to my right then left and realize something I said in my head "they're talking to Emica!" I turn around there were at least eight of them surrounding Emica. I turn around and saw our boba tea was ready. I ran there got our boba tea and gave them 20 dollars and ran to Emica. I heard someone behind me yell "sir your change!" I yell back "keep it, your guy's boba tea is amazing you guys deserve it." I slowed down and walk up to them. I said, "oh hey fellow what are you guys doing here?" Emica looked afraid and when she saw me her mood change from scared to happy. The leader a big guy with an eye patch came in front of me. He said in a deep voice "hey little buddy this your girl?" I said "yes sir this is my lady please back off, Emica and I are just trying to enjoy boba tea. She was excited to get boba tea because it's been a long time since she drinks one." He laughs and said, "wow you guys are such a lovely couple but sorry to break it to you, but she is mine now scram kid!" He pushed me and I spill my boba tea on me, but lucky I saved Emicas boba tea from spilling. The other guys laugh at me and kick me in the back. The leader took Emica and went out of the exit. I got up and look at my right hand. I said in my mind " well at least I save Emicas boba tea (which was on my right hand) and come on I just wanted to have a peaceful day. Well, at least I can try out some kung-fu moves that I learn."

I ran out and saw them kissing Emica cheek and head, one of them was about to grab her boobs. Until I yelled, "HEY FELLOWS REMEMBER ME!!!!" They look at me and laugh, the leader said "well man looks like he wants a battle, attack him!" Three of them ran to my right and left, one came running towards me. I ran forward hit the guys chin with my left arm before he could even form a fist with his hands. The six guys came behind me I duck and kick each one of them at their chest. They flew back and hit the ground. I look up the leader was about to touch Emicas breast and kiss her on the lips. I got up and ran in a zig-zag. I hit him with both of the bags that I hand on my arm. He let go of Emica and I caught her and let her down slowly. I gave Emica her boba tea. I ran and push the leader farther away from Emica. I ran to him and made my left arm wrap around his right arm and push it against him. So his right arm couldn't move and it was pressing against his chest. But since he couldn't move his left arm I made my left arm go up more toward his throat. I form a tigers claw and grab him by his throat. I block his left arm with my right arm. I form a snake fang, hit a vital spot where the muscle for his left arm stops working. I then form my right arm into an eagles claw and hit the exact center of his stomach. I let go of him so I wouldn't be sent flying with him. He flew and hit a pole and lost consciousness. I look back and Emica was drinking her boba happily. I grab Emicas hand but not roughly and we started to walk home.

When we got home it was 10:27 am, so I put the bags on the couch and went straight to the laundry room. I took off my shirt and put it in the washing machine. I turn it on and went to the bathroom, but Emica was already there. She looks like she was waiting for me. I ask Emica "Why are you here? Don't you want to put away your clothes?" Emica laugh and jump at me, so I had to catch her because I didn't want her to get hurt. She puts her arms around my neck. She was holding on to me for five minutes now. I ask her "can you let me go I need to take a shower because of those bastards. Also, we got to meet up with Chuck something big happened. While I wasn't with them because I was taking care of you." She looks at me and smile and then let me go and ran to the living room. I close the door, locked it, and went and took a shower. After I was done taking a shower I went to the laundry room and my clothes were finish cleaning, but when I open it Emicas clothes were in there. I was confused but I didn't care so I got them out and put in my pants and boxer inside the machine. I put on my new clothes and went out to the living room where Emica was at staring at the TV. I look what at the TV to see what she was watching and it was the news. It said that people found a creature hung up in the trees. It looks like a lizard man but it had wings and a huge horn. I thought to myself " could it be a hybrid, no maybe an experiment? Wait why would they leave an experiment hung unless it got away and hung itself? Well got to get Emica away from the news and TV." I said, "Emica let's go Chucks waiting for us and I will carry you there too." She looks at me and jumps at me I caught her. I got my keys and phone, I got on my shoes and put Emica down. She pouts at me and I said " wait I got to get something ok? Also, get your shoes on too I will be back soon." I went to my room and got my sword and a paper that my grandpa gave me. He told me to give it to people that question me because of my sword. I went out of my room, Emica was there waiting for me. I then carried her, went outside lock my door, and ran to the mall. When we left it was 10:35 am.