
My German Empire.

Confusedly crossing over, I became the heir to the German emperor, and the protagonist confidently prepared to show off their skills. Disclaimer: This novel is not mine, I'm just translating. If the author is bothered, please send a message so I can delete the novel.

80 Chs

Chapter 29

Back in his office, Wilhelm indeed saw Walter sitting on the couch with a troubled expression, sighing heavily. "Mr. Walter, I was just about to find you". But why did he have such a gloomy face? He looked like a walking embodiment of despair.

Walter quickly got up and respectfully bowed before speaking in a gloomy tone. "Your Highness, the military has rejected the G43."

"Hmm? Why?" Wilhelm was somewhat surprised. Not only did he emphasize the tolerance issue of the barrel, but he also changed the caliber of the bullets. In theory, the G43 should be even better than the one from the original timeline. Could it be that there was something wrong with the design drawings in his memory? But he only read the most professional military books, not some cheap knock-offs.

"Didn't your factory conduct tests?" Every arms factory has its own test shooters who evaluate the performance of firearms. A newly developed weapon often doesn't perform at its best and needs to be repeatedly fired by test shooters to identify any issues. The test results and data are then given to the researchers for further improvements until the requirements are met. Therefore, the performance of a firearm heavily relies on the evaluations of test shooters. Only through this process can it be put into mass production and even deployed.

"Of course, our test shooters praised this firearm. It has a high magazine capacity, fast firing rate, and excellent accuracy," Walter continued after expressing his admiration. "The military's argument is that the soldiers don't need this type of weapon."

"Damn it!" Wilhelm cursed under his breath. It must have been some bastard who obstructed it. "I understand, I'll investigate this matter."

Walter hesitated for a moment and spoke up, "Um, although I'm not sure if it's relevant, as far as I know, the Minister of Logistics in the military is related to Mauser."

"..." Wilhelm glanced at him, understanding what he meant. He pressed the intercom button and instructed his secretary who came in, "Miss Annie, go to His Majesty's office and ask his secretary if they have received any evaluation results regarding the G43. If they have, bring them here. Also, let Reinhard come."


After giving the instructions, Wilhelm reassured Walter, "Mr. Walter, don't worry, I got an order of 10,000 PPK pistols from China and this is still in the early stage. If they are satisfied, they will add another order. Regarding G43 there will be results in the next two days, and G43 and P38 will still be produced"

Upon hearing about the order, Walter's expression slightly eased. "Your Highness, will the G43 and P38 also be exported to China? Regardless of the time, China with its several hundred million population is always an enticing market for merchants. The current active military forces of China number nearly two million, so even equipping just one-tenth of them with the G43 would bring tremendous profits."

"..." This was also a headache for Wilhelm. After hesitating for a while, he ultimately shook his head. "Not for now. After all, the PPK is just a police pistol, but the G43 and P38 have implications related to the Treaty of Versailles. I don't want to invite trouble so soon."

Understandingly, Walter nodded slightly. "I understand, Your Highness. Then I'll take my leave."

Not long after Walter left, Annie brought a file bag. As Wilhelm took out the so-called test report, he became so enraged that he almost tore it to shreds. Damn it, that bastard actually called the G43 a useless piece of junk.

Looking at the name signed by the Minister of Logistics, Feigert, Wilhelm felt an itching hatred. This damn bastard must be tired of living. If you don't cherish your life, then I'll fulfill your wish!

Just as he was burning with anger and contemplating how to get rid of this Minister of Logistics, Monika brought Reinhard in. "Your Highness, Vice Director Reinhard is here."

Wilhelm suppressed his anger, checked the time, and asked, "Reinhard, have you eaten yet? Miss Monika, have the kitchen prepare two lunches and bring them here. Reinhard and I will eat here."

Reinhard thanked him with a grateful expression. "Thank you, Your Highness!"

"...It's just a meal. Look how excited you are," Wilhelm thought to himself as he walked over to the piano on the side and took down a finely crafted violin from the wall. "I heard you play the violin very well?"

Reinhard proudly straightened his chest. "Everyone says so." He was born into a musical family in Leipzig, Eastern Germany. His father was the dean of a local music academy, and his grandfather was the founder of the renowned Dresden Music Academy. Heinrich had hoped that Reinhard would continue the family legacy and had invested a lot of effort in nurturing his musical talent. As a result, Reinhard excelled not only in playing the violin but also in piano, cello, composition, and other aspects.

He had thought that His Highness wanted him to perform a piece, but instead, he saw His Highness placing the violin on his shoulder.

Hmm, being a member of the royal family isn't as easy as it seems. Heinrich thought being a school student carrying a backpack weighing over ten kilograms was tough, but he didn't expect these royal family members had to learn everything from a young age, including music, chess, calligraphy, horse riding, and archery.

After some reflection, Wilhelm slowly pulled the bow of the violin, and the melodious and delightful sound filled the large living room.

After playing a piece, Wilhelm looked at Reinhard. "How was it?"

Reinhard snapped out of the beauty of the music. "Your Highness, this piece you performed seems to have a Russian style. Who is the master behind it?"

Wilhelm smiled dismissively. "What master? I composed it myself."

"Ah?" To surprise this skilled violinist was a great satisfaction to Wilhelm's vanity. He continued, "When I visited the Soviet Union last time, after having a sip of vodka, inspiration struck me, and I improvised this piece. But enough about that, Reinhard, I have a task for you."

Reinhard immediately stood upright with his feet together and a serious expression. "Please, Your Highness, give me your orders."

Wilhelm handed him the test report and gave a brief explanation. "I suspect this test report has been tampered with. I want you to investigate the soldiers who participated in the test. If there's anything unusual, secretly arrest the Minister of Logistics and interrogate him. I want a complete confession, and make sure he reveals who instructed him to do this. I believe it's Mauser and a few stubborn old heads in the military who lack flexibility." Reinhard was a smart person and didn't need Wilhelm to spell out what needed to be done.

Reinhard sternly replied, "Please rest assured, Your Highness. I will ensure the mission is completed!"

After finishing their lunch, Wilhelm handed a note to Reinhard. "This is the interrogation method I came up with. It won't leave any wounds on the person. You can give it a try."