
My Gene System

In the current year, scientists in America succeeded to transfer the monster's genes into the normal body of humans. Just to stop the monsters from invading the world. "Mutant" was called to a normal person who decided to accept the monster's genes. Being a mutant will grant you an exceptional power that the ordinary human couldn't do. Riku Hirota, his the son of the wealthy businessman Akio Hirota. At the age of five, Riku was decided to become a mutant to take back his mother. In his awakening, something had happened that caused him to transmigrate to the other world. Where he could experience that he never experienced in his entire life. What will you do if you receive the monster's genes? And this gene could copy other genes? ****** Tags: Dungeon, Evolution, Sword and Magic, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Late romance, War, Another World. ****** The photo is not mine, I just found it on google.

Jigx · แฟนตาซี
176 Chs

Tibber Monster

Tibbers, a creature bearing a striking resemblance to a bear in appearance, displayed a menacing and ferocious beastly form that surpassed the fearsomeness of any ordinary forest bear.

Its body was coated in deep brown fur, with patches of red fur gleaming on its chest and arms. In this realm, this type of monster possessed a skill named [Burning Fire]. Tibber could potentially amplify its damage output by manipulating the mana within its body, channeling it into its hands. The creature also wielded two fundamental abilities: [Bite] and [Claws].

[Bite] - When a Tibber monster managed to ensnare its target within a 4-meter radius, it deployed its sharp fangs to intensify the impact, capable of fracturing the bones of an average person.

[Claws] - Utilizing the considerable reach of its arms, the monster could unleash slashing attacks on its adversaries through the use of its razor-sharp claws.

As the monster's strength waned, Tibbers would shed its beastly form, presenting an opportunity for Riku to strike without restraint.

Where had Riku acquired this valuable knowledge? Even his own system hadn't supplied it to him. Well, Riku had diligently studied all available articles, delved into monsters' statistics, watched anime, and extensively researched dungeons. All these efforts were geared towards becoming a more potent mutant, transforming him into an "Otaku" of sorts.



He executed several evasive rolls on the ground, successfully avoiding the Tibber's basic skill, [Claws]. Swiftly regaining his footing, he created a distance of 12 meters between himself and the monster.

"Gah! This is one formidable creature, and I can't afford to drop my guard."

Should the situation take a dire turn, he reminded himself that he wouldn't hesitate to employ his [Fly] ability. This way, he could reset and formulate a tactical approach to overcome the monster.

'Master Riku, if you find yourself facing a large adversary, don't hesitate to capitalize on your speed, and remember to outthink them as well. No attack can harm you if you keep your wits about you,' he recalled the advice, echoing in his mind.

Haru's wisdom resonated within his thoughts. It was undeniable that his dedicated butler had imparted a wealth of knowledge to him.

Even in this challenging predicament, a smile crept onto Riku's face as he recalled Haru's words, offering him a sense of comfort.

Adopting a determined fighting stance, he braced himself, fully aware that the savage monster could launch an assault at any given instant.


As anticipated, Tibbers charged forward, its claws arcing in a full swing aimed directly at the mutant's exact position.

As the monster drew nearer, Riku could sense the intense heat emanating from its body.


With less than 4 seconds to spare, Riku preemptively bowed his head and deftly sidestepped to the right, evading the monster's impending claw strike.

Recognizing that the monster had not retracted its arm, Riku seized the moment and closed the distance, capitalizing on the brief opening. He swiftly lunged forward, delivering a forceful knee strike.


[-7 damage from the monster]

And all of a sudden, Riku could see the monster's health even his own health power given by the system.

[Tibber's HP: 93/100]

[Riku Hirota HP: 100/100]

He struggled to pinpoint the exact reason for his evolving perspective. Yet, one thing remained certain: the game system had played a pivotal role in his survival within this unforgiving environment.

Absolutely! As this trend persisted, victory over the monsters seemed increasingly attainable. The reason? Observing the health points (HP) of each creature offered him a strategic advantage. This information guided his decisions, helping him discern the opportune moments to launch an attack or make a tactical retreat.


However, his powerful blow failed to elicit any pain or even rattle the monster.


As the creature shifted its head and fixed its gaze on him, frustration welled up. Damn! His struggle lay in his deficiency with the inherited dark crow's genes; he lacked the finesse to exploit the monster's significant vulnerability.

Almost tauntingly, he fancied the beast wore a malevolent grin, further fueling his belief that his attack alone wouldn't prove lethal.

"Tch! You won't deceive me with your antics, monster."

Riku maintained his composure, attentively anticipating the creature's next move. Calculating that each of his attacks shaved off -7 health points from the monster, he deduced that he would need to deliver 14 successive strikes to vanquish it. However, the dynamics could drastically change if he managed to target its vital points.


From a distance of 15 meters, the level 1 mutant Tibber monster charged once more. The ground beneath it began to exhibit hairline cracks as its massive form pounded against the earth.

Observing the monster's motions and maintaining his composure were Riku's essential strategies for subduing the aggressive creature.


Anticipating the monster's move, Riku replicated his evasive maneuver to avoid the attack once more. But Tibber, showing an element of foresight as well, countered with the [Bite] basic skill, attempting to thwart Riku's evasion.

Unfazed, Riku's lips curled into a smile. Swiftly leaping to a distance of 6 meters, he knew the monster's attack wouldn't reach him there. Thanks to his inherited dark crow genes, he possessed the agility to maneuver even under challenging circumstances.


Their fangs collided, emitting a metallic clang—a testament to the monster's teeth being as resilient as metal.

Rushing forward once more, he unleashed a swift left-handed strike aimed squarely at the creature's exposed head.

Thud! Thud!

Two powerful punches struck home, causing the monster's head to quiver visibly. "Tsk! You're no easy adversary, Tibber," he muttered, acknowledging the challenge posed by the formidable creature.



[Tibber HP: 75/100]

Indeed, targeting the monster's vital point made landing a critical hit routine. With 10 flawless strikes, victory would be within Riku's grasp.


Capitalizing on the monster's momentary unsteadiness, he swiftly closed the gap and delivered a forceful punch to its abdomen, displaying unwavering resolve.



The monster emitted a pained groan, evidence of the inflicted damage. "I need to press on with my assault before this creature goes berserk," he thought, aware of the urgency.

Anxious thoughts gnawed at him; failure to defeat the monster swiftly could lead to triggering the formidable Tibber's passive skill.


Unpredictably, at close quarters, Riku suffered minor damage despite not being subjected to any overt attack.


'Minus 2 HP when I make contact?' He halted momentarily, realization dawning upon him. The droplets of sweat from his temple traced a path down his cheek. 'Tsk! That explains it. Whenever my punch connects with the heated part of the monster, it ends up damaging me.'

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Over a span of 45 seconds, Riku landed five punches on the monster, even though his health took a 2 HP hit each time.

[HP: 96]

The Tibber's bestial demeanor subsided, reverting to its original bear form. A smirk played on Riku's lips; the prospect of dealing significant damage now seemed promising.

A series of kicks and punches ensued, until... the Tibber collapsed, immobilized.

Huff... Huff... Huff...

Gasping for air, Riku approached the fallen monster, his stride slow and deliberate. Evidently, his physical stamina still hadn't reached a point where extended battles were feasible.

"T-This m-monster is still alive, I need to finish this."

Uncertain of how to end the creature's life, Riku's gaze fell upon its razor-sharp claws. He summoned every ounce of his strength to hoist its cumbersome limb.

Frustration welled up. "Damn it! Why is this body so lacking in strength?"


With determination, Riku aimed the claws towards the monster's heart. Struggling, he managed to coerce the monster's arm downward, ultimately impaling the heart and ending the creature's existence.

[You've received 12 exp from killing the Tibber!]

A blue light screen materialized once again. Exhausted, Riku collapsed to the ground as he read the notification.

"Damn it! What can I do to bolster this body?" he muttered beneath the shelter of a towering tree.


Unexpectedly, the system seemed to provide a response, displaying a suggestion.

[To enhance your fitness, follow this daily regimen!]

• Progress: 100 push-ups (0/100)

• Progress: 150 sit-ups (0/150)

• Progress: 100 punches (15/100)

• Progress: 100 kicks (7/100)

• Progress: 10km run (0/10km)

>> Rewards:

+5 fitness

+3 physical strength

The term "daily quest" was a familiar one to gamers. Typically assigned to novice RPG players, it allowed them to cultivate their abilities without facing monsters directly.

"Now a daily quest? Just looking at it makes me tired..." Riku sighed deeply, recalling, "In XR Online, failing to complete daily quests resulted in penalties."

[Please complete the daily quest! Unless you'd like to be thrown into the Velle place.]

Before Riku could finish his thought, the system provided an answer to his question. "What choice do I have? I'm already here; I can't waste the time I've spent," he reasoned.

Summoning his determination, he slowly rose to his feet, cautiously stepping on the monster's body. His encounter with Tibber had been challenging, as he couldn't employ any finishing moves.

"Perhaps this monster is where I'll gain an attack skill," he mused.

[Would you like to use the [Manifest] skill? Yes/No]

In his mind, he uttered the word "Yes."
