


Fiza's POV:

/"Fiza, Ami wants to talk to you./" Ehtesham said coming into the room. I quickly put the pillow back on the bed and took the phone from him.

'Assalam o Allaikum Ami.''Wallaikum Assalam beta, how are you?'

'I am fine Alhamdulillah. How about you and Papa?'

I glanced at Ehtesham and found him looking through my bookshelves. I rolled my eyes when he took out the book which I wanted to remove from the shelf but forgot.

'Fiza? Are you there?' I turned my attention back on call.

'Ji? Ji I am here.'

'We will talk later on your phone. Ehtesham must be getting late for office. Allah Hafiz.'

'Allah Hafiz.'

/"I didn't know you into such things?/" He said waving the book 'Fifty shades of Grey' as soon as I ended the call.

/"You don't know many things about me, Mr. Ehtesham Ghori and I am not into this type of garbage./" I stomped towards him to return his phone.