


Fiza's POV:

'Nuwair Nani said it was my fault that Ami died. Is it true?'

'It is not. She was joking.' I nodded.

'When we will be going?'

'Listen, baby doll. I am going alone with Nani because of my studies but I will come back soon. Till then you have to be brave and wait for me. Okay?' I was engulfed in slim but strong arms of an early teenager.

'But I want to come with you. I will be a good girl and I will tell Nani that it wasn't my fault.'

'I know it was not your fault.'

'Than tell them.' My vision starts blurring because of tears.

'Fiza, don't cry.'

'But it wasn't my fault.' I grip his arm tightly. Like if I let go those arms will never reach to me.

/"FIZA!/" Someone yelled my name right next to my ear and my eyes jerked open.

Still, startled by the voice I quickly blink my eyes and when my vision clears a bit I find Ehtesham hovering me.