
Chapter 1

Your first time is supposed to be filled with romance, a quiet dinner, maybe even some dancing, a night of seduction, something pleasurable to look back on—or is it?

My first time was certainly not that and it was something I haven’t shared with anyone until now. I was eighteen, had been saving myself, wanting it to be special, so I was quite old to be a virgin compared to my friends.

I’d had the day off from university. I’d just finished my last exam and things had gone well. I deserved the break, but my mother had other ideas.

“Why do I have to clean Brad’s room,” I shouted at her.

“Because I said so,” she said, slamming the door and heading off to work.

I re-opened the door, yelling after her, “It’s my day off, remember.”

She didn’t care. Didn’t even acknowledge she’d heard me. What was it about mothers and their sons? It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t he do it himself? My mother waited on him like he was royalty, always making excuses for him.

I climbed the stairs thinking I might as well get it over with so I could have the day to myself. Angrily I snooped about his room, wanting desperately to find some dirt on him, but all I found were his collection of porno mags.

Mum knew about his stash so that was no drama. I searched further but found nothing incriminating. Back to the magazines, I began to flick through them. What did men find so fascinating about staring at naked women. I didn’t find staring at a naked man a turn on. I just didn’t get it.

I sat on the floor turning the pages over and suddenly found myself getting turned on by the women I saw. I wasn’t a lesbian or anything, had never been attracted to women in that way, but as I stared at the images, I found myself wondering what it would be like to have another woman’s mouth on me.

I was shocked at this revelation, but then the thought of being with a woman was perhaps not out of the question. As I’d grown older, I realized it was a normal fantasy which a lot of women had, but back then I had been surprised at my reaction.

Sitting up on the bed I glanced over at his dressing table mirror wondering what I’d look like naked and in the centerfold of a magazine. Most of the girls seemed to be my age, if they could do it, why couldn’t I? I knew why; I didn’t have the guts and my mother would kill me, but the titillating thought was there.

I flicked through the magazine and the more I searched their faces and poses, the more I imagined how I’d look in those poses.

I was alone, the house quiet. Should I?

I closed the door, butterflies dancing in my stomach at the thought of what I was about to do and in Brad’s room of all places. Having said that, it did heighten my senses, being in a guy’s room with their manly odor everywhere.

Slipping out of my clothes I ran my hands over my body, enjoying the feel of curves, the fullness of my breasts and the tickle of pubic hair over my mound. I hugged myself, twirling around the room, enjoying the freedom of being naked.

He had a mirror on the inside of his cupboard door, so I opened it and then lay on top of his bed posing in different positions, trying to look sexy and alluring. I thrust my breasts forward between my biceps, licked my lips seductively, and stared hard at my reflection.

Then up on all fours. My bum looked plump and inviting and I arched my back so it would look more tempting. Then I thrust my breasts up, my biceps pushing them forward while I tilted my head upwards. The image was amazing, intoxicating even. Who would have thought I could imitate them so well?

I gave my head a shake, allowing my hair to fall in a messy style, some of it over my face, my eyes peering up through the veil of hair I sucked my finger, licking at it then trailing it over my body.

I knew I looked hot, captivating, and appealing; I was pretty sure some men would drool over my image. I was determined to get a Polaroid camera and take some shots of myself, keep them hidden, and maybe one day give them to my lover.

Feeling incredibly sexy I lay down allowing my hands to roam over my breasts, down to my pussy where I began to finger myself. I had my eyes closed, imaging it was someone else’s hands on me, but it wasn’t enough, so I thought I’d get off like men do by reading some of the sexy stories the magazines published.