
Chapter 2: "The Love at First Sight"

After she walk in the door she notices a boy in her front, she secretly blushed and her kisssable lips started to lick in sweet dangerous tongue, relaxed its just an expression, Chinnah admired that boy and she felt confused and her heart beats so fast that her breath is still running too. She stated something's wrong with myself I think I became more crazy if I stay in this room.

So she wanted to go out to take a deep breath, to think straight and back to her senses. After a minutes of thinking she barely forgot that her classes are not over yet so she comeback to the classroom but when she entered the room her professor pass through she was shocked and don't know what to do she panicked. But when her professor ask her what she's doing outside everyone got quiet but when the professor tell Chinnah that she's stupid they heard voices coming from the back it was Ford Anderson the prince of the campus, Ford said she's late because her health is not good we caught her vomiting. Professor said why you didn't say so? Chinnah said I almost speak sir but I heard voices its so embrassing to talk when someone is talking to you its is sign of disrespecting. Professor said its ok I understand now go back to your seat I'm going to start my class, her professor subject is philosophy its connected to psychological aspect of human behavior , Scarlet fell sleepy because she finds it boring. She is tempting to control of being sleepy but she couldn't bare. The way the professor speak is so boring but even if Scarlet didn't listen to the lesson her brain manage to know all things in just staring to the phrases. She understand it every quickly, so when her eyes are going to shut and then she sleep. After 15minutes the professor notice Scarlet staring at her book and doesn't move any inch that's the professor get confused and he walked near to Scarlet but before he come, Scarlet heard the stumps of the feet so she woke up and then the professor ask Scarlet about the lesson, Professor said what are the elements of dignity?... Then Scarlet replied its all written in the book of truths written by a famous writer Benjamin King. Professor got shocked because Scarlet answer the hard question.

When the bell started to ring it means lunchtime but when she's paying the good her purse was missing. Back from the past while she is breathing and relaxing there was a guy staring at her and this guy is actually feel love at first sight, this guy actually doesn't care to anything or anyone even though he is popular.

And girls followed him everywhere. This guy's hobby is to write a when he's in the cafe, he always leave some poetry there.

"My Love at First Sight"

I fell in love with her smile;

It's what makes mine.

She brings chills to my eyes;

I've never seen a more beautiful sight.

She changed my life;

She's the only reason I'm alive.

I love our connection,

But I don't think she'll be mine.

She is like an addiction;

I need her in my life.

She was there when no one else was;

She's a gift and a prize.

She may be very pretty,

But nothing like the great beauty on the inside.

She lightens up my world,

And I love her to the sky

Wherever life takes me,

She is the love of my life.

It is greatest creation when he saw Chinnah in the campus his heart can't stop beating and when Chinnah is smiling his heart melt. With a sparkling of his eyes that they the guy is so desperate to meet Chinnah. When the bell started to bell it means the class is dismisses and they are going home. But this mysterious guy is following Chinnah all the time. Chinnah has no idea!.... She doesn't know anything at all, the mysterious guy followed her everywhere because the guy wanted Chinnah to be safe. One day the mysterious guy had to go in the cafe to finish his presentation regarding to his report. He left the poerty that he made in chair that has holes. When he finished he passed through the door and he didn't noticed Chinnah was passing by because the mysterious guy has earphones and Chinnah is wearing a coat with hod. And she sit in the table where the mysterious guy sit. Chinnah ordered a Caramel Macchiato with a twist of her favorite dessert Classic Brigadeiros, its so delious and I think I would forgot my name when my tongue taste... …..... the plump of overload chocolate on top!... by the what was I thinking I think I should focused on my problem about may identity well if my strict parents will know they will die in heart attack because I was missing. Hayts.... Why should I think? Should I? Hahaha there's nothing to be afraid of I have my twin robot no one will know. Anyway I think I should go back to our mansion to check the robot by the way I have the codes of all the CCTV I think I can hacked them duhhh.... What is the use of being a genius when you can't use it. Chinnah is thinking about fun things that happened to her today, but she is still lonely because her brain function very different from others so she decided to be a normal and simple girl even though she has so many talents and skills. When Chinnah finishes her works she go to her hotel room and set up some wires to connect the signal. She hacked it and then she check the robot and its doing great. She think that her plan is a succes. When the midnight passed Chinnah is so sleepy and then she go to bed and think what she will do tomorrow she wanted to go in the amusement park to see the beautiful view of place also she wanted to see the Ocean Park cause she loves aquatics animals.