
My Favorite Fanfics

This is my collection of my favorite fanfics from different websites such as fanfiction, wattpad, spacebattle and etc.

Woaron · อื่นๆ
55 Chs

Ultimate Spiderman

Title: A New Breed by The Story's Shadow


A dark new vigilante is tearing through New York City for an unknown reason. Spidey, Tiger, and the others soon dwell into something they can't understand while trying to uncover the truth, hoping for something that can fix the damn mess. But the essence of the plot is truly something truly sinister and twisted in nature.

Rated: T

Genre: Sci-Fi & Suspense

Words: 85k+

Status: Complete


Chapter 1: Prologue


(Unknown location)

A skinny man in a lab coat is looking through a screen. He's bald, a few gray hairs on the sides of his head. His gloved hands are behind his backs, clutching each other. His large round glasses hide his eyes. The old scientist watches as the test begins. He watched keenly as he heard the sounds of slashing, pounding, smashing, and growling.

'The newly heightened strength is what I was hoping for. Speed and agility are also performing nicely as well.' The man mused in his mind.

He watched as suddenly what looked like a fast moving dark blur rushed across the room on the other side of the screen. The sounds of shots being fired, and flashes of light spread across in the test room.

'Very nice…very nice indeed. This new weapon shall do nicely. I'm glad that came all wrapped up as a present for us.' The man sinisterly chuckled in his mind.

Soon the test ended. The man then picked up a radio comm link.

"Security squad one, take the weapon back to the containment unit." The man said over the radio.

"Understood sir." A voice replied.

The man watched a squad of about a dozen men in black ops-like uniforms with high powered machines guns strapped around their shoulders, and a baton held on their waists by belts. The scientist smiled and walked to another location.

(Unknown location, minutes later)

The scientist walks into another room, the armed men standing around a stasis pod. He looks at the…weapon…in the pod.

"It seems testing is continuing to go better than expected. With the extra additions to the weapon through our resources and special trips to gain them." The scientist chuckled.

"Sir…how much longer are we going to keep it here? We've been testing it since it arrived years ago. When will it be deployed for missions?" The leader of the squad asked.

"There are more test to be done. We've tested its strength, speed, agility, and regenerative capabilities." The scientist answered.

"Of course sir…but the freak who gave the weapon to us might be in your employ…but what did the freak gain from it?" The man grunted.

"You do not need to concern yourself with such matters soldier. All you have to worry about is keeping the weapon here, under my control." The scientist replied.

The scientist started to leave.

"Do not tamper with it." The scientist ordered, then left the room.

The leader of the squad of men glared in the direction the scientist left. He turned to look at the weapon in its pod.

"I really hate this…why just not send it out and slaughter all the freaks? Or at least some of them?" One of the men growled, a fist tightening.

"You know we can't do that." Another trooper hissed.

"But we shouldn't just be here guarding another freak." Another man snarled.

"Maybe we can toy with it? Wake it up and let it know who's in charge." The leader chuckled, sinisterly.

"But…The Professor…he said." One of the men gasped.

"The Professor should know we need to keep this thing in check. How better to do that than by beating the truth into it?" The leader replied.

The men grinned. One of them walked over to the stasis pod's control panel. He moved his gun to sit on his back while he began pushing buttons.

(Within the stasis pod)

'…H-Huh?...*Growls*…What are they going to do this time?' The 'weapon' gasped in 'its' mind.

Outside the stasis pod are a group of men in combat uniform. The tallest of the group approached the pod.

"You receive such good care freak. You must think you're so special." The man growled.

'Hardly.' The 'weapon' thought.

"Show him who's in charge." The leader hissed.

The man at the control panel started pushing some buttons. Soon surges of electric shocks attacked the 'weapon'. It growled in pain as the shocks continued to increase in power. The men outside the pod laughed at the sight. The man at the control panel continued to raise the level of the shocks. All the men continued to laugh so much and so loudly that they didn't hear the danger beeping of the machine. Suddenly the stasis pod suddenly burst open, glass flying everywhere. The all covered their masked faces, then gasped as they quickly raised their weapons. But they saw what they are supposed to guard is lying on the ground, the machines that were locked on it were lying elsewhere. The broken machines still shock the 'weapon' as they were lying in the water. The men cautiously approached what laid before them.

"It's unconscious. Contact the Professor. We need-AAHHH!" The leader ordered then screamed, as he felt a horrific pain.

The men gasped at the sight: their leader on the ground with his throat torn out. The rest of the men screamed as they fired their weapons, but the dark blur that the Professor had been watching earlier rushed through the men. Blood flew as did the screams of the slaughtered men. Suddenly an alarm went off. The dark blur soon rushed out of the room and through the facility. It saw a light and made a beeline for it. More armed squads rushed towards it, but were soon slashed apart with blood flying in the air. Then a piece of the wall was suddenly torn off then throw out. The light of the moon outside shone in the facility and the dark blur quickly rushed outside…into the night. Not long after the Professor with several more armed men approached the scene of carnage. They looked at something in a pool of blood: a footprint.


If you want more chapters, just search for the Title and Author name!