
Chapter 63: Lost and Alone

Adeline POV

The discussion ended, and I still didn’t have permission to go after Zale. It wasn’t that I needed permission per se, it was more that everyone threatened to immediately go after me if I left.

So, I was stuck not being able to go after him, even though I knew that I could help him. It was really frustrating, but there was nothing else that I could do about it.

I went to my room, and stayed there for most of the evening. I didn’t want to sleep, I wasn’t hungry. So while everyone else went to bed, I just went to take a shower. The hot water helped calm my thoughts, though it wasn’t able to take my mind off Zale entirely.

I kept thinking of him out in the dark, alone, terrified. And it just felt so ridiculous, because there was a perfectly good solution to it.